UK advertising has begun!

im in southport merseyside, and nothing has been shown here :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
I was really hoping for the trailer again, but ah well. :D
Just seen the This Is It album advert on ITV 2. Im glad they play This Is It during it too, showing it isnt just the songs everyone has 5291 times.
Just seen the This Is It album advert on ITV 2. Im glad they play This Is It during it too, showing it isnt just the songs everyone has 5291 times.

No, it's those plus an 80s demo never intended for release, dressed up as a new song.

UK advertising really has worked. This Is It the soundtrack is now #4 on the UK Amazon! That's up 10 positions from earlier this morning. Way to go.
:D woo! I saw trailer last night and album tonight :) great!
I saw the TII billie jean trailer for the first time on TV in the advert break during the X factor. We love the X factor in my house and I had 5 of my friends over that night aswell as all of my family and we were all being quite loud during the adverts but as soon as we heard the into to the advert every single person went silent and stared at the TV lol

I also saw the CD advert on ITV2 :D
It's all over XFM this morning, which is kinda weird as it NEVER plays Michael!!
I'm now watching the TV all the time hoping to catch the trailer. :lol: It's really great it's finally being advertised now though. Better late than never! :)
on MSN this morning it had it advertised in the advertising section in the bottom left! Its changed now.. but I will print screen if I see it again :wub: it was great!
I've not seen any adverts for a few days but i hope to soon. I bought the album this morning... *sigh* :(
Yesterday we had about four papers in at work and every single paper had something on Michael which is great to see. He's everywhere!!!!!
:D woo! I saw trailer last night and album tonight :) great!
Me too! Saw the super short Billie Jean ad twice last night on Five, plus one for the album.

Here's what I saw:

(Click red 'play' button, then green 'play' button when it appears. Once vid starts playing you can fix the aspect ratio from wide to 4:3 by hovering over the vid and clicking on the little television icon in the center along the bottom of the player.)
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Really glad the advertising campaign has ramped up; always remember with previous releases Sony would create a TV advert only to show it ONCE, during Malcolm in the Middle on Sky 1 and barely anyone would see it...
LOL. You sound as sad as me.

Haha yup, thats a cos where dedicated MJ Fans...where not sad :S

I saw the ad for the album lastnite during X Factor to. Apart from that i've havn't really seen any other advertising on channels. Its so annoying cos i sit through the ads & still nothing! I hope theres something during Corrie tonight! I need one trailer fix a day- at least! hehe :D
Just mute the telly and turn up the volume whenever the ad breaks come on.

Not that I do that, of course.

^^ Obviously a difference in the way we speak. Seemed pretty rude as well tbh.

I took that This Is It banner from HMV.
'This Is It' Film advertised again during x factor tonight, and the album advertised in the other ad break!!!

Great publicity for the king!!!
I know, it was great to see the trailer again! I went to see TII last night, but I still got really excited when the trailer came on! :D