Vote Michael as world's most popular musician-->2nd *UPDATE* MJ is #1!! Woo-hoo! Keep voting!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I got this link from an MJ youtube friend and thought it was interesting.

People vote for their favorite musicans and the rankings are based by country and by world popularity.

Michael is first in the United States with 20,536 votes and Elvis comes in second with 2,517 votes. LOL!

Michael is 4th in the world with 20,536 votes. I don't even know who the top 3 are.

World Ranking (Musicans)

1. Michael Jackson 47450
2. Kathem Al Saher 47201
3. Reza Sharjarian 36331
4. Amr Diab 30442

You can vote here. You don't even have to sign up!
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Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Yeah, who are those :wtf:
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

I voted:wub:
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Just voted
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

I have often thought this:
Michael hadnt made anything for 8 years and he's STILL the most popular
musician in the world. Surely We're not the only ones who know this.

Michael is 4th in the world with 20,536 votes. I don't even know how the top 3 are.

World Ranking (Musicans)

1. Kathem Al Saher 34881
2. Reza Shajarian 29458
3. Amr Diab 28244
4. {Michael Jackson} 20536

By process of elimination since I've never heard of the first 3,
puts MJ at #1 anywayz! Ha!
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

voted :yes:
It's been a long while but and I've finally reached a 1000 post :D
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

voted :yes:
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Who are the first 3?????? :scratch:
Voted!!! :)
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Voted for Michael :)
I think there was earlier a thread about this too, kind of remember how weird it was to see people you never heard of ahead of Michael. Well, whoever they may be, they must have some hardcore voters :D
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Who are the first 3?????? :scratch:
Voted!!! :)

There is no end or winner it is on going ..
The website seems to be dominated by the middle east

1. Kathem Al Saher
born September 12, 1957) , is an Iraqi singer, composer, and poet.
He has been dubbed as the "Emperor of Arab Music

2. Mohammad-Reza Shajarian
born September 23, 1940 in Mashhad, Iran) is an internationally and
critically acclaimed Persian traditional singer. He has been called
Iran's greatest living master of traditional Persian music

3. Amr Diab
born October 11, 1961 is an Egyptian singer and composer of jeel music;
the contemporary face of Egyptian al-jeel pop music
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Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

That site is strange.. I tried to Vote.
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

the results are really strange.

I voted.
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

voted :)
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Never heard og those three! Doesn't person with title "the most popular" need to be known to everyone? I saw many people here didn't know who they are too so.. :p
Voted of course :)
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Obviously not the most reliable poll considering those who are leading.. voted anyway.

Voted for Michael :)
I think there was earlier a thread about this too, kind of remember how weird it was to see people you never heard of ahead of Michael. Well, whoever they may be, they must have some hardcore voters :D
I thought this sounded familiar too.
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

Voted :)
Re: Vote Michael as world's most popular musician- 4th place right now

voted :)