Usher: Innovator Or Follower?

I'm surprised this wasn't posted here yet, but last night Usher paid his version of a tribute to Michael in the O2 Arena. Here's the report -

Singer Usher took his OMG Tour to the O2 Arena in London last night where he paid tribute to Michael Jackson who was set to perform at the same venue before his untimely death.
During the show Usher addresses the crowd saying, “It is an honour to play this venue, where we all looked forward to seeing a legend perform, but who sadly didn’t make it to those shows – although I would like to perform a tribute to that man.”

And as a conveyor belt brings across a pair of black sparkling kicks to Usher who is sporting a red leather jacket he asks the crowd: “Ladies and gentlemen, do I have your permission to fill these shoes?”

source(comments on this site about this tribute are hilarious):

Um...No. Usher, Justin and anyone else who think they can fill Michael's shoes need to stop.
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Those comments are hilarious.. sounds like the answer is 'No' Usher ( LOL...)
Definitely a follower

prettygirlmj;3231985 said:
I'm surprised this wasn't posted here yet, but last night Usher paid his version of a tribute to Michael in the O2 Arena. Here's the report -

Singer Usher took his OMG Tour to the O2 Arena in London last night where he paid tribute to Michael Jackson who was set to perform at the same venue before his untimely death.
During the show Usher addresses the crowd saying, “It is an honour to play this venue, where we all looked forward to seeing a legend perform, but who sadly didn’t make it to those shows – although I would like to perform a tribute to that man.”

And as a conveyor belt brings across a pair of black sparkling kicks to Usher who is sporting a red leather jacket he asks the crowd: “Ladies and gentlemen, do I have your permission to fill these shoes?”

source(comments on this site about this tribute are hilarious):

Um...No. Usher, Justin and anyone else who think they can fill Michael's shoes need to stop.

LMAO :lol: He is out of his mind
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Usher, O2 Arena, review
Usher tried his best to emulate his idol Michael Jackson, but the search for a new pop monarch is still very much on. Rating: * *

Mesmerising concert tricks: Usher plays the o2 Arena, London, 2nd Feburary 2011 Photo: Julie Edwards/LFIBy Tom Gockelen-Kozlowski 6:09PM GMT 04 Feb 2011
Perhaps more than any other pop act, Texas-born Usher has cast himself as the heir to Michael Jackson. Making albums from his early teens; the voice, the dance moves, the faux-military costumes have all been carefully honed since his 1994 debut. Playing the same venue as Jackson’s ill-fated 'This Is It’ concerts has therefore given the chart-topping star his best opportunity to fill the King of Pop’s empty shoes. Sadly however, so considerable was the Jackson-aping that for the majority of the evening Usher’s own personality was curiously lacking.

The ’King’ is dead, of course, and the 32-year-old pretender to his throne has been left a host of big-impact, mesmerising concert tricks which many contemporary artists use to ensure the success of their arena shows. Few other stars would dare emulate Michael Jackson’s performances quite so completely, however.

From the start, big screens showed Usher in the same unappealing role of messianic dictator Jackson so loved to play. The younger man took off a helmet to show us his face for the first time — just as Jackson did 20 ago.

’U Remind Me’ (a wonderfully bouncy record from 2001) used choreography eerily mirroring Jackson’s performances of ’The Way You Make Me Feel’. There really was little you hadn’t seen somewhere before in a Michael Jackson show.

Had the reclusive pop icon survived for his concert run in 2009, the biggest doubt was whether a 50-year-old could keep up with the dance moves he’d made famous three decades previously. In contrast, this is where Usher is undoubtedly at the top of his game: body-popping and sliding with elegant ease. Yet, even during his most recent monster hit 'OMG’, Usher needlessly brought out Jackson’s trademark trilby. The routine could have been excellent if Usher’s personality — rather than that of his hero – had been allowed to shine through.
prettygirlmj;3231985 said:
“Ladies and gentlemen, do I have your permission to fill these shoes?” .

:doh: He actually said that....omg LOL
I've heard that his whole OMG tour is a rip of off MJ, from the very beginning, he copies HIStory.

He's a Follower if I ever did see one :)
The Telegraph review said it all really. I like Usher a lot but I'm glad I didn't spend all that money to see as my friend who went to the concert described it as 'a Michael Jackson impersonator.'
He is actually asking the audience if he can fill Michael's shoes? He should worry about filling his own shoes. He is not Michael and will never will be. The more he keeps pushing it the more annoyed people will get.
Usher needs to work on actually becoming an artist. He hasn't even created his own style of music or moves. His music is generic R&B and his moves are all Michael Jackson.
follower definitely,he is been doing that "can i fill " routine in this whole omg tour .smh
Is it me, or does it seem that Usher has become more of a copycat since Michael died?????...............

Its one thing to pay homage to ones idol.......but its another to automatically assume oneself to be their idol's successor.........

If there is one thing Michael taught us it is to be yourself and do what you feel is right!!!!!
No one could ever fill those shoes. These modern celebrities are all so hopelessly obsessed with living up to the greats like Michael [for Usher, Justin Timberlake, etc.] and Madonna [for Germanotta, and to a small degree, even Xtina.] The thing they don't seem to realize is that the fact that it's all been done before automatically renders them inferior to the person whom they are attempting to imitate.

Getting back on the specifics of this thread, though, Usher's words basically did him no favours that night. Does he really fancy himself the next Michael Jackson? If so, he needs to get back to Earth, because there's only one Michael Jackson. He [and the others] should just attempt to be the best version of themselves they can be, and stop it with all the Michael/Madonna imitations already. If I wanted to watch something reminiscent of those two, well, I'd watch their videos! :p

Too many people want to be like the revolutionaries...which ironically strips them of their chance at being revolutionary themselves. In the end, they're just another copy, another expendable body.