update on my forest lawn vist : im so sorry it has taken so long


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
just wanted to update you all on my visit to FL im going to visit MJ next Friday ( 3 days before Valentine day!!!!!! ) so u have still time to send stuff to me


plese limit to letters only unless u don't mind that it will be print in black and white ( sorry but fed ex it cost $1 to print color stuff and i have a bugget )

im taken MJ a huge flower arrangement with balloons form all the fans here so please know that MJ will know is form all of us along with the letters form u

i will be taken pics with my new camera

I was wondering could i maybe send you a letter in PM and u print it off for me?? Its just i am in the UK and am completely skint at the minute to send anything!! If its to much trouble dont worry, i will get something to him another time!! :)
I got the PM and sent it to my email that way when i get to LA i will print them out thanks
on a side note everything will be due by Wednesday at 2 PM LA time ( i think its 9 PM Europe time ) so i can go and print this out
ohh no im not with the so cali fan sorry so i wont get the card sorry i go vist MJ every Friday ( well i try when i can ) and this is the first time i ever take stuff to MJ form fans
Hey marias21!

I sent you an e-mail, and wanted to ask if you received it.
Just want to make sure it got to you.

Thanks! :)
i just printed out some of the letter for Friday in my apartment computer center ( the color ones ill print out o LA unless the person that send me it says it ok to be in black and white )

so far i have 5 letters ready to go for MJ

u still have time to send me stuff until Wednesday morning ( 8 AM LA time )
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Hello, do you mind if I send you an e-mail with a message for Michael? The latest I will e-mail is probably tonight or early tomorrow if you don't mind.

It is a long way for me to travel to Forest Lawn, especially anytime soon so I appreciate that you do this kind of thing for the fans. :heart:
i dont mind just in case its in color do u mind if i do it in black and white so i can print it out in my apt computer center

in a few weeks ill be getting a color printer then this wont be an issue and ill be going more often then
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i dont mind just in case its in color do u mind if i do it in black and white so i can print it out in my apt computer center

in a few weeks ill be getting a color printer then this wont be an issue and ill be going more often then

That's perfectly fine with me, I'm not greedy. :D I just have a little message/note I want to write. Nothing too fancy.

Thank you!
Hey, I just sent my letter to your e-mail. Let me know if/when you receive it. :)

Thank you!
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just wanted to update you all on my visit to FL im going to visit MJ next Friday ( 3 days before Valentine day!!!!!! ) so u have still time to send stuff to me


plese limit to letters only unless u don't mind that it will be print in black and white ( sorry but fed ex it cost $1 to print color stuff and i have a bugget )

im taken MJ a huge flower arrangement with balloons form all the fans here so please know that MJ will know is form all of us along with the letters form u

i will be taken pics with my new camera


I've sent it to your yahoo. Thanks for this :)
ive have gotten all ur letter ad will be printing this out
its wonderful for you to do this for the fans :huggy: stay blessed :)
ive have gotten all ur letter ad will be printing this out

Thank you so much for doing this for the fans who cannot make it to Forest Lawn to pay their respects. :hug: MJ fans are just the greatest!! :)

I hope to make it there someday, but it may be a while.
did you get my letter? i sent it a while ago, when you first said you were going. i'm rebecca by the way, i emailed it. thanks :)
hey Maria, are you going to be taking any pictures while you're there?
I hope you received my email. Thanks so much for taking our letters to Michael.
yesi will be taking picture but not of Mj crypt sorry i dont fell like that is a thing that the family wold like sorry if i offend any one but that the way i fell im not like some fans that want to disrespect the family wishes and do it to be come famous

some of the emails i lost the last time i was plaing to go there so if i dont see u ill let you know here