UPDATE - page 1/13/14 - TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In (All threads Merged!)

Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

thank you at least Aphrodite won\t let the matter untouched as others do ...
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

She posted this on Facebook -

To all the MJ fans - I want you to see this video. Remember - I did this after the trial, and wrote my book two years before Michael's death. You need to watch this. My show on Michael Jackson is far more revealing. I think that it will really make a difference. Your thoughts?


Thank you for the wonderful comments. I am just sick about what happened to Michael. But my show on Michael Jackson will definitely change the most hardened opinions. I can't wait until you see it.
Fri at 9:54pm
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

About the bed sores I didn't hear anything about any and they were not in the official autopsy, if I remember correctly. People are saying that they were mentioned in the initial reports, the supposed 'leaked autopsy'.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - today

The motive, as usual, was $$$$$--A Jones points out people in the media with TV and book deals based on MJ going to prison. What life behind bars is really like, the downfall of an icon, even MJ on suicide watch. Anything nasty, negative and sensational. So they stirred up public interest in seeing him taken down.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

Real good, definitely watching this. And i agree with her...in the end..this definitely destroyed him, no doubt about that. Ah man, thinking about it..about what that kid did to Michael....the things i wish on that little bitch called Gavin and his family....sigh...

nah, nevermind.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

I don't want to go through that autospy report again, but from what I can remember, there was no mention of bed sores :scratch:

But anyhow, I am glad a documentary like this is coming out. Hopefully it would open some eyes.
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Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

Can't wait to see it! I really appreciate all that Aphrodite has done and she is a really intelligent woman.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - today

The motive, as usual, was $$$$$--A Jones points out people in the media with TV and book deals based on MJ going to prison. What life behind bars is really like, the downfall of an icon, even MJ on suicide watch. Anything nasty, negative and sensational. So they stirred up public interest in seeing him taken down.

Yeah just the fact that such things were discussed is enough to infuriate me. The world really is full of greed and people really have no hearts if they were ALL willing to sacrifice the life of an innocent man, the only parent his children had, just for the money years of prison coverage would bring. They say think of the children but the truth is that they don't give a fig about the children--or about anyone else for that matter!

There is nothing worse than the deceitfulness of the American media. That's true organized crime and cruelty, what Aphrodite Jones witnessed! They really have no regard for human life.

All I can say is: I'm so glad things didn't go that route. I'm not a naive person who believes in justice when almost all evidence points to the contrary. Especially in these high-profile cases where there's money to be made and even more so when they succeeded in making a business out of humilliating Michael. At least in this case, justice was partly served.

Yet some people are so disgusting and fickle. They're quick to condemn history's criminals for exploiting and murdering the innocent yet they completely fail to identify that same depravity within themselves, because that is what all those people managed to do: they collectively killed a kind and innocent man!

For over twenty years, they called Michael weird, strange, sick, etc. Well they may as well have been talking about themselves because all of those biased reporters fit the above description more than Michael ever could. It just wasn't in him and they all knew it. They're all the same, though. They pretend to admire the selfless and the kind, yet they secretly hate them. It all makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that these people are all living and breathing oxygen they don't deserve when Michael is dead makes me want to scream in rage!

I'm sorry for the rant but this is how I feel.
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Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

I though that she meant that Mike got bedsores from the trauma of the trial? :scratch:
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - today

man i don't like that headline. if it's supposed to be accurate, why lead it in with that headline? it's a loaded headline.. it allows for so many interpretations.

I agree with. I don't like it and it turns me off.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

Yes it will be interesting to watch. I read her book, which was very good. I'm not sure about this. I'm hoping all her intentions are good. If she does expose some things, won't that hurt the upcoming trial? I'm not a lawyer, but I'm hoping that if she did find anything that she will have turned over the information to the authorities before airing and then it begs the question if she can even air what she found because of the ongoing case. :angel:
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

^^^ What she is going to be airing, according to what I have seen, is not about the criminal case involving MJ's death, but the crimnial investigation of the molestation charges against MJ and how they were false.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

Yea, from the previews it seems as if she only speaks loosely on Michael's passing, and when she does, all she say's that the trial was a major contribution.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - today

i have the book, 'conspiracy', but i missed out, or must have overlooked the part where she explains the motives behind the media bias against MJ. did anybody remember what she said those motives were, if you have the book?


She explained how in her view (watching the like of Ms Cheapo Cubic Zirconia and others) people made a CAREER out of bashing MJ.
She then concluded that a whole INDUSTRY was just waiting for him to go to prison. That it seemed to her that people in the media industry already seemed to have had their handshakes ready- ready to do daily prison update, "suicide watches", family visits in prison etc- a whole industry was ready to make money on MJ going to prison. MJ walking away free and vindicated ruined many lucrative business deals in the media- media was afraid exactly of that and therefore was very eager to sway public opinion in the hopes those in the building would somehow be "infected" by bad media and swayed.

Truly disgusting and she most definitely has a point.

Just watch people like "former prosecutor" Ms Lousy Hairstyle yelling about, everytime an unfortunate parent has to bury a dead child.

Those people made a career out of ruining someone else's life- and to add insult to injury were the first one to be commentators at the public memorial. No script could make that up.
Re: TV Alert: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones - Tune In: Thursday, April 29

She wrote a great book,and I can't wait to see the show.
Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael (Threads Merged)


Thursday, March 25, 2010
To anyone who wants to see more about MJ in a positive light: I have asked to do a 2-hour special on Michael Jackson, separate and apart from the hour that will air on TRUE CRIME. The TV Special will focus mainly on Michael, the man, and his life in secret isolation with his 3 children... there's a lot no one knows... and I can shine the light on MJ... I truly believe there are lessons to be learned from Michael's life that can teach us all about humility, patience, and grace, especially in the face of tremendous adversity.

I need your support, so Discovery will give me a chance to "let loose" with e new MJ special.

So please please watch TRUE CRIME tonight... and email me your comments and thoughts about my interviewing techniques, or the flow of the show, just anything so I can get your feedback! You can post your thoughts here; on my Facebook pages; or on my Twitter site:

True Crime on Facebook ! Aphrodite Jones on Facebook ! Twitter ! Email me

BTW the MJ hour I did will air in April (end of April). Ican't wait to see your response to my giving JACKSON my full support, and showing the world he was "framed" and mistreated by a bad judicial system and a tireless media machine.

I Hope to hear from a bunch of you tonight!
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

I've been watching on Sundays and I really like the show. It's nice to see someone who finally knows what they're talking about rather than someone talking completely out of their a** as I have seen so many do.
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

Sounds interesting! Thanks for posting the article.
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

I wish I had this channel
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

i wish i had the discovery channel, too. i don't have a tv..but i hope those who do, have the channel..as many as possible.
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

I suggest she interviews truly reliable people
Re: Aphrodite's new project: 2-hour special on Michael

WOW!!! hoping that it will be aired and recorded!!!