TV Show themes

The theme from 'Speed Racer'. (Am I crazy, or does Speed Racer look like Michael Jackson? Or am I too much of a Michael Jackson fan to be objective?) And considering some of the lyrics of the Speed Racer theme, and the fact that Michael eventually came up with a song called Speed Demon, all seems so cool. :) I remember a picture of Michael that I saw..I don't remember what era it was from but it was one of the latter eras, and he was pictured with a boy, and Michael had short hair, and he looked as young as the boy..only taller, of course. In that pic, MJ looks just like Speed Racer. lol. Then, I see in the cartoon, that Speed Racer has long's easy to see when he's wearing the white pants. And that seals the MJ lookalike thing. And in this cartoon pic, Speed wears a scarf around his neck. Not that it happened often, but MJ sometimes wore a scarf around his neck. Anyway...

edit: in fact, you can look at my current avatar and the pic of Speed Racer in the still of the video and see. Cut Michael's hair a little shorter and wala

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Game Of Thrones (probably my favorite theme song right now)
(this is the extended version)


Doctor Who (2005-2007 theme)

Avatar: The Last Airbender (possibly my favorite cartoon EVER. i watched the entire series literally half a dozen times on the nicktoons network and i STILL want the series DVDs.)

That's all I can think of for now. I don't watch very much TV actually.
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