Vue Cinema @ The O2

Hi everyone, I'm new here!

I'm from Chile but I'll be in Europe on holidays during the time This is It is playing. I would like to see it in London, but I was wondering if any of you could help me out, because I can't find any decent website to buy tickets online, and I'm sure it's going to sell out before I'm actually there! Can anyone tell me how I can get tickets? :)
Awesome thanks!!! :D

Do you know why it's not possible to get tickets later than November 5th?
Is it just me that's experiencing extreme slowness on the Vue booking process? Meh.
It works really fast to me! But I can't book the tickets because they're only showing until November 5th, argh!
real slow for me, loading up the page to pay and that
Phew, finally got my tickets for the 28th! I'm both happy and sad, if that makes sense. Gonna need me a serious supply of tissues to mop up my tears when going to see this movie.
Aww aren't we all? *hug*

I think I'll end up getting tickets to see it in Germany, can't wait until later than November 5th :(
got mine..omg imagine if you order online, each page goes really slow and then you accidently close the page jst as you on the paying page!!!!!!! then you go back and it's too slow and when ou finially get somewhere it is sold out..HOW ANOOYING WOULD THAT BE!

I booked by phone and was actually thankful to speak to a robot for once !

I am going 9.30 am gmt..So is that the first performance that is show around the world?
In usa that would be 4.30 am for it's first showing? I am confused
LOL @ the robot comment XD

I thought there some premiere in London that was at 4am? I read that somewhere
This will def not be just 2 weeks...It is another sneaky attempt by aeg/sony tomake as much money as poss by implying it will be a 2 week thing...

They will then say that due to popular demand they will now increease showings JUST LIKE AEG DID WITH THE SHOWS FROM 10 -50

I BET THAT WILL HAPPEN!! OMG ...2 WEEKS? COME ON...THEY ARE MONEY MAKING DEVILS...THIS WILL BE A FILM THAT WILL LAST FOR MONTH/2MONTHS...Such a aful ploy but i have seen tese things before, they want everthing sold out and then they swoop in for the kill...Just like the tickets for the concert itself

So we got ticket/money scam....The 'new album' that will just be a re release of old albums and songs ( even the 'new' song is an old one? and now the increase of the 2 weeks

I am telling you , this is all intentional by aeg/sony to kick people in the teeth and say 'haha you will never catch us and we will pull these blatant corrupt schemes and we won't get caught..It is like they are making it as obvious as possible knowing that they will till get all the money and none of the blame...

People need to see the truth
This will def not be just 2 weeks...It is another sneaky attempt by aeg/sony tomake as much money as poss by implying it will be a 2 week thing...

I agree completely. I'm incredibly resentful at the way they've marketed the selling of tickets. Considering how so many fans, myself included, are still grieving, I've found this tactic a little insensitive. And yet, here I am at the stroke of midnight, buying tickets. Damn them, and damn myself for knowing it and falling right into it.
yesss ..this 2 week thing lik the 10 days is DIRECTLY TARGETED AT MJ FANS..THEREFORE THOE MJ FANS ALL GOTO GET THE TICKETS STRAIGHT AWAY...bam..sold out,10 nights ...sold out...these two weeks..sold out...90-98 PERCENT is bought by mj fans...that then leaves the rest...a big majority of music lovers, everyday people etc...A big target..So the increase the weeks for them ..'to cater for everyone' needs' hahah that is how they will play it and people will lap it up and say '' ooo aeg are so nice to do this''

In reality this is a plan they have hatched long before...pssssh...This world