V EXCLUSIVE: Rodney Jerkins Talks MJ's Last Studio Album, Invincible


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
I was trying to really go vintage, old school Mike... But he wanted to go more futuristic. So I would find myself at like junkyards, and we'd be out hitting stuff, to create our sound.

Linda Hobbs talks to producer Rodney Jerkins about playing pilot on MJ's final studio album.

About twenty-five years ago, Rodney Jerkins had his mind set on one goal: to work with the King of Pop.

The super-producer, who has worked with Whitney Houston and Beyonce among others, wish came true around 1993 when Teddy Riley linked Jerkins with his shy hero. Jerkins convincingly campaigned to produce new millennium Michael. The two soon began work on what became Michael's earnest attempt at recapturing praise for his music. At 19-years-old, Jerkins was given the task of producing the bulk of Michael's last full studio album, Invincible, amongst a teeny-bop generation who were embracing his copycats.

Even though it sold 13 million copies worldwide, the album was picked apart by critics. A day after Jackson's funeral, Jerkins calls VIBE from California to reminisce on the album that got away.

VIBE: You were around 19 when you started working on Invincible. You guys became friends in the process. What was the friendship like?

RODNEY JERKINS: Sometimes he would come to my house for dinner, or I'd go out with him and his kids. It's really trust. You build trust around each other. He use to tell me all the time, "You're a true loyal friend." And he knew that when certain situations arose, I had his back.

I'll never forget, Michael just let me take all my friends and literally gave me Neverland Ranch. He'd be like, "I have to go to Germany for a month," and just leave. I'd call everybody I knew, like, "Yo, party at Neverland!"

Plus we would have bets, like whoever wins gets like a 100 DVDs. He beat me the first time and I took him to Virgin Mega Store in Times Square and got him like a 100 DVDs. We went late at night. The first time he went to the store, he was in disguise. But a fan noticed him and blew the whole cover.

Why did the album take so long to finish? You guys were going at it for three years.
It was a lot of starting and stopping. Like, we would stop for three months and then Michael would be like, "I got to go to Germany for a couple months," then he'd go to LA, it was that kind of situation. And I remember one time, he was like, "Let's start from scratch...I think we can beat everything we did." That was his perfectionist side. I was like "Man, we been working for a year, we gone scrap everything?!" But it showed how hard he goes.

You were cool with that?
Yeah, I was. You got to understand, when I worked with Michael I had already worked with everybody. I was making a lot of money to be able to work on just one thing. And there was a time where he took a break, and Brandy's Full Moon project came up, and I told Michael, "I got to do this album." I was working on both at exactly the same time, at the Hit Factory in Miami. And I was literally running back and forth.

I heard you videotaped the Invincible studio sessions. Have you released that yet?
Shh![laughs]. I'll just say Michael asked me to document everything. And I did. And I'm sure one day it'll see the light of day. I got to make sure it's made in the way Michael would want to see it.

Do you ever go back and watch the footage?
All the time.

What was Jackson like in the studio? Timid?
No! He was super vocal. He was so hands on. I'm talking about from the high hat to everything. The sound quality was so important to him. He looked at everything under a microscope, like, "The middle frequency is too much"--he was very technical. He use to always say, "Melody is king" so he really focused in on melody.

Let's be honest: are you proud of the outcome of Invincible
There's stuff we didn't put on the album that I wish was on the album. My first batch [of beats] is what I really wanted him to do. I was trying to really go vintage, old school Mike. And that's what a lot of my first stuff was, that I was presenting to him. He kept "Rock My World." But he wanted to go more futuristic. So I would find myself at like junkyards, and we'd be out hitting stuff, to create our sound.

I think Invincible needs to be re-released. Because something happened at the record company [Sony] that caused them not to promote it no more after we done put our heart and soul in it. He had about five singles on the album. But it came down to who can stop who. And he was caught up in that mess.

A lot of critics criticized the album for being so long. Was it Jackson's idea to make the album really long?
[Laughs] It was Michael's idea. It was long. He didn't make that transition of doing shorter albums, and this is the guy...it was literally nine songs on Thriller. We actually had that conversation where I was like, "You should make it 10 songs and that's it." You never know... maybe he felt like that would be his last album.

Do you still listen to it?
Sometimes. A couple of weeks ago, I listened to it.

Does it make you sad?
Not at all. I'm sad inside that I lost a friend. He always wanted his music to touch the masses. And that's exactly what it's doing right now. But it was an amazing period of time in my life to be able to work with him. It feels incredible to know... I handled his last number one record.

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And am I glad they kept You Rock My World it's one of my faviourite songs and it does have that vintage Michael sound.
I'll never forget, Michael just let me take all my friends and literally gave me Neverland Ranch. He'd be like, "I have to go to Germany for a month," and just leave. I'd call everybody I knew, like, "Yo, party at Neverland!"


I really hope the recorded studio sessions will leak.
I love to watch stuff like that, I have ~15 hours or footage from Justin's studio sessions working with The Neptunes and Timbaland... I go back and watch it all the time.
id love to see the recording studio footage lol. And hear all the songs that didnt make the cut.

TY for this.
I heard you videotaped the Invincible studio sessions. Have you released that yet?
Shh![laughs]. I'll just say Michael asked me to document everything. And I did. And I'm sure one day it'll see the light of day. I got to make sure it's made in the way Michael would want to see it.

Thank you so much for the article! This exchange caught my eye :clapping:! Please someone release that! That would be incredible. I love how Michael documented every single thing in his life! I'm going crazy thinking about it :tease:. Looks like we have a lot to look forward to in the future!
I was always complaining about how I thought Rodney dominated MJ's creativity on Invincible... but now it seems that MJ was the one who had the last say on the album. Sorry Mike, I got it wrong :( and I think this interview will definitely help me listen to Invincible with a less clouded mind from now on!
Yes next year maybe as whe have TII and the opus to focus now. I just want every and anything released on MIchael. I want it all..
WOOW Rodney must release the Studio Sessions on DVD.
I thank God that Michael made the album long. The longer the better. The songs on that album are beautiful everyone of them.
Do you ever go back and watch the footage?
All the time.

I loved reading that. I can imagine the tapes are of great value to him. Michael singing in the studio. With all the emotion that he has, one of those things you would love to see.

Rodney was 19 when he started working with vince? That I didn't know!
I thank God that Michael made the album long. The longer the better. The songs on that album are beautiful everyone of them.

I agree. I've never understood why some people complain that an album is "too long". It's so easy to just hit the "skip" button, or take a blank cd-r and burn a copy of your favorites and eliminate the ones you don't like. One person may like one song while another doesn't. More songs give everyone more flexibility to assemble a version of the album using the songs they enjoy the most.
I would love to hear some of those "vintage" tracks that they didnt put on the album, wonder if any of them got recorded with mikes vocals.
Thanks for posting that MsMo!

I really do love the Invincible album and would think it would be a great idea to possibly rerelease it (and finally promote it properly) when/if the session footage is released. Then maybe release an Invincible #2 album for all the songs that were produced but not put on the album.

I read that the original final version of Invincible is way different than the actual record that came out.

Gosh, I didn't know that Rodney is sooooo young. He's just a baby when he worked with Michael. What an honor for him!
gosh, thank you! yes, Rodney, please, please release those sessions!

I love this album... it's my favorite MJ album :love:
Thanks for this! So insightful. And it gives me hope that there's so much more we have to discover and look forward to in the years to come.
I heard you videotaped the Invincible studio sessions. Have you released that yet?
Shh![laughs]. I'll just say Michael asked me to document everything. And I did. And I'm sure one day it'll see the light of day. I got to make sure it's made in the way Michael would want to see it.

I cannot wait for this. I'm glad Rodney is thinking of how Mike would have wanted it to be put together.

Let's be honest: are you proud of the outcome of Invincible
There's stuff we didn't put on the album that I wish was on the album. My first batch [of beats] is what I really wanted him to do. I was trying to really go vintage, old school Mike. And that's what a lot of my first stuff was, that I was presenting to him. He kept "Rock My World." But he wanted to go more futuristic. So I would find myself at like junkyards, and we'd be out hitting stuff, to create our sound.

I think Invincible needs to be re-released. Because something happened at the record company [Sony] that caused them not to promote it no more after we done put our heart and soul in it. He had about five singles on the album. But it came down to who can stop who. And he was caught up in that mess.

MsMo, this is a great interview. Thanks for posting. I can't believe Rodney was so young when he started working with Mike. Its possible that a larger version of Invincible could be released. But who would own (or have possession) of the unreleased songs? I assume its Mike's estate.

I've been wondering: since Mike's estate owns the unreleased material; could they release it through someone other than Sony?
I really love the invincible album, I truly honestly am saying that from the bottom of my heart. I do not know why it recieved such harsh critiscm, I am sure that was only because it was Michael Jackson.

I remembered when that wild hair, headed guy do not know his name, was bad mouthing Invincible on NBC I remember saying to myself, how unfair. I am sure he can't do any better but here he is talking bad about the album.

I am sure now some of them wish they were not that hard on invincible, seeing that they now know it was his (MJ's) last album.
Thanks for the post, man I wanna see that footage! The Invincible album is perfect, its a masterpiece and it was the first album that I heard from Michael, it will always be special to me.
I like the Invincible album dispite my feeling that it's over produced, as it has some classic songs on their that would be huge hits now if they were released.

I general I wish Michael hadn't collaborated with Rodney Jerkins, because apart from Unbreakable (my favorite on Invincible, an amazing song) and You Rock My World I'm not to keen on Rodney Jerkins collaborations with Michael.
rodney is in a round about way aknowledging Vince isnt that good an album?? hes not saying "o its my best work" or ANYTHING like that- he said it didnt end up the way he wanted it... hes basically apologising for the fact the allbum is not that good...i'm even willing to bet that in his heart he feels Brandys Full Moon was better

there is a reason ALL the critics (or virtually all) panned it

im a huge MJ fan but even i can admit this album was bad. even Rodney seems to admit it (maybe its just the way im reading it)... but if someone ever asked him what his greatest work is.. i couldnt picture Vince featuring, having read this interview

songs like "dont walk..","heaven can wait","you are my life", "threatened".. all so so bland... just usual generic pop records.. nothing DIFFERENT like "smooth criminal" etc etc

and "privacy" is one of the worst song ive ever heard in my life
Loved this interview, thank you for posting!!!

Even though I don't even understand a lot of the technical workings of production I love hearing about how Mike was involved lol. Just knowing how completely hands on he was is nice.
Give us the studio footage NOW!!

So if I understand it correctly Michael was responsible for the futuristic fucked up sound on Invincible?
Invincible is a GREAT album.. i bet if it had sold like 20+ million copies then noone would complaint about now.. Anyway i hope that sometime in the future they will re-release it with like 2 bonus unreleased trucks + 1 dvd with studio footage! Wouldn't that be cool?
