UPDATE: Baby is Microwaved to Death

Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

The thing is that behind any murder you have a "mentally unstable" person. And you can analyze and label it with a medical term, it doesn't remove the fact that such people should be fully suffering the consequences of their deliberate and/or power-decisive actions without us putting any effort in understanding the reasons of their wrongdoings. The focus shouldn't ever be on the responsible nor on the reasons that pushed him/her to commit such crimes, but on the victims. The responsible may go to hell, mentally unstable or not.
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

The thing is that behind any murder you have a "mentally unstable" person..

That's not true at all, at least in the realm within which the court permits a legal defence of insanity. Sociopaths and sadists, for example, wouldn't be able to claim insanity as a legal defence, as they are aware of what is socially regarded as right and wrong, and knowing this, they choose to do wrong. In order for a mentally unstable person to be able to claim insanity, they [or rather, their lawyer] have to prove that they are unable to grasp the concept of right and wrong within the confines of their society, and thus cannot be held accountable for any malicious intent/premeditation would be absent in their actions.

It is all more complex than it appears--for example, if a mentally retarded person committed a murder against a small child without realizing that their actions caused the death to come about [i.e. shook them too hard], could they be held as accountable as a neurologically normal person who kills in cold blood, knowing the method they are going to use for the murder and carrying it out efficiently? Would that not be discrimination against the person whose mental faculties are not as developed? Similarly, people who are in a psychotic state have a faulty grasp on reality and thus are not sane at the time their psychotic episode takes place--how could we hold someone with such grave medical problems in the same regard as someone who, again, callously and calmly plans and carries out a murder?
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

That's not true at all, at least in the realm within which the court permits a legal defence of insanity. Sociopaths and sadists, for example, wouldn't be able to claim insanity as a legal defence, as they are aware of what is socially regarded as right and wrong, and knowing this, they choose to do wrong. In order for a mentally unstable person to be able to claim insanity, they [or rather, their lawyer] have to prove that they are unable to grasp the concept of right and wrong within the confines of their society, and thus cannot be held accountable for any malicious intent/premeditation would be absent in their actions.

It is all more complex than it appears--for example, if a mentally retarded person committed a murder against a small child without realizing that their actions caused the death to come about [i.e. shook them too hard], could they be held as accountable as a neurologically normal person who kills in cold blood, knowing the method they are going to use for the murder and carrying it out efficiently? Would that not be discrimination against the person whose mental faculties are not as developed? Similarly, people who are in a psychotic state have a faulty grasp on reality and thus are not sane at the time their psychotic episode takes place--how could we hold someone with such grave medical problems in the same regard as someone who, again, callously and calmly plans and carries out a murder?

Trust me. What you hold for not true at all today, will become true tomorrow. It is a matter of time. We still haven't found all the medical labels on those who seem to be sane today, that's all.
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

There are people capable of any kind of cruelty. I've read about a murder where a child was killed by being thrown into a wash machine. So I'm not surprised about this one in the microwave.

Hope those people who kill innocent children face death penalty. There's no excuse for such horrible crimes.
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

We don't know that for certain. We would deduce that if we assumed she got pregnant under common circumstances, but we have no proof that this is how her pregnancy came about. If she was mentally unstable and taken advantage of, she could have had no control over the pregnancy happening, and perhaps could not have afforded an abortion. There is obviously something severely wrong with her [putting kids in the microwave is not normal=red flag], but to what degree [specific diagnoses] and under what circumstances she came to have a child remain a mystery.

Yes, but obviously she must have some psychological problem, is not normal to do that with a child who is not guilty of anything. It seems she not had a stable relationship with the child's father, he was just a boyfriend, she was not married to him. If she had avoided pregnancy, nothing would have happened. Having a baby is a huge responsibility, not just do, man and woman, both have to want, and plan that child. In this case, I feel I may have been an unwanted pregnancy. It seems that the life of this woman with the child's father was a mess.
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

I wonder how many officers/sheriffs stormed the mothers house to arrest her?


Oh wait no, they only reserve that kind of treatment for Michael Jackson.

What a disgusting horrible crime. When I first read the thread title I literally felt sick. So shocked right now. How the fuck could someone do that? Fucking hell.
Re: Baby is Microwaved to Death

Yes, but obviously she must have some psychological problem, is not normal to do that with a child who is not guilty of anything. It seems she not had a stable relationship with the child's father, he was just a boyfriend, she was not married to him. If she had avoided pregnancy, nothing would have happened. Having a baby is a huge responsibility, not just do, man and woman, both have to want, and plan that child. In this case, I feel I may have been an unwanted pregnancy. It seems that the life of this woman with the child's father was a mess.

That's a different case, with a different woman, and a different microwaved baby, as I have previously stated. Like I said, she obviously has some serious psychological problems.

Trust me. What you hold for not true at all today, will become true tomorrow. It is a matter of time. We still haven't found all the medical labels on those who seem to be sane today, that's all.

If they do not exhibit behaviour which is pathologically deviant from the norm, there is no psychological diagnoses which can be made, and if a psychological diagnosis exists but they clearly know what is right and wrong [do not suffer from psychosis/mental illnesses which can skew one's perception of reality and disable rational judgement, they can be charged under court of law.

I wonder how many officers/sheriffs stormed the mothers house to arrest her?


Oh wait no, they only reserve that kind of treatment for Michael Jackson.

Yeah, that really makes me sick.

huffingtonpost said:
baby killed in microwave: Ka yang, california woman, blames blackouts for death
06/23/11 02:01 pm et

SACRAMENTO, calif. — a northern california woman accused of killing her baby in a microwave initially told investigators she blacked out, but later acknowledged she lied and said she might have a split personality, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

Ka yang, 29, is scheduled to be arraigned thursday on charges of murder and assault resulting in the death of a child under the age of 8. It's not clear whether she has an attorney.

Authorities found yang's 6-week-old daughter, mirabelle thao-lo, dead in the family home in sacramento three months before yang's arrest tuesday. They say the child suffered "extensive thermal injuries."

the girl was burned from head-to-toe, but authorities could not find an obvious source for the burns when they arrived at the home, according to the affidavit by sacramento police detective thomas shrum.

The infant's pajamas and hair were not singed. A pacifier, however, was found in the microwave, shrum said.

Yang allegedly told investigators she blacked out while working on the computer with thao-lo in her arms. Although she had a history of seizures, paramedics did not find her to be disoriented when they arrived, according to the affidavit.

When detectives pointed out inconsistencies in her story, yang allegedly acknowledged she lied and said she might have a split personality.

Police interviewed yang's family and co-workers as well as pathologists who have worked on microwave burn cases in the months after the infant's death. They have not established a possible motive.

"nothing (yang) gave us explained what led up to the baby being killed," police spokesman norm leong told the sacramento bee.

From: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/23/baby-killed-in-microwave-ka-yang_n_883177.html
I concur--she should not be released back to the general public. A mental hospital or a jail with mental health accommodations should be where she ends up.
Split-personality my ass. That a really good escuse. Makes me sick.
Some ppl are just evil and like hurting others....especially those who can not defend themselves.
Death-penalty is the only way, imo.
I don't believe she has a "split personality." Mental problems, most definitely, maybe some sort of psychosis, but not DID. With that said, I'm kind of on the fence regarding the death penalty. On the one hand:

"The law which attempts a man's life [capital punishment] is impractical, unjust, inadmissible. It has never repressed crime--for a second crime is every day committed at the foot of the scaffold." ~Marquis de Sade

On the other hand, population control, something which we direly need. Also, tax money. It takes too much money to run prisons, which at the end of the day do not serve as correctional institutions, but rather mini-spheres where crime runs rampant and murders are committed daily. Perhaps we are best-served by obliterating them all. What they did to the Marquis was unjust in every way, but in modern terms, we are talking about hardened murderers, psychos, etc. who are beyond correction. It is a controversial position indeed, to advocate for their extermination, especially if a mental health problem exists on their part. Some may see that as casting one's lot in the same side of the argument as eugenics. However, if these conditions arise from genetics, then it would seem a great disservice to the human gene pool to permit them to continue expressing themselves in further generations, to have history repeating itself, so to speak.

It does take a lot of money to properly execute criminals, though. It would seem as though we are faced with a big problem--either let them proliferate or let their crimes increase in a controlled environment away from the general public (prison, mental hospitals), or else become barbarians ourselves and cast them out permanently using the same methods they would use on innocent others.

With that said, here is a fascinating website regarding psychosis:

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Poor baby sickening some people out there
Keep the Faith everyone. I know that Caylee Anthony's mother walks free but there is hope for other mothers to be where they are needed.
^Why the anti-Anthony bias? She was already found innocent, and that's the way she should remain in the court of public opinion, unless you have some sort of evidence which would change everyone's mind about the verdict. The prosecution was unable to prove how Anthony would have murdered Caylee, therefore, she walked free. This case is different--the burns on the body are distinctly from microwave oven exposure, and the only one in the house with the newborn in question was the mother. Everything is far more concrete in this case, save for the motive. However, it appears as though this mother is far less functional than Anthony, and an even worse liar.
She was found not guilty that doesn't means she is innocent.

True that, in the literal sense, but in the eyes of the law she's still presumed innocent, which is what I was referring to. Sorry for not being specific. In any case, this isn't an Anthony thread. I'll look to see if anything new has come up since regarding the OT.

Edit: Old news, but this has yet to be discussed here. The bastarden at PETA are at it again with tasteless campaigns, because apparently naked strumpets aren't enough.


NBC said:
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has never been accused of having good taste when it comes to its publicity stunts.

The animal rights activists have employed everything from throwing red paint on fur-wearing celebrities to parading women naked around city streets.

But the organization's latest stunt in Sacramento may be crossing the line further than many of its previous stunts.

The organization is reportedly planning to erect a billboard in Sacramento featuring a person putting a pork chop into a microwave next to a picture of a mother pig that reads "Everybody's Somebody's Baby. Go Vegan."

On the surface the billboard may not be that shocking but the fact that it is going up in a city that just days ago had its authorities arrest a 29-year-old mother for allegedly killing her 6-week-old daughter by putting her in the microwave.

PETA told SFist it is not insensitive to the horrific story of a mother killing her child in such horrible fashion.

"We're horrified at the thought of microwaving a helpless baby and hope that this billboard will open hearts and minds to the grief of other mothers who have their babies torn away from them simply to satisfy humans' fleeting taste sensations," PETA founder Ingrid E. Newkirk said. "All infants, not just our own, deserve protection, and pigs, like cows and other animals, mourn the loss of their young when they are taken away to be eaten."

Still the analogy of warming up a pork chop to a human baby may not sit well with most.

This is not the first time PETA has tried to get their message out using the microwaved baby move.

Back in May, the organization attempted to erect the same billboard in Dayton, OH, following the conviction of China Arnold, whose daughter was found dead in a microwave in 2005.

Ultimately, the advertising company decided not to post the ad in Ohio.

I dunno. Comparing the live roasting of a newborn kid to putting a pork chop in the microwave is a bit of a really long stretch. :scratch:

Then again, this is PETA we're talking about... sleazy, rude PETA. I'd run them out of town if they dared erect such a thing in my city, so god help them if one of them decides to throw red paint at my coats one day, because I'm not responsible for what I do afterwards... I digress.

Anyway, one thing is battery via red paint, and another is to basically trivialize the horrific death of an infant for their campaigns. Disgusting.
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I think the doctors must chack out if she's mentally sick or not (I haven't read through all pages). If she is truly sick then she should be put in jail with mental health care till she dies. If she isn't, then she should face death penalty or sit in jail till end of her life and after she dies, she should rot in hell.
That's what I can say about this.
Oh god... that's just sick. I don't understand at all why anyone would do that, and frankly, I hope I never will.

A bit off topic but:
"We're horrified at the thought of microwaving a helpless baby and hope that this billboard will open hearts and minds to the grief of other mothers who have their babies torn away from them simply to satisfy humans' fleeting taste sensations," PETA founder Ingrid E. Newkirk said. "All infants, not just our own, deserve protection, and pigs, like cows and other animals, mourn the loss of their young when they are taken away to be eaten."
Excuse me, but from what I understand and have heard, (at least some) animals do not form a bond as strong with their offspring (some animals wouldn't even recognize them after a while) as we humans do. Well, as mentally healthy human beings do. I'm not saying we should kill and torture animals as much as we like, but comparison of this level is a bit much, I think.
^ I think animals should be eaten. And human beings can kill them just to be enough for food. People shouldn't kill without reason or torture animals.
A bit off-topic though..
LaNixie;3435075 said:
Oh god... that's just sick. I don't understand at all why anyone would do that, and frankly, I hope I never will.

A bit off topic but:

Excuse me, but from what I understand and have heard, (at least some) animals do not form a bond as strong with their offspring (some animals wouldn't even recognize them after a while) as we humans do. Well, as mentally healthy human beings do. I'm not saying we should kill and torture animals as much as we like, but comparison of this level is a bit much, I think.

Some animals even eat their own young, lol. :p


livescience.com said:
A wide range of animals gobbles their own kids — polar bears, burying beetles, hamsters, wolf spiders and a range of fish species.