TV Alert: Travis Payne On Joy Behar show NOW

....Did she really say that?? :eek:

Yep and here is a piece of the transcript.

BEHAR: Let`s say the kid was in fact, allegedly he was, let`s say he was molested.


BEHAR: Wouldn`t you -- If it was your kid, wouldn`t you take the money, and you`d be angry, put the kid in therapy, and take the money, right, I would. Rather than tell the FBI. I would have to say I would do that for $20 million.
BEHAR: Let`s say the kid was in fact, allegedly he was, let`s say he was molested.


BEHAR: Wouldn`t you -- If it was your kid, wouldn`t you take the money, and you`d be angry, put the kid in therapy, and take the money, right, I would. Rather than tell the FBI. I would have to say I would do that for $20 million.

I know, I was shocked when I read this in the show transcript (didn't watch the program). I mean, to say if your kid is molested it would be just fine to accept a payoff from the molester to keep quiet. What kind of a parent would do such a thing? No amount of money in the world will help that child recover from the trauma of being abused...and then if the child were to find out later what the parent did for all the millions they have, lol. More trauma for the poor kid. She's sick for suggesting such a thing.
She was warned once about her remarks on the show. They told her to tone it down. The woman has very little understanding of what's called 'thought process.' She simpYeahly sees what she wants to see and takes it like that. Too bad she doesn't realize that dissing the dead will come back to haunt her in some aspect.

Class and common-sense go hand in hand. Karma is still watching.
I'm watching the repeat now and they didn't mention anything. Someone is on there talking about John and Elizabeth Edwards.
Because she would take the money and run, doesn't make it right.

And I don't understand her logic, either. If Evan Chandler really had concerned about the effects a civil trial would have on his son, then he wouldn't have filed the lawsuit in the first place.
BEHAR: Let`s say the kid was in fact, allegedly he was, let`s say he was molested.


BEHAR: Wouldn`t you -- If it was your kid, wouldn`t you take the money, and you`d be angry, put the kid in therapy, and take the money, right, I would. Rather than tell the FBI. I would have to say I would do that for $20 million.

Sure Behar, and then you would let that CHILD MOLESTER roam free to go do "God know what" to other kids. I guess that shows what kind of person you are....