[VIDEO] Thriller 25 - the book - official ad

What is the price? It is showing $85.00 shipped to the US from Amazon.Fr? and $54.00 shipped from Amazon.de

Does this sound right?

Definitely not, I think Amazon.co.uk has got much better shipping prices internationally. You should go there, I have been ordering stuff from Amazon UK in the past as well, and had only positive experience.
Definitely not, I think Amazon.co.uk has got much better shipping prices internationally. You should go there, I have been ordering stuff from Amazon UK in the past as well, and had only positive experience.

I placed my order with Amazon UK but it is on back order. It shows in stock at Amazon.fr and Amazon.de is 5-7 days til stocked but the prices are MUCH HIGHER than Amazon.UK. I don't mind waiting.

Thank you so if I order it from Amazon.fr or Amazon.de it comes in ENGLISH? I don't have to order it from Amazon UK, but I just want the newest version the 2009 version, in ENGLISH.

It will ALWAYS come in English. the book is available in English ONLY.

Now fully available at AMAZON.UK


they switch from in stock to out of stock.
UK fans should ask for it there, they have it in stock anyway.
it's sure more than morth the try.
Hi, I finally received the book, but it is the 2008 edition. I ordered from Amazon UK on the 28th. Nothing says 2009.
I've had the 2008 version for some time now. Was kinda disappointed by the quality of a few of the pictures, and thought the way it was written was very sloppy and unprofessional. Was pleased when I heard they were re-releasing an improved version, though obviously Amazon are still working through their old stock.