VOTE: Larry King Live 25th Anniversary


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Larry King Live 25th anniversary is coming up and he is holding a sweepstakes to see what was the top 5 moments in Larry King Live history.

and MJ's death is one of them.

Based on 12,041 votes, MJ is currently at #3. Behind 9/11 and Obama's inauguration.

Lets vote for Michael:

Sorry I didn't post this earlier, but here is the video from when MJ was voted #3
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I don't know if voting for Mj's the best thing to do here. 3000 people were murdered by the US government on 9/11.
I don't know if voting for Mj's the best thing to do here. 3000 people were murdered by the US government on 9/11.

Question is best Larry King moment, not which event is bigger or more significant. Thousands more people die all the time all over the world in larger-scale tragedies too and they aren't mentioned here.
I voted for the top 5...and MJ is definitely among them.
Vote for odd ball things rather then what's in the top 5 because it also reflects the voting and what position they come in at.
I want to vote for mj and 9/11, but I really don't want to vote for anyting, but I think I will vote for 9/11
Don't be too quick to put them above MJ in terms of impact amoung the internet community.

Remember the internet literally crashed the day MJ died. That didn't happen for either 9/11 or Obama. The amount of hits MJ got on Google, Yahoo, Faceboo, CNN, and many more sites was WAY more than 9/11 or Obama. And thats comming from the sites themselves.

Google closed for like 40 min. because they felt they were under attack from people typing in Michael Jackson.

So don't be too quick to count MJ out.
You have to remember the internet wasn't as big in 2001 as it is now. All the events mentioned stopped the world but Michael's passing literally crashed the net. I couldn't even get on MSN because of it, everything crashed.
You have to remember the internet wasn't as big in 2001 as it is now. All the events mentioned stopped the world but Michael's passing literally crashed the net. I couldn't even get on MSN because of it, everything crashed.

Mj's death stopped the world as well though.
I had to choose 9/11 as #1 and Michael Jackson's death as #2. As much as his death affected me, saddened me and tore me apart...9/11 had much more of an impact for me, personally speaking.
MJ's death had way more impact to me then 911. And your not reading the poll, it's not asking what event impacted you more it's what Larry King coverage was the best. I remember Larry King had MJ episodes for a month straight! They were lasting into August!
MJ's death had way more impact to me then 911. And your not reading the poll, it's not asking what event impacted you more it's what Larry King coverage was the best. I remember Larry King had MJ episodes for a month straight! They were lasting into August!

MJ's death had way more impact to me then 911. And your not reading the poll, it's not asking what event impacted you more it's what Larry King coverage was the best. I remember Larry King had MJ episodes for a month straight! They were lasting into August!

Exactly, in Slovakia 9/11 had almost no impact on our life and me.
It was a sad tragedy, but means nothing for me... as well as Obama´s inauguration ... just another president, ok, the first African-American president but no impact to me.

But Michael..., it was something I had never experienced in my life...
I'm not going to vote for this bullish it's wrong to me but Michael's passing defintely made the world stop and look to Los Angeles. That was big, way bigger when 9/11 happened I happened to be in NYC so I know. People in many countries didn't give an ish about 9/11, but all of them stopped whatever they were doing when the news made it's rounds on that particular Thursday of June 25, 2009

As for the internet being big in 2001, of course it was big it was everywhere I remember I was a child then but everyone I knew had internet at hope it's not like 9/11 happened in 1986 like someone said
People in many countries didn't give an ish about 9/11,

And that is a travesty. How can human beings not care when thousands of innocent people are senselessly killed? Whether it's in your own country or another? Unbelievable.

It really upsets me to see what happened on 9/11 being diminished this way.