(UK Fans) Harry Hill's TV Burp (MJ Seance)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont know if anyone catched Harry Hills Tv Burp on Saturday 14th November. I love this programme, find it funny.
Harry mentioned the MJ seance with Derek Acorah and of course he took the mick out of it, which was funny cos obviously the whole seance was a big joke anyway. But then guess who appears on the show at the end...

Only Michael Lewis & Derek Acorah, who are singing & dancing about! Doesnt this just make you annoyed? The fact that Derek goes on a programme that is taking the mick out of the programme, surely that proves we definitly cant take the seance seriously now!? Not that i did anyway, this is even more disrespectful. Plus, they both got payed for this. I think Michael Lewis looked like an idiot aswell tbh, why do they make us MJ fans look like looneys? lol. I bet they got a decent wage packet aswell!

Anyway, heres the video & let me know what you think...
Please do not attack other fans, I thought this was meant to be stopping now :/
Fans attacking these four are coming across Jelous. *sigh*
hmm I dont think MJ:rocksmyworld is attacking, i agree that it was very silly. I didnt really understand what to think when they all came on moonwalking and taking the mick.

I did however like the bit when Harry Hill said something like "The nations FAVOURITE medium, Derek Acorah" with blatant sarcasm. I agrew with what you are saying MJ:RMW
It was taking the mick, but I'm sorry...I'm sure that Michael Lewis himself would agree that he was on the programme for publicity - to get himself seen. The whole of Harry Hill's TV Burp is about taking the p**s anyway, so the fact that they looked like twits (scuse the bluntness) must have been intentional, surely? :s
As soon as I saw Derek Acorah on Harry Hill it looked like even Derek was treating the whole thing a joke.Thats the impression he gave me anyway.
I watched the seance repeated on Sky 1 Saturday night and I felt so sorry for those fans.

The way he gave the message about saying hello to Quincey :lmao:
I didn't believe any of it anyway and him being on Harry Hill just confirmed it.
Please do not attack other fans, I thought this was meant to be stopping now :/
Fans attacking these four are coming across Jelous. *sigh*
Amazing how you can say one thing and it goes completly the other way. I wasnt attacking other fans at all. When i watched the seance i actually felt sorry for the fans being taken for a mug & Michael Lewis, well im gonna stand by my statement that he looked like an idiot because he did, thats not being horrible. Its just looked like he was taking the mick out his idol (our idol). It didnt suprise he was on it anyway, he's on everything anyway like GMTV, so its like its his job. Its just Derek Acorah that im more fussed about. He said the seance would be done in a sensitive way which is clearly wasnt & now he goes & done this to promote himself further, hes making more money out Michaels death. It makes me sick.
I know the whole show is about taking the mick but surely with him on it its just distasteful, when watching it i actually felt uncomfortable, it felt wrong.

HannaHPYT- Thanks Hannah! Im glad you agree and can see where im coming from.

I dont like it when people turn against me when i havnt said anything remotely horrible. Us MJ fans are like a community, so i certainly wouldn't be horrible towards others because i appreciate having MJfans in my life- otherwise i would be lost! lol
It just shows that Derek Acorah doesn't take his (supposed) gift seriously, & also shows his lack of respect towards Michael. I was suprised at the fan for joining in as he seemed upset at the seance.
MJ:rocksmyworld, thanks for posting that link. Too bizarre!!!! Acorah and Lewis actually contributing to a serious mocking of themselves. And mind you, the audience is not laughing WITH them, but AT them. It's a depressing sight, indeed. I think Harry Hill himself was funny and said/did nothing in bad taste -- but Acorah and Lewis sure were in bad taste.

I don't think fans should be criticized for commenting about behavior like this; it's worthy of discussion in my opinion. This seance was a huge topic here for a long time, then dead silence after it occurred. People should feel free to discuss what happened.

Question: What does it mean to "take the mick" from someone? Not an expression we use in the U.S.
I saw that last night and I couldn't believe it. Derek Acorah appearing just made it look like he knew the whole thing was a complete joke, it just makes me angry.
I dont know if anyone catched Harry Hills Tv Burp on Saturday 14th November. I love this programme, find it funny.
Harry mentioned the MJ seance with Derek Acorah and of course he took the mick out of it, which was funny cos obviously the whole seance was a big joke anyway. But then guess who appears on the show at the end...

Only Michael Lewis & Derek Acorah, who are singing & dancing about! Doesnt this just make you annoyed? The fact that Derek goes on a programme that is taking the mick out of the programme, surely that proves we definitly cant take the seance seriously now!? Not that i did anyway, this is even more disrespectful. Plus, they both got payed for this. I think Michael Lewis looked like an idiot aswell tbh, why do they make us MJ fans look like looneys? lol. I bet they got a decent wage packet aswell!

Anyway, heres the video & let me know what you think...

:agree: I completley agree with everything you said, I just caught the end of the TV Burp program and was like WTH? I saw the seance, and whether or not it was 'real', Michael Lewis seemed very moved, so I don't know why he's gone on Burp and participated in a mocking.

I actually think he doesn't realise that he looks a bit 'silly' and as a MJ fan representative, that reflects on the whole fan base which makes me cringe. No offence intended to anyone, but I think his devotion can be construed as :bugeyed
I agree -- Derek Acorah is in on the joke, but the poor fan appears not to be -- or is in a major state of denial in order to obtain publicity. Fans should not become so excited at getting publicity that they hurt their idol's image, or turn their thinking off.
All the fans on that Seance show looked absolutely ridiculous and just insulted the memory of MJ... by appearing on a show with a bleached blonde crack pot like Derek.

At least Darren, Glenn and Michael got their mugs on TV; thanks for making us all look like nutters... 10 out of 10 lads.
What's up with you guys?

It doesn't really matter, look at them in the end, the guy wearing the Thriller outfit and both of them dancing to Billie Jean...that is a good thing.

It's kinda' complicated...I can't put what I'm thinking into words so I'll just say it was "publicity" for Michael.
Hang on just a tick. Dereks miming moves werent too bad! hahaha
Wow, way to spit on Michaels grave even more.

And this Michael Lewis person has just proven to be a total sell-out, getting on TV which is all he seems to care about.

What's up with you guys?

It doesn't really matter, look at them in the end, the guy wearing the Thriller outfit and both of them dancing to Billie Jean...that is a good thing.

It's kinda' complicated...I can't put what I'm thinking into words so I'll just say it was "publicity" for Michael.

What is up with you? Your pretty much sayin as long as the image of Michael ( eg. dancing to BJ n the Thriller jacket) is shown, that anythin can be done. Because its publicity?

It was soo disrespectful to do what they did. NOT only to Michael. But to each and everyone of US genuine fans. And the stupid MJ fan cashin in on a joke. Hes the joke. I would slap them 4 fans for all makin us look so deluded and stupid. No doubt it definitely put a bad light on the fans. People even went on at me in work, tryin to take the piss outta me. After what they did, it easily gives the general public an easy chance to stereotype us that were all like that. Its embarassing.

Could it be... could he really be possessed by...

Lol no
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Hang on just a tick. Dereks miming moves werent too bad! hahaha

It pains me grievously to have to say this but...

it's true. Could it be... could he really be possessed by...
What is up with you? Your pretty much sayin as long as the image of Michael ( eg. dancing to BJ n the Thriller jacket) is shown, that anythin can be done. Because its publicity?

It was soo disrespectful to do what they did. NOT only to Michael. But to each and everyone of US genuine fans. And the stupid MJ fan cashin in on a joke. Hes the joke. I would slap them 4 fans for all makin us look so deluded and stupid. No doubt it definitely put a bad light on the fans. People even went on at me in work, tryin to take the piss outta me. After what they did, it easily gives the general public an easy chance to stereotype us that were all like that. Its embarassing.

Lol no
Well I didn't watch the stupid seance thing, I'm not entirely sure what's going on or who the guy in the Thriller jacket is.

EDIT: Ah, OK, never mind. I see what the problem is, I didn't read your post properly.
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It always good to be able to laugh at yourself :O) , everyone see's Michael Lewis as a "crazy" Michael fan so he gave them what people want. Ironic Humor Maybe? Cant belive people are so up tight about it.
Well i've gotta admit when i watched the seance and saw Michael Lewis, i was like "Oh not him again, he's on everything!" Theres like a millionn MJ fans and they get him, thats not being horrible to him, but he does make me cringe. Even Harry Hill was taking the mick out of him in his VT for the seance, when he fell over. Its true, they see Michael Lewis & they stereotype all MJ fans. Not fair. I dont like the fact he makes so much money out of Michael, doesnt seem right to me. If your a fan, then your a fan. Its not even a proper inpersonator so its not his job. Anyway enough of him, i dont wanna get moaned at again for being horrible to other fans.
I just hate the fact that now when you say Derek Acorah, some aloe of people may go "Oh yeah Michael Jackson, he did that seance" Everyone knows when you say Michaels name your gonna cash in & now he's just made it worse. The seance was distasteful & weird to begin with but now he's made the whole thing worse. Also, Michael doesnt need publicity, hes got enough! Surely the whole reason why we were angry about the seance taking place was because we wanted Michael to be left alone? I would hardly call a so called "spiritual medium who wants to cash in on Michael & a huge fan who appeared to be genuinely upset at the seance & who was just plain embarassing to watch, dancing around & singing badly, good publicity, do you?

Thats another thing... wouldnt suprise me if the fans were in on it to? I bet they were paid to take part in the seance, Derek may have asked Michael to cry. You dont know, maybe im going over the top here. But judging by Dereks standards it wouldnt suprise me. :(
Thats another thing... wouldnt suprise me if the fans were in on it to? I bet they were paid to take part in the seance, Derek may have asked Michael to cry. You dont know, maybe im going over the top here. But judging by Dereks standards it wouldnt suprise me. :(

Can I ask if you have ever taken the time to speak to these fans that you claim were "in on it" or considered that they read this forum? Have you ever met them? Do you know 100% they were paid before claiming they were?
MJrockmyworld I do not want to argue or disagree with what you are saying, I just want to make sure you know the facts

So if you were invited to Michaels house in Ireland, invited to look at his personal items, sit in a room were he created amazing music, you would say No and turn down that oppertunity?

Also the "crazy" "looney" "fanatic" fans as they have been called add a bit of Colour to our large Michael Family :O)
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Can I ask if you have ever taken the time to speak to these fans that you claim were "in on it" or considered that they read this forum? Have you ever met them? Do you know 100% they were paid before claiming they were?
MJrockmyworld I do not want to argue or disagree with what you are saying, I just want to make sure you know the facts

So if you were invited to Michaels house in Ireland, invited to look at his personal items, sit in a room were he created amazing music, you would say No and turn down that oppertunity?

Also the "crazy" "looney" "fanatic" fans as they have been called add a bit of Colour to our large Michael Family :O)

I understand you disagree with the poster, which is fine, but your criticism is unfair on a couple counts.

MJ:rocks made no "claim," and said only he/she wouldn't be surprised. Now I don't share that speculation; I'm confident the fans thought it was real. It's not that unreasonable a speculation, though, considering that they HAD to have at least guessed it was a hoax IMMEDIATELY at the "Say hi to Quincy."

As for the sweet "if you were invited" scenario, you um, sorta left out the "participate in a hoax that exploits and mocks MJ fans" part. My own answer to that would be a resounding no.

It's fine that you think it added welcome color. But it's also fine that others disagree.
Can I ask if you have ever taken the time to speak to these fans that you claim were "in on it" or considered that they read this forum? Have you ever met them? Do you know 100% they were paid before claiming they were?
MJrockmyworld I do not want to argue or disagree with what you are saying, I just want to make sure you know the facts

So if you were invited to Michaels house in Ireland, invited to look at his personal items, sit in a room were he created amazing music, you would say No and turn down that oppertunity?

Also the "crazy" "looney" "fanatic" fans as they have been called add a bit of Colour to our large Michael Family :O)

No, i havnt spoken to either of the fans & yeah your right i dont know if they have been paid, but has BO G said i was just speculating. I'm curious to know. I am entitled to an opinion, as we all are here.

I agree with BO G, if i was given the oppurtunity to go to the seance like they did, im positive i would say no. Seeing i didnt agree with it in he first place and the fact its Derek Acorah doing it. I take it you would then?
I think I could put up with Derek for a few hours if it meant having that experiance and being able to be close to Michael Yea definatly ( I mean visiting the house ect NOT the actual Seance part)
I know they have been attacked personally by the MJ Community. They have recieved horrific emails from the community that is meant to be ALL about L.O.V.E. Do you think they deserve this? When all they were offered was a chance to visit Michael home and maybe.........just maybe have an oppertunity to talk to him (depending on your beliefs)?

Also they were not paid, and as for Harry Hill its Michael laughing at himself , being what people are saying he is.

I dont mean to be hyped up about this subject, it is certainly not a personal dig at you atall Mjrocks :O) I just feel so strongly that the community since his death, main message has somehow become hypocritical.