VH1 is not your friend!

Basically people judging someone they've never met let alone even know. Cus it's so easy to judge from afar. People who are afraid of what they don't understand.
Basically people judging someone they've never met let alone even know. Cus it's so easy to judge from afar. People who are afraid of what they don't understand.

yep that is true, especially when it comes to michael
we all do that, I'm sure every person here has done that about somebody. We all have opinions on world leaders don't we? Heck we've all done it about Michael as well. Hell I can say Micahel sincerely cares about people, without having met him, based on knowledge that a person can get from research or from just knowing about all the charitable things he has done. I'm sure most people here have come to the same judgement on that front, even though they have never met him.

so it is possible to get somewhat of a descent idea about a person without having met them, and I'm sure based on that, you guys can agree.

Honestly I wish people would have been more openmind and got michael help when he was a lot younger. but like I said people dont know how to act around celebrities. every time somebody met him their jaw just fell to the floor, and it's kind of impossible for anybody to help him in that situation, even a therapist would have been awestruck. I'm sure my jaw would be on the floor too, so I too am guilty of it, but it's still true.

That is kind of what sucks about the way celebrities are treated. It's really easy for them to surround themselves with "yes" people who just indulge their every moment and never tell them what they need to hear. It hurts them, but it's hard to blame those people, because like I said, I'd probably do the same thing if I met him.

Needless to say the life of fame has not been kind to MIchael, and that's kind of ironic considering he's the biggest star of all time. But even he said he didn't want his kids to go into show business, because he's lived it. He understands how it can effect you as a person.

Gotta give him credit for not taking the billy Ray Cyrus route, and getting his kids involved in that at such a young age. You already know MIley Cyrus is gonna end up just like Lohan and Spears.

All we can do is hope for the best though. I think Michael is at a stage though where he is ready to change for his own good. I think he's probably been working on it the last few years. He probably is getting help. And really nobody can name even one crazy thing he's done in rescent years.

that whole thing that with him dancing on the van at the courthouse was overblown. He wasn't even dancing for one thing, and really it didn't seem crazy at all to me. that was just media hype. I really don't think he's done anything crazy at all in rescent years.

I wish him the best of luck. All we can do is hope for the best. I think he probably is making good changes and focusing on raising his kids.
i stopped watching shows like that a long time ago. who's to decide who's weird and who's normal? what's normal? what's odd?

no one in hollyweird is 'normal' by our standards but it's the kiss asses who prevail in the media. just like justin over janet...it's the darling that wins no matter who's at fault
yeah that often does happen. although I thought the media was mostly defending janet, and telling people they needed to get over it.
And then have the nerve to try to make friends of his or whatever to acknowledge that he has a "problem" all from hosts or whoever who've never met him or even know him. For over 20 years journalists etc. have always seem to think they are so-called "experts" on his state of mind on no matter where he goes, what he does or whats he says. I have to say though akon has been doing a good job at defending michael like he did here which I think was his finest moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DQzxqXBK4k&fmt=18 And kinda struggled a little here scroll to 2:53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ0z242Hxrc&fmt=18
Then, they are number one crazy channel.
What's the point of the meaningless countdown things?

I have a friend spends night times watching VH1 channels. She doesn't believe the gossips and bull s***ts are all real, though.
I think there's a possibility someone just enjoys that kind of show to laugh or to kill time.
One day, I finally told her that I'm a big of MJ and she was like "Whatever they say, come on, it's Michael Jackson! That's it!"
I hope ppl watching that useless show has a life and their own values.
Ever since they made that movie with the Grey Goofy Michael Jackson:bugeyed they have not been a friend! lol! they used to be up hit butt back in the day and when MJ tours and get's great reviews they betta stay away!
I just with the media would have covered the sucess of the ticket sales for "This is it." That should have gotten more coverage to remind people of why we pay attention to him in the first place.
doesn'tmj own shares in viacom that owns mtv etc?
He should. Hell during the 80's Mtv basically stood for Michael tv. He basically kept that station afloat and as soon as his career went down, that is when mtv had to make up for it with all those reality shows because it was no longer capable of being a primarily music channel anymore.
He should. Hell during the 80's Mtv basically stood for Michael tv. He basically kept that station afloat and as soon as his career went down, that is when mtv had to make up for it with all those reality shows because it was no longer capable of being a primarily music channel anymore.

Uh oh..got me wrong...:agree:

When I say stay away I mean in regards to all those wacked out interviews with people who claim to know MJ, The stupid movies, and all that stuff. I should have clarified that a lil more. As far as them playing video's I'm sure they will. But MTV and VH1 only play video's now in the mornings right? lol. All I see is reality show. So I'm sure he will get spins on the premium video channels..I'm hoping for more radio air play and regular TV world video premiers. Who knows..maybe they will start playing video's again after all this. I just don't want people to be all up his butt when he returns and then try to stomp on him again:no:. Be one way or the other... No matter what..Mike gonna throw down and people will see that..no matter what:D
Okies..Dancemaster..just skimmed your article the first time cause at work..but basically I said the same thing as your reply to me in my post back to you..lol