Update: It's available now / Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Here is a sneak preview:


A Sneak Preview of “Earth Song – Inside Michael Jackson’s Magnum Opus”

by Joe Vogel on June 21, 2011 ·

Michael Jackson was alone in his hotel room, pacing.

He was in the midst of the second leg of his Bad World Tour, an exhausting, 123-concert spectacular that stretched over nearly two years. The tour would become the largest-grossing and most-attended concert series in history.

Just days earlier, Jackson had performed in Rome at Flaminio Stadium to an ecstatic sold-out crowd of over 30,000. In his downtime, he visited the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Cathedral at the Vatican with Quincy Jones and legendary composer, Leonard Bernstein. Later, they drove to Florence where Jackson stood beneath Michelangelo’s masterful sculpture, David, gazing up in awe.

Now he was in Vienna, Austria, music capital of the Western world. It was here where Mozart’s brilliant Symphony No. 25 and haunting Requiem were composed; where Beethoven studied under Haydn and played his first symphony. And it was here, at the Vienna Marriott, on June 1, 1988, that Michael Jackson’s magnum opus, “Earth Song,” was born.

The six-and-a-half-minute piece that materialized over the next seven years was unlike anything heard before in popular music. Social anthems and protest songs had long been part of the heritage of rock. But not like this. “Earth Song” was something more epic, dramatic, and primal. Its roots were deeper; its vision more panoramic. It was a lamentation torn from the pages of Job and Jeremiah, an apocalyptic prophecy that recalled the works of Blake, Yeats, and Eliot.

It conveyed musically what Picasso’s masterful aesthetic protest, Guernica, conveyed in art. Inside its swirling scenes of destruction and suffering were voices—crying, pleading, shouting to be heard (“What about us?”).

“Earth Song” would become the most successful environmental anthem ever recorded, topping the charts in over fifteen countries and selling over five million copies. Yet critics never quite knew what to make of it. Its unusual fusion of opera, rock, gospel, and blues sounded like nothing on the radio. It defied almost every expectation of a traditional anthem. In place of nationalism, it envisioned a world without division or hierarchy. In place of religious dogma or humanism, it yearned for a broader vision of ecological balance and harmony. In place of simplistic propaganda for a cause, it was a genuine artistic expression. In place of a jingly chorus that could be plastered on a T-shirt or billboard, it offered a wordless, universal cry.

Jackson remembered the exact moment the melody came…

Copyright © 2011 Joseph Vogel

The full version of “Earth Song – Inside Michael Jackson’s Magnum Opus” will be available June 25th on Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), iPad, Android, Blackberry, and other digital platforms.
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Thanks for posting. I really look forward to Joe's piece on Earth Song and his book.
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Thank you Annita
I really appreciate and respect Mr Vogels work. He is bringing to light Michael true legacy
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Can't wait to read the rest of it, especially the exact moment the song came to Michael. Earth Song is my favorite!
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Did vogel do anything mj pre 09 or has he just jumped on the bandwaggon
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Did vogel do anything mj pre 09 or has he just jumped on the bandwaggon

Joe Vogel started his research in 2005. But, he had a hard time in getting the book published pre-2009.

Honestly, I don't care whether his interest in Michael's works started pre or post 2009. I'm just grateful that a book that focuses on nothing but his art is written.
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Will the piece be released in any other format? I don't have an ipad,smartphone,kindle or anything like that just my good old laptop
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Will the piece be released in any other format? I don't have an ipad,smartphone,kindle or anything like that just my good old laptop

I bought an eBook from Barnes & Noble before. In order for me to read the book, I just need to download their eReader, which is free.

I think you can still read the article from your laptop. You just need to download an application.
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Will the piece be released in any other format? I don't have an ipad,smartphone,kindle or anything like that just my good old laptop

I believe you can purchase it from Amazon and read it on your computer using the free Kindle application that you can downoad from amazon.com. Same for books..
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

^thanks guys, looking forward to reading this.
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Can't wait:wild::timer: That will be my book of the year. Thank you for sharing.:flowers:
Re: Joe Vogel`s Earth-song-piece comes on June 25th

Huffington Post will be running a large excerpt of the piece tomorrow.

Joe Vogel
I will be on LA Talk Radio with Sheena Metal tomorrow...Also, the Huffington Post will be running a large excerpt of the piece tomorrow

Joe Vogel started his research in 2005. But, he had a hard time in getting the book published pre-2009.

Honestly, I don't care whether his interest in Michael's works started pre or post 2009. I'm just grateful that a book that focuses on nothing but his art is written.

thanks fair enough if it was pre
Joe Vogel's Earth Song Piece is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble now. It has been released a little early. I already bought and read it. Joe Vogel is telling the story behind Earth Song, how it is created, all the work went into it, Michael's performances, his message about Earth Song. It simply has everything. It's a refreshing read because it approaches Michael as a musical genius.

Here's the information you need


and if you don't have Kindle, Nook, iPad, Android and other electronic devices, first download the PC/ Mac kindle software (download to PC / download to Mac links at Joe Vogel's website) for your computer and then purchase the book. You'll be able to read it on your computer.
Joe Vogel's Earth Song Piece is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble now. It has been released a little early. I already bought and read it. Joe Vogel is telling the story behind Earth Song, how it is created, all the work went into it, Michael's performances, his message about Earth Song. It simply has everything. It's a refreshing read because it approaches Michael as a musical genius.

Here's the information you need


and if you don't have Kindle, Nook, iPad, Android and other electronic devices, first download the PC/ Mac kindle software (download to PC / download to Mac links at Joe Vogel's website) for your computer and then purchase the book. You'll be able to read it on your computer.

Joe Vogel's Earth Song Piece is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble now. It has been released a little early. I already bought and read it. Joe Vogel is telling the story behind Earth Song, how it is created, all the work went into it, Michael's performances, his message about Earth Song. It simply has everything. It's a refreshing read because it approaches Michael as a musical genius.

Here's the information you need


and if you don't have Kindle, Nook, iPad, Android and other electronic devices, first download the PC/ Mac kindle software (download to PC / download to Mac links at Joe Vogel's website) for your computer and then purchase the book. You'll be able to read it on your computer.

Oh awesome! Gonna get it on my Kindle! Thanks Ivy ;)

Sweet! It's $2.99 on my Kindle...I love this thing! lol
“The Method of a Master”: A review on Joe Vogel’s “Earth Song: Inside Michael Jackson’s Magnum Opus”

So much has been written about Michael Jackson and so much has been said — much of it about anything but the music — that readers, fans and non-fans alike, could be forgiven for not batting an eyelid when news of a new book or interpretation of Jackson surfaces. So it’s something of a revelation to read Joseph Vogel’s breathtaking ride through his startling decoding of an previously overlooked masterpiece.

To the ordinary layman and perhaps even some musicians, many see ‘Earth Song’ as the ultimate ‘vanity vehicle’ of a out-of-touch artist. Seen as a somehow odd fit for the market even when first heard in 1995/6, in today’s climate where the music industry now offers up Miley Cyrus, LMFAO and auto-tune as its new gods on the block — that fit may now seem even odder. But in the hands of Vogel, these thoughts rapidly fall away.

Vogel takes the reader on a journey through the innermost workings of Jackson’s artistic process. In gripping detail and with a true understanding of how a master creates and carries a song until that moment when he can reveal his work to an audience, Vogel deftly draws the reader through the birthing moments of ES, its execution, then release in 1995 — right through to its poignant posthumous rendition at the 2010 American Grammy’s.

Beginning with Jackson in Vienna — European mecca of classical music and the place where many of Jackson’s favourite composers were themselves inspired — Vogel immediately sets the tone for how he means to continue. Intimate scene settings with Jackson, “… alone in his hotel room, pacing …” as inspiration comes in a Marriot hotel room, sit side by side with Vogel’s epic romp through the seven years it took Jackson to be happy enough with ES to finally present it to the world.

Vogel’s background as a noted political author and literary instructor at New York’s Rochester University, cores his examination of, arguably, Jackson’s most anachronistic piece. In equal turns, richly descriptive and informative, Vogel’s prose punches with poetic and religious references as diverse as Job, Abraham, Wordsworth and Beethoven, while co-existing with quotes and fresh recollections from people who were actually there with Jackson on tour and in the studio.

Yet Vogel’s multi-layered work is never stuffy. Small details like Jackson’s preference for Gatorade as a between song beverage on tours, jostle happily with complex analysis of the recording techniques and microphone choices of a notoriously perfectionist artist. There’s literally something for everyone here: whether budding music producer, die-hard fan, contemporary music scholar or just someone lucky enough to be given this kindle edition for Christmas — Vogel doesn’t disappoint.

In fact, he pulls off a quite extraordinary feat. With passionate reason and brilliantly paced intensity, Vogel exposes ES’s 23 year old secrets to the reader. From anecdotes from studio veteran Rob Hoffman describing Jackson being inspired by John Lennon only moments before delivering final ad-libs, to behind the scenes recollections of Jackson’s make-up artist Karen Faye recounting Jackson’s nearly fatal performance of ES in Munich … one could go on …. Vogel elevates what could have been a dry and redundant deconstruction of one of Jackson’s most cherished musical pieces — to a tour de force of intelligent insight.

Vogel has not only researched meticulously, he has uncovered with flair and breadth the sheer, time-straddling scale of Jackson’s vision of a work that has never been more relevant and timely than now. And by doing it as well as he has, Vogel’s contribution sets new heights and defines new possibilities for how Jackson’s work and music can, and should, be appreciated — both now and by future generations to come.

Buy it, share it, beg, steal or borrow it. But whatever you do — get this.

Review written by guest contributor & writer Deborah Ffrench

I'm really looking forward to reading Vogel's book. Finally, someone focusing on the music and Michael the artist.
I am grateful to you, Mr. Vogel, for the time and effort you spent writing this revealing article.

Having listened to Michael Jackson's music all my life, I long ago came to the belief that Michael Jackson is an "empath", and the song "Earth Song" provides me proof; so does his song Stranger in
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