VIDEOS -Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland DVD Release - Interview / Preview

Thankyou for all that, mnj. :hug:
I will definitely get this DVD somehow. In your opinion, overall, do you think this DVD is revealing/well-done enough to shoot down anything any haters might say?

I guess so. It depends on what people are saying---Larry did not go into every single detail in this case--otherwise, it would probably been as long as "The Jacksons: An American Dream." :wink:
Their imagination is amazing. They create all these creepy scenarios and talk about the tactics a pedophile would use and how they'd plan. All these disgusting things that wouldn't cross Michael's mind, yet ironically, the haters are the ones coming up with all these dirty schemes. Makes you wonder who the real creeps are. Hmm....

That is exactly what I think. I find it disturbing that the only motivation some people can think of for wanting to spend time with children is sexual.
For those of you having trouble ordering because it says "out of stock," Larry explained that he's been suspended from Amazon at the moment because of the delay in the DVDs being sent out (when he was updating the ending with memorial footage). No idea on when he will be able to resume sending them out.

I think he already started because he just sent me my DVD. You may contact him directly.
Well I'm not such a "die hard" MJ fan. I just really enjoy his music and performances. I was never interested in his private life, but since he died I decided to really do some research about him.

When it comes to the molestation charges, personally I don't have my own opinion yet. I do have a few theories (some of them confirms that he did it, but still they portray him rather positive), but I won't be speculating nom because I haven't seen this documentary yet. And I think that I should read Randy's Taraborrelli's book when it will be updated. It comes out sometime in August.

But what I wanted to write here about is the alarm topic. First of all, I would be gratefull if someone could supply me with one info, where exactly where those alarms settled? I mean, like, they were protecting the entrance to bedroom, office or maybe the whole floor? I didn't find that info anywhere. But as far as I'm concerned it was somewhere near those rooms right?

So my personal feelings about alarm system are quite positive, because I saw a few minutes of footage showing the police raid, and in MJ's private rooms there were some safes containing documents (probably court documents, or copyright, or docs about owning the land, or whatever that was important) and camera with some cassettes (I don't know what was on them, but I suppose that those could be lawyer interviews form 1993 case) and what brought my attention were the private family movies(I don't remember if they were in safes, I think they were on some shelves), which I think were containing some footage(that some of which, sadly we can see now on youtube- MJ wouldn't want that) of his little kids. Those were moments that Michael was not going to share with the world. Everybody knew that, so they were definitely worth some money.
He could easily been robbed even by some random kid or cleaning lady or bodyguard. As we know there were a lot of people hired and visiting at Neverland. So that's one reason for settin up the alarms.

Second is much the same but it cocerns jewelery and money that he kept in hidden places in his home(probably uder the bedroom floor or somewhere like that), and it wasn't like 5 thousands. God, it was 2 milion bucks, hidden around the house, who wouldn't try to find it? (if you belive the Jackson family those things were stolen after his death anyway, so it just prooves how loyal Michael's co-workers were). I wouldn't trust people around me, I would set the alarms, for sure.

He worked hard for his money, why would he give someone a chance to steal them. Yeah, he gave much of his money away to charities, that's noble, but I just don't get the point of throwing so much of them away on those e-bay sh*ts that he did not need, his house was so big and yet so cluttered. I know, he earned it, he could spend it. But he HAD financial troubles! He didn't pay his empoyees and taxes(he should have had someone to take care about that, some accountant, he had enough on his mind, already, if, I were him I would have hired somebody for that). And also I'm pretty sure he helped his family financially, a LOT. Who wouldn't. The problem is, that MJ's family was REALLY big and REALLY needy(or greedy, well not all of them, but some of them waited for BIG support). I'm sure, because I have quite large family myself(not that close family, I have only one brother, but I also have very close cousins: 4 females and 5 males, which gives me : 7 nephews and 4 nieces xD yep, I'm an old auntie and I'm only 19 :D:D:D).

So in my opinion alarms were a very reasonable choice, maybe one of the best that MJ ever made.

Ps. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to discuss these subjects, I'm new here and I've seen comments on alarms, so I just wanted to make my point :D
Ps2. I had a problem with ordering a DVD too, but I hope that it will be available in the net soon. If I will like it, I will buy it later, when it will be available in Poland, for sure(if Mr. Nimmer will do as he promised, and give 10% of profits to some MJ's charity organisations).
Ps3. I'm sorry thaat this post is so long :( please, forgive me.
And I'm also sorry if my English sucks. I don't use it very often.
And btw nice to meet you people.
My Polish name is Katarzyna, which is simply Catherine in English, but I use shortcut Kasia(=Kate), so you can call me Kate :D:D:D
So, um Hi ;)
When it comes to the molestation charges, personally I don't have my own opinion yet. I do have a few theories (some of them confirms that he did it, but still they portray him rather positive), but I won't be speculating nom because I haven't seen this documentary yet. And I think that I should read Randy's Taraborrelli's book when it will be updated. It comes out sometime in August.

WHAT!!!! Could you explain yourself!!!
I still so badly want this dvd

I wish it was offically sold in stores :(
Any theory that comes up with MJ being guilty is dumb as hell. No offense, but i say...research more, MUCH more. The evidence is right there, about the first family
and how they were only seeking for money...WATCH this video.

Read Aphrodite Jones' book called "The Michael Jackson conspiracy" .

READ this.

READ this and all the links there too.

ESPECIALLY read this

That is research.
WHAT!!!! Could you explain yourself!!!

Well as I said they are just theories, because we don't really know what happened. It's not like I belive them 100%, they just seem reasonable. But it doesn't mean that I'm accusing him or something.
I'm just tying to look into this case from every possible site, and as we all know one of them is saying "he did it". I'm trying to be as objective as possible, so I can understand the attitude of haters and fans of MJ.
I don't want to explain all theories now because they are not finished. I didn't read and see every documentary/book/document and article that will be useful for making my own "as researched as possible" opinion. I'm somewhere in the midle of my work.
I promise, that when it will be finished I'll post it, and make link to my sources, or scans, or anything that will be necessary to prove my point of view.
I hope that I explained myself clearly, if not here I go again :
I do not think he is guilty and I do not think he is innocent. There are too many things to see and read before making my own mind at THAT MOMENT. So yeah, I need a couple more weeks. I'd like to know "everything" possible :D

Ps. My mom even helps me! And the more she's into the case the more she's convinced that he was innocent. So don't worry, I'm not the hater. I have a great respect for MJ's work, but I got interested with his private life quite recently(bout 3 days before he died), so please don't jugde my (still) non-judgemental attitude xD OMG that so souds ridiculous...
Ok but also read everything i posted above's alot. But those are great reads.

Another question about something else...where can i find this book by Geraldine Hughes? Is it completely about the 93 accuser?
Thansk for the links Staffordshire Bullterrier, now I'm reading all court documents from The Smoking Gun and searching for some good biographic books. I know I'll pass Ian's because he's sources are as reliable as sources of tabloids(read: emali sent by 13lod kid with great imagination and poor sense of humor) :D. For sure I want to find the one you mentioned and the one made by Taraborrelli, because he and Michael actually knew and liked each other,they had some argue, but Randy said in an interview that they forgave each other and that he wants to make his book about Michael in the most honest way :)
(the book itself is old, it was once updated after Arvizo's charges, and now in August it will be "completed" to 2009).
It kind of makes me angry when I talk to people about their opinions of MJ and they accuse him of everything: from lying on vitiligo to molesting boys or even raping them.
I mean I am definitwly not a person, who likes to make "word battles" with anyone, and i generally respect other people's opinions, but they HAVE to be based on some facts(sources at least).
And I don't really blame those people for having such a bad opinion on Jackson, because they are not his fans and they really don't have to read all reliable biographic books written about him.
BUT I'm terribly dissapointed and even a little mad at tabloids and online services.Ok, if they want to post some cr*p then post it, but they should realise that people who read it will later refer to their site as "source" -.-, so maybe form time to time tabs and those sites would ACTUALLY make some article where they refer to some facts from official biographic books.
I mean, it's not that hard, right?
And especially in MJ's case, it's like everybody pretends that those books never existed. It's really hard to find them somewhere else than
Why i am trying to say is..i can't possibly think of ANY reason to believe MJ commited these crimes because look at the families. Both families have been exposed BIGTIME.
From the audio recording of Jordan Chandler's father to the fact that a grand jury never
saw a good reason to charge MJ. Cause remember..even when MJ's insurance company settled the case(NOT MJ as the media always wants people to believe..but his INSURANCE COMPANY, BEYOND MJ'S CONTROL) they still could have done alot. But the Chandler's decided to simply let it be and accept that money. There's just so much it's pretty damn obvious MJ never did anything to that piece of shit.

And the same goes for the second up on everything, how can anyone even doubt MJ anymore after reading that? Really...that is beyond me!!!!!
Well as I said they are just theories, because we don't really know what happened. It's not like I belive them 100%, they just seem reasonable. But it doesn't mean that I'm accusing him or something.
I'm just tying to look into this case from every possible site, and as we all know one of them is saying "he did it". I'm trying to be as objective as possible, so I can understand the attitude of haters and fans of MJ.
I don't want to explain all theories now because they are not finished. I didn't read and see every documentary/book/document and article that will be useful for making my own "as researched as possible" opinion. I'm somewhere in the midle of my work.
I promise, that when it will be finished I'll post it, and make link to my sources, or scans, or anything that will be necessary to prove my point of view.
I hope that I explained myself clearly, if not here I go again :
I do not think he is guilty and I do not think he is innocent. There are too many things to see and read before making my own mind at THAT MOMENT. So yeah, I need a couple more weeks. I'd like to know "everything" possible :D

Ps. My mom even helps me! And the more she's into the case the more she's convinced that he was innocent. So don't worry, I'm not the hater. I have a great respect for MJ's work, but I got interested with his private life quite recently(bout 3 days before he died), so please don't jugde my (still) non-judgemental attitude xD OMG that so souds ridiculous...

I also didn't believe one or the other at first. I did my research very thoroughly and it convinced me 100% that he was innocent. I needed to do that for myself, so as not to believe what everyone else was saying, but to stand my own ground and make up my own mind. I did that and now I can feel proud to call myself his fan. It's insane how the media reporting of this case was SO tilted, you had no choice but to suspect him, but with all the material that is out there, it amazes me to this day that it even went to court. It's absolutely ridiculous.
Anyway, good luck with your research. I hope you come to the same conclusion, although I see no other option really, lol.

It SUCKS that DVDs such as this one and books such as Conspiracy aren't being sold in stores here whereas other crap is.
all part of the agenda when geraldine hughes book came out the publisher of the book said they had never seen anything like it interms of stockist refusing to take the book and put it out on shelves in stores. you tell me why? they said it was unheard of. normally u give them books and thats it they arent bothered but they were actually refusing to take the book. yet had no problem with stocking dimonds etc book. and u tell me there wasnt a conspriracy
Sadly doesn't have it no. Even if it's sold out everywhere...i bet you can find it on any other way.

That MJ case site is amazing, that is exactly the one i read from top to bottom when Michael got accused for the second time...this time by that horrible horrible piece of CRAP called Gavin. After reading all that...i have spent days and days trying to convince people on other forums to see the truth..sadly....lots of people choose the easy way and called me a obsessed MJ stan (referring to Eminem's song)...sad people.
I got it shipped to me today. I've watched it and I must say it is a brilliant documentary. BUY IT rather than download it people!
Any Aussies getting it? Would it be cheaper if we get several delivered together in one go?
I've got mine already :) this is really good. My message to Michael is included in extra section thankss. I feel so sad that Michael couldn't see this copy :(
is there any way someone can upload it? or if they know of a site that u can watch it? coz i tried to download it with bitorent but its taking to long..please someone