Tyra Banks Discusses Skin Bleaching!

If Tyra was honest herself she too may want to admit to using the creme. Many black celebs have been known to use it, including Opra Winfrey, witney Huston, many others. It is big business in the music and fashion industy.
in the Asian markets and in the Middle-East, there have been enormous advertising campaigns for this one skin-lightening cream called "Fair & Lovely" (i don't know how well-known that is in the West), but it's like a kit standard for many women around these parts.

this is one of their adverts in India:

and this one's in English:

yes i completely disagree with what the likes of Tyra or Oprah do on such a mass scale - they don't get "real", they are a hollywood product of dramatisation and targeting of certain groups. American media (including films that are adored worldwide) are unbelievably backward in comparison to many of America's great achievements on this planet. it's disturbing, actually.
Yes, indeed. This is part of the dumbing down that we see on tv nowadays. Everything is built on sensationalist to draw big ratings and make mormoney. it is evil.
The kindest thing Tyra could have donewas to inform those women how dangerous using the creme could be on the children's skin. Instead she has exposed the women and their children to a tv audience and perhaps a visit from the children's officers. I wonder how she would feel if those children lose their family because of her tv programme.
Thanks for the videos. I have heard about them. That is why I believe that Tyra's show was a show designed for sensationalism. Why single out a group of dark skinned women and tell them to behave and stay in their place when all the while the rest of the bleaching population go on as normal. it is hypocritical, esp when Tyra works in an industry that uses it a lot and she herself probably does use it too.
b/c I think alot of them of some are doing it b/c of damaged self esteem, hating their skin, some feel ugly, feeling that they cannot be accepted or whatever b/c of the colour of their skin or feeling that they are lower than others with lighther skin things along those lines. And I think they feel that way b/c of the society and media around them. I think it was obv alot of them (on the show) had some psychological issues I just think its sad they feel they need to do that.
Its like that study when television was brought to a small island the youth there started to become bulemic and aneroxic
the lines and definitions of what "natural" is are becoming more blurry as we progress. i don't use the word any more, and neither does science because everything we do and that exists in this universe are, by conventional definition, "natural".
isn't that true! :yes:

But still some ppl with an agenda try to brainwash us by suggesting there is something like 'perfect shape' or 'perfect teeth' or "you do need especially this make up to look perfectly natural" :doh: (no joke!!! I mean that's so ridiculous, isn't it?) etc. etc.
One thing for sure... perfect is either not existing... lol or it's so 'perfect' that it needs to be changed a lot for still bringing some ppl money lol uh?! :cheeky:

Still no way I'm judging ppl here using this or that one way or any other way... I just hope ppl do find a healthy way to be happy with themselves.
Actually, those women never said that they wanted to be WHITE.

i never said that. i wasnt even commenting on that but what others were saying about white ppl going on sun beds cause they wanna be black.
One thing for sure... perfect is either not existing... lol or it's so 'perfect' that it needs to be changed a lot for still bringing some ppl money lol uh?! :cheeky:
you know it. perfectionism is the greatest paradox of them all.
All throught history people have been changing their natural looks. it is human nature, that is why we have the cosmetics industry. People want to be taller, to have perfect teeth, to have long hair or blonde hair or they want to be slim or whatever. high heals were invented to give women more height, yet it damages our feet and give us bunions and other physical problems. We wear clothes on our bodies because they make us feel good and look good. The list goes on, but it is because we are unsatisfied with ourselves that we explore and discover new ways to look and feel better. We build hospitals for the sick to save them from dying, when we could have just left them to die naturally. So you see, we could take things to the extreme and not do anything to ourselves. Not human.

yes as long as u dont cause urself any harm u can do whatever u please to make urself feel better and to look better. but in this case they do harm themselves with those chemicals.
also imo beauty doesnt have anything to do with the color of ur skin. u can have a very dark skin and still be extremely beautiful. i believe the ppl who do that specific thing have some serious psychological issues. not because they want to change themselves to look better and feel better but because they do it just to feel acceptable in the society.
they feel inferior to others and that they're not good enough. but once they have their skin lighten people will immediately be looking at them differently.
its a very delicate and deep issue and it is not to be taken lightly.
Yeah I agree with you Roxanne thats what I was trying to say except I didnt do it very well:lol:
:lol:, I usually agree with Roxanne on most cases but on this one I do not agree with her at all.
I find it frustrating and in some casde prejudicial that a white person can be whatever they want and no one even question their love for themselves or their race, yet when a black person does the same exact thing, everybody and their momma is on their case, claiming that they have self loathing and psychological problems. it is almost like saying that black people shouldn't have deisres outside of their station otherwise they are crazy. Now it is 'wrong to even desire a certain shade or feature because they aren't happy with whast god gave them, yet every other race of people is allwed to be dissatisfied with what god gave them and fix it. There is something wrong with that picture to me.
Yeah I get what you're saying too Datsymay my problem is I think they are MADE to feel unhappy. I dunno when white people tan is it b/c their self esteem has been knocked or that the feel unacceptable of inferior? I dont think its that way for them but I think its that way for not all but alot of dark skinned people (not just blacks) who feel the need to tan. I think that may be the difference. I think alot of black people feel they NEED it rather than just wanting it.
And I dont think they are wrong for doing it btw i think they way things like society and the media making them feel the need to do it is wrong.
Did that make sense I am not always that good at explaining things as clearly as I want to at times
Yeah I get what you're saying too Datsymay my problem is I think they are MADE to feel unhappy. I dunno when white people tan is it b/c their self esteem has been knocked or that the feel unacceptable of inferior? I dont think its that way for them but I think its that way for not all but alot of dark skinned people (not just blacks) who feel the need to tan. I think that may be the difference. I think alot of black people feel they NEED it rather than just wanting it.
And I dont think they are wrong for doing it btw i think they way things like society and the media making them feel the need to do it is wrong.
Did that make sense I am not always that good at explaining things as clearly as I want to at times
I am glad that you are coming around to my way of thinking, but I still take issues with you. You talk as if black people are some different kind of species that have different needs from every other spieces. That is very wrong.
We are no different from the rest of the human rtace, except in the way OTHERS percieved us.
Do not kid yourself that black people bleach because they feel inferior. That is not true. They bleach because they want to acvhieve a deisred shade of blackness. Not because they feel that they are any less worthy. They do not want to be white either.
As I said before, black people come in all shades of colour. We have a lot to chose from.
I have a niece that I thought had the most beautiful complexion, although she was several shades darker than her sisters.
I recently cvomplemented her on her complexion, then she said to me, 'But auntie, you are the same complexion as me', I said 'No, i'm not', so she told me to put my hand next to her. Well guess what, she was right. All this time I was loving her complexion and didn't realise it was the same as mine. I felt pleased and quite lucky. It was my favourite skin tone, and I had it.
Maybe these black women have a favourite skin tone they are trying to achieve. Doesn't mean that they hate themselves. I never hated myself when I admired my nieces skin tone. I just simply thought it was most pleasing to my eyes. luckily, I have no need to bleach to get it, but I would never judge those who do.
I am glad that you are coming around to my way of thinking, but I still take issues with you. You talk as if black people are some different kind of species that have different needs from every other spieces. That is very wrong.
We are no different from the rest of the human rtace, except in the way OTHERS percieved us.
Do not kid yourself that black people bleach because they feel inferior. That is not true. They bleach because they want to acvhieve a deisred shade of blackness. Not because they feel that they are any less worthy. They do not want to be white either.
As I said before, black people come in all shades of colour. We have a lot to chose from.
I have a niece that I thought had the most beautiful complexion, although she was several shades darker than her sisters.
I recently cvomplemented her on her complexion, then she said to me, 'But auntie, you are the same complexion as me', I said 'No, i'm not', so she told me to put my hand next to her. Well guess what, she was right. All this time I was loving her complexion and didn't realise it was the same as mine. I felt pleased and quite lucky. It was my favourite skin tone, and I had it.
Maybe these black women have a favourite skin tone they are trying to achieve. Doesn't mean that they hate themselves. I never hated myself when I admired my nieces skin tone. I just simply thought it was most pleasing to my eyes. luckily, I have no need to bleach to get it, but I would never judge those who do.
I dont think I was talking as if black people are a different species, at all. I think social influence can effect any race age whatever.
I werent trying to say that all black people do it I said I think soem of the reasons that some of them do it is b/c of that. I thought I wrote the word some in my reponses. If not that is what I meant.
I'm not kidding myself I think some of the reason may be that they do feel inferior to lighter skinned people while other have different reasons. I think the women on banks show or atleast some of them did feel the way I've suggested though. Like when people become aneroxia or bulemic b/c they feel that they cant be accepted or ugly whatever as fat, slim whatever. but again some just want a quick way to slimness or their ideal weight
And I said I know its not just blacks like someone posted it happens in India and obv other places with people of different races. And I never said they wanted to be white.
Also people wanting to be white is a whole other topic people that dont bleach will sometimes tell you they want to be white or any other race
And I know WE arent different.
I dont think I was talking as if black people are a different species, at all. I think social influence can effect any race age whatever.
I werent trying to say that all black people do it I said I think soem of the reasons that some of them do it is b/c of that. I thought I wrote the word some in my reponses. If not that is what I meant.
I'm not kidding myself I think some of the reason may be that they do feel inferior to lighter skinned people while other have different reasons. I think the women on banks show or atleast some of them did feel the way I've suggested though. Like when people become aneroxia or bulemic b/c they feel that they cant be accepted or ugly whatever as fat, slim whatever. but again some just want a quick way to slimness or their ideal weight
And I said I know its not just blacks like someone posted it happens in India and obv other places with people of different races. And I never said they wanted to be white.
Also people wanting to be white is a whole other topic people that dont bleach will sometimes tell you they want to be white or any other race
And I know WE arent different.
Well, I do live in the black community, but I have never met a black person who feel inferior to lighter skinned person. I do have a large family and the skin-shades are as different as we are large, yet there was nerver a time when darker shades were inferior or fairer were superior. In fact my brother who happens to be the darkest is one of the most popular in the family and with friends.
Please remember that these so called inferior beings are members of families and they may have family with different skin tones too. It is a myth to think that black people go around measuring skin tones and talk about who is fairer and therefore superior. Several of my own siblings are fairer than mom and dad. Should they feel superior to their parents?
Out of 35 million black americans, the programme managed to find 6 individuals who were willing to talk about the reason why they use bleach, then all of a sudden the sky is falling, cause very dark skinned people feel inferior and want to be lighter.
Utter madness. You will find that statistically, it is more likely to be the lighter skinned people who will be using bleach on their skin, rather than darker skinned people. Yes, People like Beyonce and Tyra, are more likely to be using than darker shades of black.
I think it's disgusting. Is it possible for bleached faces to regain their full colour?
The creme is called a bleaching creme but it doesn't actually bleach the skin as you could see those people were still very dark skinned. What it does it give the skin an ever tone and the appearance of being lighter, but not much. the shin changed and the colour comes back, it is no more than using make up on the face, maybe with some added agents.
Well, I do live in the black community, but I have never met a black person who feel inferior to lighter skinned person. I do have a large family and the skin-shades are as different as we are large, yet there was nerver a time when darker shades were inferior or fairer were superior. In fact my brother who happens to be the darkest is one of the most popular in the family and with friends.
Please remember that these so called inferior beings are members of families and they may have family with different skin tones too. It is a myth to think that black people go around measuring skin tones and talk about who is fairer and therefore superior. Several of my own siblings are fairer than mom and dad. Should they feel superior to their parents?
Out of 35 million black americans, the programme managed to find 6 individuals who were willing to talk about the reason why they use bleach, then all of a sudden the sky is falling, cause very dark skinned people feel inferior and want to be lighter.
Utter madness. You will find that statistically, it is more likely to be the lighter skinned people who will be using bleach on their skin, rather than darker skinned people. Yes, People like Beyonce and Tyra, are more likely to be using than darker shades of black.

Datsymay I know this. I too live in a black community. Lol I never said black people WERE inferior, and I would never say that, to do so would be insulting myself and my entire family, friend neighbours etc. And they too are all different shades. Lol of course I dont think black people go around measuring tones and whatever else you said.
Of course they shouldnt feel superior. I think you missed my points lol nvm.
didnt you read my other posts I know there are different reason for different people. " then all of a sudden the sky is falling, cause very dark skinned people feel inferior and want to be lighter."
If you're thinking about the sun and the way the sun triggers those pigmentation's on all of our skin, it will only make us darker (or red or sun burnt for those that are allergic to uva) There is no thing in nature that can make us lighter, only man-made things, like skin-bleaching. (or if you get diagnosed with vitiligo)

Those girls on the show, is it a permanent thing or is it just like makeup?

Wasn't there some controversy over some Beyonce ad when they claimed Loreal or whatever had changed her skin too a much lighter complexion? It was all over the place, and very controversial :/

I just can't see that skinbleaching and tanorexia can be any good for our skin in the long run. That is my point.
If you're thinking about the sun and the way the sun triggers those pigmentation's on all of our skin, it will only make us darker (or red or sun burnt for those that are allergic to uva) There is no thing in nature that can make us lighter, only man-made things, like skin-bleaching. (or if you get diagnosed with vitiligo)

Those girls on the show, is it a permanent thing or is it just like makeup?

Wasn't there some controversy over some Beyonce ad when they claimed Loreal or whatever had changed her skin too a much lighter complexion? It was all over the place, and very controversial :/

I just can't see that skinbleaching and tanorexia can be any good for our skin in the long run. That is my point.
it isn't permanent and it makes very little impact except to make the skin more even. I doubt it makes the skin lighter. those women were still very dark.
Yes, i think it couldn't be good for the skin in the long run, but so is a lot of things we do in the name of beauty. I used to put chemicals in my hair, but i stopped long time ago because I was afraid of what it was doing to my scalp, but i have seen many women going bald and were still processing their hair. That is their choice. The drug addict is also making a choice.
it isn't permanent and it makes very little impact except to make the skin more even. I doubt it makes the skin lighter. those women were still very dark.
Yes, i think it couldn't be good for the skin in the long run, but so is a lot of things we do in the name of beauty. I used to put chemicals in my hair, but i stopped long time ago because I was afraid of what it was doing to my scalp, but i have seen many women going bald and were still processing their hair. That is their choice. The drug addict is also making a choice.

Me too!! I dyed my hair for years, and ended up with the worst hair thinkable. Now I haven't colored it for two years, and it's better than ever. I remember when I went to the hairdresser when my hair was at it's worsts, I got almost yelled at!

I learned my lesson. If I hadn't stopped in time, I would have probably ended up cutting it all off or have serious damages to my scalp. No more color in this hair!
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oh yeah I saw this they need to take that woman's kids away she's hurting those kids not just emotionally but health wise also........
Omg i didn't even know people could bleach their skin!! Those products should be goddamn illegal!!

I found that totally disgusting, i'm not black, i'm asian (arabic) and i'm light and i always thought black people are totally GORGEOUS!! But i've never tried any product or anything because i'm happy with my skin (all skin shades are beautiful). I can't believe that woman is bleaching her kids and nothing is being done about it, i think they should take those kids away from her!

Those women should be soo proud of being black and should celebrate their african american culture!! I found it so sad and offensive that they were like "white is better.." because no colour is better than another and also, they were saying it with Tyra Banks, a stunning black supermodel...right in front of them!
:lol:, I usually agree with Roxanne on most cases but on this one I do not agree with her at all.
I find it frustrating and in some casde prejudicial that a white person can be whatever they want and no one even question their love for themselves or their race, yet when a black person does the same exact thing, everybody and their momma is on their case, claiming that they have self loathing and psychological problems. it is almost like saying that black people shouldn't have deisres outside of their station otherwise they are crazy. Now it is 'wrong to even desire a certain shade or feature because they aren't happy with whast god gave them, yet every other race of people is allwed to be dissatisfied with what god gave them and fix it. There is something wrong with that picture to me.

if those bleaching cremes did not have any side effects at all i wouldnt mind seeing people using them. it is the very fact that there is a strong possibility for those cremes to cause ppl who use them serious health problems that make me not wanna see people using them. simple as that.
if those bleaching cremes did not have any side effects at all i wouldnt mind seeing people using them. it is the very fact that there is a strong possibility for those cremes to cause ppl who use them serious health problems that make me not wanna see people using them. simple as that.
I agree with you. I think though that the nickname is what is causing the alarm, ie Bleaching creme'. I doubt that the industry would have been made legal if it was really as dangerous as is percieved. i would think it is no more dangerous than any other agents we put on our skin, including the chemicals we put on our hair, which also affects the skin. i think there is a level of risk in all products. Furthermore the skin is very tough and can endure a large degree of discomfort before it reacts. If there is a demand for this product, which there obviously is, then what we hope for is that the industry act responsibly when creating this stuff, and not condemn the people using them, cause that is hypocricy when we are all using products to make us look and feel better.
People with light or pale skin should get off their moral high ground and stop condemning people who want to feel better about themselves, that don't help them or anybody.
And when those babies are taken away from their momma's, who is gonna love them the way their mommas do? oh, yeah, their foster mommas or their home carers.
im sure smoking is far worse than some skin bleach, and no one is going to take kid's away from parents who smoke.