(UK Fans) Harry Hill's TV Burp (MJ Seance)

...They have recieved horrific emails from the community that is meant to be ALL about L.O.V.E. Do you think they deserve this? ...

Also they were not paid...

I think you're blaming the wrong people here, sugar bunny. I share with you that it would be awful to send horrific emails to these fans... I get a similar feeling from MJ: rocks. Why are you asking us to justify someone else's actions? Again, this criticism toward us seems unfair. It's better not to stereotype us, OK?

(Question... how do you know they weren't paid?)
Omg, i think its bang out of order that these fans are getting nasty emails from others. Thats out of order. I would never do that. I'm not targetting these fans i just wish they were more careful and think about what their doing, for their own sakes really at the end of the day & to spare their feelings.
Anyway, although im not justifying the fact that these people have sent these fans horrible emails. These fans must have been aware that other MJ fans were not happy about the seance going ahead in the first place, so how do you think they were gonna react? I guess other fans are just curious as to why they would want to take part in such a ridiculous thing, whether it means contacting Michael- their idol or not.

(Question... how do you know they weren't paid?)
Yeah thats true, I would like to know the answer to that aswell?

Where going off topic here anyway, Derek Acorah is an idiot. Period. lol
Agreed. I think its unfair to blame any MJ fans. We're all hurting and we deal with it in different ways. Blame Acorah, not Michael Lewis.
Look I personally know and have met two of the fans on the show,

In fairness, someone has already said it, the seance was disrespectiable to some people but not unforgiveable. We should all move on from this. I think we would all thrive at the chance to get in touch with MJ in what ever way permitted, as along as it didn't go against anyones personal/religous belief's.

I do not think any of the fans did any real wrong here.

Harry hill however is a show which pokes fun at people, before mike passed if he was on there being poked at I would have been angry but in the year that he passes...

If certain fans are angry at him, they have mind to be
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