Usher speaks about Michael Jackson

I agree! No one ever could be. But people did start belittling his otherwise impressive accomplishments. I just find it amusing that now there is a love fest in for Usher.

Some people are so fickle. Usher never said that he wanted to be the new KOP it's always someone else saying that about him. He's shown nothing but love and respect for michael since he came into the scene over 10 years ago.

Yep it seems like it. People are kinda fickle sometimes. :mello: Usher has said nothing but good things about Michael. :yes:
Usher isn't the next MJ, but I like him..I wish he would start making great music again though..I used to be a stan of his but not anymore..I still like him though
Usher is a cutie. Everything he said was so true.
You guys were all dumping on Usher when Jay-Z said he could be the next King of Pop.

This site has thousands of members, and you're only responding to 11 (36 total now as of this writing). How do you know the same people who bashed Usher in the Jay-Z thread are the same ones praising Usher here? Any current artist will garner a spectrum of responses just based on the volume of members.

Even so someone could think the idea of Usher 'replacing' Michael is a joke while still liking him as a person or his music. It's pretty simple: Usher praising Michael=good; someone saying Usher's 'the new' KoP=bad. Two different topics. Yeah Usher seems like a nice guy, but I think the idea of him (or anyone for that matter) taking up the mantle of "King of Pop" is laughable.