Vindication !! 3rd Anniversary, How Did We Spend It ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello Everyone !!

Today/yesterday was a day that Michael Jackson Fans will be celebrating for a long time. One that, any Michael Jackson Fan holds much appreciation for. It is a day many of us waited to see, for over a decade. Several of us actually became fans, as a result of the events, that lead up to Michaels Vindication. Had that infamous 'interview', the allegations, trial, CourtTV Docu-show and media circus that followed never happened ... some of the newer/younger fans, might not have been affected by Michael. For those Fans, the ordeal Michael Jackson was subjected to, served as their introduction to the man and his artistry. Even through his tribulations and torture, he managed to reach out to countless potential fans. In that aspect, I guess the saying "there is no bad publicity", is true. While it could be argued, quite successfully, that no publicity is worth what the man had to endure ... the point is, something good resulted in those people being reached.

On a day that celebrates his victory, it would seem logical we would all choose to be around other fans. Or make a point to at least, stop by our regular MJ sites to give a shout out to our fellow fans. Some of us may have been a little more moved by what the day signifys and planned get togethers. One other anniversary I remember all of us making a point to go to buy another copy of our favorite MJ CD. Another time, the plan was to wear Michael Jackson garb for the day, regardless of company dress codes or normal attire.

Anyone want to share what they did to mark this occassion ?? You dont have to be a blabber mouth like my corny, mushy azz but I would love to hear the positive aspect that today held for everyone else !!

Anyone got something to share ??
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Today, I spent the day with my family. Michael Jackson is a special part of all my children's lives. Regardless of current issues we have been dealing with as a family unit(UNIT being a shaky term at the moment), each of them made a choice, to use today as a catalyst for positive growth. It was the the two youngest that started it all. It was their school field day and I was all set to be there and help with the class trip and activities. Leaving any MJ related festivities for later in the day. The boys had a completely different plan. Awakening to their cheery voices, 'Chichi, Chichi, wake up Chichi ... it's Vicnatation day !! Or whatever odd pronunciation they used. Having not gone to sleep when I planned to, I did not want to get up ... AT ALL. They continued with the cheer and pleasant pleading and eventually I opened my eyes. There they were, bright eyed, hair done, teeths brushed and dressed. Both of them sporting an MJ shirt and trucker cap. **sigh** sometimes, kids are simply FABULOUS ... Note: I said sometimes ;) I have to make sure I don't make the same mistakes with these two, that I am coming to realize I made with the first two. But even the older ones have their moments that still make me smile ... NOTE: I said Moments

After several giggles, laughs and silly comments, I got myself ready and was lead to the spare room, which serves as a holding place for the Michael Jackson LPs, singles, CDs & other Goodies. It is the MJ collection room and it is a dust bowl. Usually I get to clean it ... not usually, I clean it. When we get there, the two older kids are standing in the middle of the room and it is CLEAN !! Yes, the shock nearly caused me to fall over on the Twins, who had been shoving me down the hallway. It was very simple gesture but given the older kids current disfunctional/rebellious behaviour ... it was much more of a peace offerring. Needless to say, I was impressed. They thought of something other than themselves. It was in them, to recognize what this day meant. It was not about them, it was about something that has always been an intrical part of their life. They chose to honor, what all those MJ objects signify to them, to me and to the one that originally collected them all. The small gesture was a big thing for me, they earned major points today.

After exchanging thank yous and sorrys, along with I love yous... it was time to get the twins to school for the field day trip. They had a blast with their school buddies, I met a cute guard at the museum. First we enjoyed a nice sunny day at the field day games. Then we got rained on at the amusement park, everyone ate too much crud and we came home a bit more tan than we where this morning.

Arriving home completely exhausted, I was not looking forward to feeding the family. But those pleasant children that cleaned up when I was not looking ... they also managed to fire up the grill and prepare a picnic by the pool. It was waiting for the boys and I, when we finally made our way out back.

Those lil s.hits actually went to the grocery store and bought food !! :eek:hmy:" smilieid="551" class="inlineimg" /> EVERYDAY needs to be Vinamacation day :lol: The rest of the day was dedicated to working for a better family unit. We laughed and shared memories. There were more tears as well but it was a positive day all around. And I have Michael Jackson to thank for this wonderful day **I already thanked the kids** Even his pain is a gift :wub:

OK, this was not meant to be this long. My apologies, I had to share this very special day with my MJ family.

So now, the reason I started the post ... anyone want to share what they did to mark this occassion ?? You dont have to be a blabber mouth like my corny, mushy azz but I would love to hear the positive aspect that today held for everyone else !!
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I spent it watching MJ's videos and celebrating.
I wore 1 of my mj shirts. played the musics alll day watched the dvds all of em did a myspace bulletin remenisced with sum friends and family. and went 2 wrk lol
lol I spent the 13th June (Friday the 13th) having a driving test! I booked it for that date especially, cos I thought I'd be in a really good mood and happy as i remember what the day means to me..

Of course, I passed lol (after failing loads of times)
Well i wore MJ T-shirt and a cut glove (like in the BAD Video) ppl. asked me why i was wearing it and Me, as A Fan,:yes: Was Glad to tell them what the day was and why it was soooooooooo important. I texted every1 in my cell phone Saying Quote:"MICHAEL JACKSON VINDICATION JUNE 13 2005"..some actually asked me what "VINDICATION" yah that was Yesterday. and today i'ma wear my MJ T-shirt and stay in the house watching all MJ DVD's!!! Ya heard!!! lol eventhough i have 2 Exams waiting 4 me on Monday, and i have to study, i'll still remember
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ChiChi that was a lovely way to celebrate vindication day and it looks like you had a great time :).

For me it was a much quieter day. I wore my 'Innocent' T.Shirt to work lol and was pleasanly surprised at the amount of people who responded to it in the street, even a group of teenagers started singing 'Thriller' and that caused a couple of shoppers to stare so I laughed and pointed to the 13-6-05 thats printed above innocent, some carried on walking but a few clapped and shouted woohoo. If I got a few to remember then it was all worth it. In the evening I went shopping with my sister and I wore my MJ sweat shirt, she stared hard at me when I got in the car so I smiled and said "it's the 13th" ' I can see that' she snapped it's about time you grew up!! :rofl: that made my day...she always makes me laugh.
I spent most part of the day praying, meditating and thanking God for blessing Michael and all of us:flowers:! Then I visited here, some other Fanclub sites and Jetzi's site and watched scores and scores of Michael videos:jump:! And ofcourse I had a treat of sweets:)

And like I already said in another post-
Michael is a blessing to the world and an inspiration to us in so many beautiful ways! Most inspiring is his indomitable courage, strength and integrity with which he has faced the hardest of times and emerged VICTORIOUS- stronger, smarter, more powerful, capable and blessed than ever before

Michael's victories are a testament to his unflichibg faith, honesty and goodness, his never-give-up attitude and positivity and we are so proud to be his loving, dedicated, loyal fans and his powerful Army of Love

May Michael's light shine brighter than ever ! I'm sure very soon all people of the world will be able to see his Light and will love, honour and abmire both Michael Jackson the amazingly talented artist and Michael Jackson the truly wonderful human being and regard him as a beautiful gift from God to the world

Thankyou Michael for everything...
We love, respect and bless you forever

Keep Michaeling everyone!!!

The future of Michael Jackson and the devoted Michael Jackson Fan Community is definitely GLORIOUS
!!! So rejoice
I had 3 fillings and a root canal done at the dentist. Owwies. But then I listened to Thriller 25 and watched some Vindication Youtube vids. I wasn't feeling the best after the dentist, so I didn't do too much, especially when work called and gave me a duty for the next morning, starting at 4:40AM! So I had an early night, then got up at 2:45AM on the morning of 14/6.

ChiChi, look at you girl finding the cute guard at the museum! ;p I loved every bit of your story, and your kids should be very proud of themselves for lookin after you that day. It made me smile soo much! Thanks a billion for sharing!
OMG! I didn't even realise the second thing I did was on vindication day!

I usually don't celebrate this, I was such a mess in 2005, and the trial really upset me, so it's not something I like to remember much.

Firstly we added a banner to our site in celebration.

Secondly, unintentionally, I wore a Bad Tour t-shirt (an original 1987 one from Australia). I rarely wear it because I want to keep it in pristine condition. I guess I wanted to mark the day by showing everyone my love fo' Mike as I walked around the shopping centre! :lol:

EDIT: and what a beautiful day for you Chichi! :wub:
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That's really a beautiful way to spend your way Chi! My day was spent.... getting in a fight with someone on this forum :(
I forgot to wear my new Mj t-shirt (goshdarnit), but I looked at some old photographs of him and stuff, listened to some of his music, and just thought back on everything that happened those years ago.
I was at work...
but I remembered the special moments..
and the best tune ever.... the tune of Michael's freedom...

'....we the jury in the above entitled case found the defendant NOT GUILTY....'
for 14 counts in the row...
I still remember the voice of the woman...

isn't the sweetest song ever??????

as I've said
God is GOOD
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aww Chichi
ur children seem to be such lovely kids! :p

I only put on my MJ shirt, listened to some songs, put on a powerful sentence about it on msn and my boyf and 2 friends of his came over and we had mc donald's burguers, and they were really sweet wanting to know more about Michael and not going against what I said about him! :p (which is new for me, I only meet haters! :( ) even my boyf defended him, that was cute! ^^
so overall it was a nice day! :)
U know, I did not do too much to be honest..

The last 2 years I watched the verdict and other MJ footage.. BUT this year I was thinking..

MICHAEL would not be reliving that moment.. Though it was a historic moment.. WHY take him back to a place he should not have been in the first place...

Celibrate the vindication is good, but I did not want to take the time to re-live the trial.

Celibrate his freedom, what he is able to do because of it, and just LIFE...

We take too much for granted.. The VINDICATION is a reminder to LIVE life..
took care of the baby, had lunch w/ my mom, was in thebank when i heard the r(ah) damn verdict then found out about russert, went shopping and bought z some jordan outfits....then i took thebest damn shower ever!

a far cry from being sloppy drunk at mavericks and having to be carried out by my cousin!
Chichi, sounds like your boys made your day! :)
The Vindication was on my mind all week leading up to the 13th. I reminisced what I did on that very day, where I was and remembering the verdict being read. I was so damn happy for Michael, I was yelling all through the house...I know my neighbors thought I must be but I really didn't care...I was in my own world praying that all would turn out well for Michael and it did.
Physically it was no different to any other day for me. Mentally, I was aware of it all day. I reminded the people closest to me about it and that it's a happy day. At night I watched some of the Vindication videos prepared by the fans.
there was a stream party type thing on youtube with meetthefamily, it was great fun, we watched MJ vids all day and chatted about him and his gold pants :D lol