Vindication !! 3rd Anniversary, How Did We Spend It ...

^^ lol i know i cant count how many times during the stream people said "GOLD PANTS! :w00t:

:D Nice shiny tight Gold pants

It was Lots of fun watching MJ videos , chattin and getting crazy

Oh we had great time - The Youtube Celebration was a great success
and we even made a video of all the youtube channels that participated
in decorating for Vindication day .. there were many more but we just
put the fans who messaged us before the deadline date for the video

Here is our Meet The Family Channel where we sponsor different fan events

Here was our Vindication Celebration invitation
Whooooooooo Whoooooooo Victory PARTY

Here is a video of the channels Decorated for Vindication Day
Meet the Family_ Vindication Day _ June 13
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I always seem to do my celebration at least a week before the anniversary date. I watch TSCM's documentary. I make sure it is on loud so my neighbours can hear. I watch MJ videos. Most of all I always give a quiet, heart-felt "thank you" to the higher power for seeing Michael through that horrendous time.

This year I followed the same pattern and on the actual day I just spent it in quiet reflection. I could not find my cd player to blast MJ music. *sigh*