
^You're welcome. I'm glad you appreciate the info. Somehow the gruesome facts about fish are unknown to many, while the health claims about eating fish and supplements with their oils are everywhere. This should change. Thanks for the rep :)
My sister recently became a vegan. Honestly, it's not fun eating with her anymore. We used to bond over McDonalds. Those were the days. I try to respect her decision (though I do poke fun at her but that's what sisters are for).
Browsing this thread... I notice that many of you eat 'healthy' :clapping:
I used to be really 'the take out' girl and 'fastfood' girl but NOW... No way... Been too ill to 'travel' this road again and I even quit chocolate and all sorts of those 'crispy nibbles' :scratch:
The only 'comfort food' I still eat is... MC Vities cookies, Pancakes and lolly's :tease:
My sister recently became a vegan. Honestly, it's not fun eating with her anymore. We used to bond over McDonalds. Those were the days. I try to respect her decision (though I do poke fun at her but that's what sisters are for).

Haha my friends always complain that I'm no fun to eat with either. Oh well lol
Can't be vegan anymore, as much as I'd like to.
^You made a final decision about it? I can imagine it to be very hard to get from omni to vegan. I can't even be a vegan after years of being a vegetarian. Are you back to fully eating meat? Remember that a couple of pages back you said it was suprisingly easy to be vegan, so this has now been completely turned around? I hope you can find some middle ground, and do what truly feels best for you. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
^You made a final decision about it? I can imagine it to be very hard to get from omni to vegan. I can't even be a vegan after years of being a vegetarian. Are you back to fully eating meat? Remember that a couple of pages back you said it was suprisingly easy to be vegan, so this has now been completely turned around? I hope you can find some middle ground, and do what truly feels best for you. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Well the last few days I've been eating chicken, cheese, eggs, and milk chocolate again and I realised how much I missed it. I wonder if there's really any point depriving myself of all these things I love to eat. Whether I eat it or not it will still be produced. The rise of vegetarianism hasn't slowed down the industry. It's just gotten even bigger.
Argh... I don't know what to do. Life's so short. I'm really conflicted.
There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian... although human beings have been killing animals for years and eating them, it is how cavemen and neanderthals have survived, without food and hunting down animals, I do not think we would be here today.

I personally am not a vegetarian and I do like beef and ham, those are my favourites. Humans also crave meat which I do because it is good for our diet :).
Well the last few days I've been eating chicken, cheese, eggs, and milk chocolate again and I realised how much I missed it. I wonder if there's really any point depriving myself of all these things I love to eat. Whether I eat it or not it will still be produced. The rise of vegetarianism hasn't slowed down the industry. It's just gotten even bigger.
Argh... I don't know what to do. Life's so short. I'm really conflicted.

Well, be a vegetarian then, not vegan. And maybe allow yourself a chicken treat once a month, an organic one that is. Just remember that the reasons that turned you vegan are still there. I really believe we are only at the beginning of a turning point where people will have to be more concious about their food choices in order to survive. So it does matter. Vegetarians and vegans show that it's possible to eat (mostly) cruelty free and not be a burden on the environment. I think you should make life choices according to the world you aspire for. If you want to put a stop to this, stop it yourself. Never take the 'if you can't beat them, join them' route. All changes for the better would be stopped right there. Also remember, it's always better to be inconsistantly good, than consistantly bad. So be less strict on yourself and it will be easier to make good choices.
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There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian... although human beings have been killing animals for years and eating them, it is how cavemen and neanderthals have survived, without food and hunting down animals, I do not think we would be here today.

I personally am not a vegetarian and I do like beef and ham, those are my favourites. Humans also crave meat which I do because it is good for our diet :).

I find it so ironic when the neanderthal argument is used to justify meat eating. Yes, you are right, back then they needed all they could catch, find, grow in order to survive. Right now however we have a myriad of options. Meat is not necessary for survival anymore, even more so it is more like a threat to our survival nowadays. Industrial farming of animals is one of the biggest environmental burdens on the planet. The food needed to feed these animals could be used for hungry people instead and many viruses begin their lives in animal farms. The hormones injected in the animals to keep them from seriously contagious diseases are on your plate as well. So the survival argument as well as the health argument are invalid in this day and age. Only habit and perhaps taste could now be reasons to eat meat. Are they good ones? Are they worth all the other consequences? You decide for yourself.
Well, be a vegetarian then, not vegan. And maybe allow yourself a chicken treat once a month, an organic one that is. Just remember that the reasons that turned you vegan are still there. I really believe we are only at the beginning of a turning point where people will have to be more concious about their food choices in order to survive. So it does matter. Vegetarians and vegans show that it's possible to eat (mosly) cruelty free and not be a burden on the environment. I think you should make life choices according to the world you aspire for. If you want to put a stop to this, stop it yourself. Never take the 'if you can't beat them, join them' route. All changes for the better would be stopped right there. Also remember, it's always better to be inconsistantly good, than consistantly bad. So be less strict on yourself and it will be easier to make good choices.
Yeah, you're right. I think my mood the last few days has messed with my head a little. I don't feel good after eating animal products. I feel sick, sluggish, bloated, and guilty. I guess that's a pretty big sign I should go back to my vegan diet. I felt better on that diet.
Yeah, you're right. I think my mood the last few days has messed with my head a little. I don't feel good after eating animal products. I feel sick, sluggish, bloated, and guilty. I guess that's a pretty big sign I should go back to my vegan diet. I felt better on that diet.

I think instead of going into full omni again, how about trying vegetarianism? Because you skipped that step that most people take before going into veganism, so it was probably a big shock to your system, and now you're getting these massive cravings. I was omni longer than I am veg and I still do get chicken cravings (chicken was my favourite) but I've found great replacements for it. I know it doesn't make much sense to eat faux-chicken, but if I'm really craving a chicken nugget or burger, I like to know that I can have a similar taste and not feel guilty, you know?
I think instead of going into full omni again, how about trying vegetarianism? Because you skipped that step that most people take before going into veganism, so it was probably a big shock to your system, and now you're getting these massive cravings. I was omni longer than I am veg and I still do get chicken cravings (chicken was my favourite) but I've found great replacements for it. I know it doesn't make much sense to eat faux-chicken, but if I'm really craving a chicken nugget or burger, I like to know that I can have a similar taste and not feel guilty, you know?
Okay, I'll go vegetarian instead for now. Thanks for the advice. :)