VH1 is not your friend!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why? Because they just aired the top 10 craziest stars and of course MJ was number one. Let this not excite us that much, just so we can know that VH1 officially sucks! Cheers and f##k those azzholes ! :punk:
well if by their criteria original, successful, unique, invincible means crazy ... SO BE IT! we love Michael for being "crazy"! :)
now u know why people who think like that are in a recession. MJ is responsible for those people staying on the air. and they know that mentioning him gets them ratings. they think that someone that makes them money is the number 1 crazy person? who's really the crazy ones? vh1, that's who.
exactly. i mean they are so laaaame - every sunday they have these silly countdowns like : biggest losers, biggest junkies, worst plastic surgery, skinniest ever etc. all presented through music videos... it makes me so sad to be constantly reminded how something so amazing and pure as music can be slurred by politics, rumors etc... sad.
There is nothing wrong with being different (or crazy, if you like). His attempts to prove how "normal" he is (e.g. LWMJ) have not done him any favours.

There is no need to pretend to be normal. Just show us your genius.
There's a certain quote from the movie Practical Magic that I was reminded of now:

When are you going to realize that being 'normal' is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage! ;)
different people have different opinions. it's not really a reason to say f##k them a****les, especially because they tend to be very flattering of his talent, plus Michael has kind of admitted that he is permanently stunted at the level of a child. Peter Pan syndrome(arrested development) is a difficult phycohological disorder to live with. It has caused Michael severe depression, and I think it would almost be an insult to him for fans to downplay it. he has said himself that he is one of the lonliest people on the planet. That is kind of what comes with the disorder.

I feel very sorry for MJ. I've got problems too, although not that as severe as his and when it interferes with my ability to live life normally sometimes it helps when people understand.

so I say to MJ, I understand.
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There is nothing wrong with being different (or crazy, if you like). His attempts to prove how "normal" he is (e.g. LWMJ) have not done him any favours.

There is no need to pretend to be normal. Just show us your genius.

i agree with that! :) And really what normal person could acheive everything he has acheived? I think you'd have to be crazy to accomplish all that. Geniuses are often eccentric. that is where the mad scientist stereotype came from, because genius is often accompanied by mental problems.
different people have different opinions. it's not really a reason to say f##k them a****les, especially because they tend to be very flattering of his talent, plus Michael has kind of admitted that he is permanently stunted at the level of a child. Peter Pan syndrome(arrested development) is a difficult phycohological disorder to live with. It has caused Michael severe depression, and I think it would almost be an insult to him for fans to downplay it. he has said himself that he is one of the lonliest people on the planet. That is kind of what comes with the disorder.

I feel very sorry for MJ. I've got problems too, although not that as severe as his and when it interferes with my ability to live life normally sometimes it helps when people understand.

so I say to MJ, I understand.

what ever MJ is, isn't necessarily a 'problem'. as we all know, there are 'normal' people who can't function in this world. and quite frankly, this 'real world' consists of people of ALL types.

and since MJ has done well for a long time, i don't want to look at what he is as a 'problem'. and that doesn't mean i am downplaying anything.

i posted something about a girl who was 'diagnosed' as autistic. but she can sing my country's national anthem better than anyone i've heard in a long time. and she can do it without musical accompaniment, and she stays on key.

so it's all in how the individual looks at it. and thank God that one person's mindset cannot affect another person's mindset.
noobdy not even vh1, is making the claim that any problems MJ has is interferring with his ability to sing. were just acknowleding that MJ was robbed of a childhood and it still effects him to this day.
Cause MJ is normal right? -_-

VH1 compliments his talent a lot. I love VH1.
different people have different opinions. it's not really a reason to say f##k them a****les, especially because they tend to be very flattering of his talent, plus Michael has kind of admitted that he is permanently stunted at the level of a child. Peter Pan syndrome(arrested development) is a difficult phycohological disorder to live with. It has caused Michael severe depression, and I think it would almost be an insult to him for fans to downplay it. he has said himself that he is one of the lonliest people on the planet. That is kind of what comes with the disorder.

I feel very sorry for MJ. I've got problems too, although not that as severe as his and when it interferes with my ability to live life normally sometimes it helps when people understand.

so I say to MJ, I understand.

still it's not fair to call anyone crazy, it's rather disrespectful - they put mariah and britney there who , we know, have had mental problems...
I think I watched that countdown yesterday...wasn't it titled "Crazy 80s"? And Madonna was #2? I wasn't paying much attention to the TV so I could be wrong and was actually watching something else LOL

Oh and the MJ video was Bad.
No matter what the circumstances are, it's never right to call someone crazy. Whether it's Michael Jackson or the girl next door I'll never think it's ok. It's downright disrespectful!
still it's not fair to call anyone crazy, it's rather disrespectful - they put mariah and britney there who , we know, have had mental problems...

While not nice, it's sadly the way of the media/tabloid genre. I don't watch VH1 nowadays, which is too bad, since I remember the channel @ its inception: fun stuff like Pop-up video, a "Legends" series/biography narrated by a respected artist about a classic artist; videos. Even Behind the Music was OK; though formulaic, it at least got the artist's side of the story. Now, it's basically a countdown of everything from spoiled 'celebutantes' to reality-tv fights, to nightmarish dopplegangers of the bachelor, celebrities throwing fits in drug rehab and trying to lose weight, etc. I'll tune in to see what they're programming, and I'll turn it off.

As for Michael and Vh1, I remember after HIStory was released they'd have Michael Marathons of videos/Moonwalker/Bucharest/Making of Thriller. Then they even interviewed him via fan questions. Too bad they changed formats, it's not even like the same channel anymore; I liked it better then.
I think I watched that countdown yesterday...wasn't it titled "Crazy 80s"? And Madonna was #2? I wasn't paying much attention to the TV so I could be wrong and was actually watching something else LOL

Oh and the MJ video was Bad.

no no that wasn't it - it was "craziest stars" - and the song was who is it...
Joey - exactly what I think as well - they have really gone downhill as a true music channel they once were... And no it didn't excite me that much as in "OMG i am so angry", I was more like, joking you know , as in "hey guys let's turn our backs to vh1 ,they're dissing our bro" lol... am i too lame? :D
I really don't think anybody would be less offended than they are now if they replaced the word crazy with mentally challenged, mentally unstable, insane, or deranged. either way it means the same thing.

But it's just a tv show trying to entertain people. don't take it so personal. Hell MJ is my all time favorite musician by far, very far, and I don't even care that it happened. I doubt MJ is losing any sleep over it either.

it's not worth getting all worked up over. we all like his music so let's just enjoy his music. No MJ crusades or campaigns necessary! :)
oh poo on vh1!

They wouldn't know good talent even if a dog bit them on the ass!
oh poo on vh1!

They wouldn't know good talent even if a dog bit them on the ass!

whenever they do these shows the commentators they have on the show usually refer to MJ as one of the most talented musicians of all time.
whenever they do these shows the commentators they have on the show usually refer to MJ as one of the most talented musicians of all time.

Yes they do, but to call him werid or wackiest...is very disrepectful
Yes they do, but to call him werid or wackiest...is very disrepectful
you said they wouldn't know talent if it bit them on the ass. A person having an opinion on his mental state has no bearing on whether or not they know talent when they see it. Keep in mind that just because one person says it, that person doesn't represent the entire staff at vh1.
Michael is weird. Have you not noticed?

I'm almost scared to say it because I don't wanna get flamed, but Michael needs some serious help. He is obviously a very talented person who makes great music, but Michael does have severe problems, and I mean severe. I feel very sorry for him. It isn't just some person at vh1 who thinks he has problems, it's basically every person at vh1 and every other station in the world, along with almost every single person alive who knows anything about him.

Everytime he does an interview it honestly sounds like a cry for help whenever he gets personal, but unfortanetely people don't know how to treat celebrities and part of it is because they surround themselves with "yes" people.