Video Interview With the "Little Earth Girl" from This Is It

blanket in a dress as someone said on here. always makes me smile!
Ok I feel like I'm going to die from how cute and adorable she a cutie, but when she said Michael was the nicest person she'd met like Corban Bleu or whoever I was like "WTF?!" and I had to rewind it to make sure I had heard her correctly. LOL. She's adorable.
Jasmine is so cute! :wub: I loved her from the moment I saw her in the movie.
"That experience was wow". (~0:22) :hysterical:
Awww bless her she's so cute! I love how she always said 'Michael Jackson is the nicest person ever.' She never said Michael was, she always said Michael is.
Aww! She's so adorable. Thanks for posting.
she is too cute glad we got info on her i liked her in the movie.
interviewer: "is there anything you would like to talk about yourself?"

little girl: "yes, i want to talk about how nice michael jackson was."

yes, he is so's crazy!!!

The cutest girl ever. Adorable...
thanks for posting....this kid is adorable...and this is why Michael loved the innocence of children.....She didn't like him because he was Michael Jackson...she liked him because he was nice.....the world needs to learn something from her..
blanket in a dress as someone said on here. always makes me smile!

She does look like Blanket...especially in the one pic they showed where her hair was straighter.

Adorable and sweet little girl! I loved her little Killer Whale t-shirt in the film and her little purple band-aid at the end when she's hugging the world. Too cute! Thanks for posting. :flowers:
thanks for posting....this kid is adorable...and this is why Michael loved the innocence of children.....She didn't like him because he was Michael Jackson...she liked him because he was nice.....the world needs to learn something from her..

Exactly. And only if the stupid people of such a vast number on this planet would pay more attention to this kind of stuff, clips, interviews, stories that show how NORMAL Michael was... People would stop being stupid so much!

BTW, check this out...
So cute... And isn't it funny how kids just sum things up so perfectly? We all struggle to find the right words and they just say it exactly how it is - they should be teaching us.
So cute... And isn't it funny how kids just sum things up so perfectly? We all struggle to find the right words and they just say it exactly how it is - they should be teaching us.

exactly. as Michael said, the adults have let the world down. It's all up to the children.
interviewer: "is there anything you would like to talk about yourself?"

little girl: "yes, i want to talk about how nice michael jackson was."

yes, he is so's crazy!!!

That part was so sweet. What a cutie!
She's such a cutie. Thank you for posting. "he was so nice... like Corbin Bleu" :lol:
So cute... And isn't it funny how kids just sum things up so perfectly? We all struggle to find the right words and they just say it exactly how it is - they should be teaching us.

So true! I was wondering what she was going to say...and it was just so simple, innocent and honest, it made my heart melt. Especially when the interviewer asked her if there was anything she wanted to add...I expected her to say 'no' but she just said how Michael was the nicest person she'd met! Now why doesn't the media put that on every news station?

exactly. as Michael said, the adults have let the world down. It's all up to the children.

Yes adults have let the world down... :no: