Tuesday 05th Aug News and Mentionings - Martin Bashir has serious errors in judgement, says ABC.

what he did in lwmj SHOULD have been enough for abc to know he has error in judgement.. Yet they award him to a contract with the channel.. STUPID!!

Tell me about it!! Michael proved with the "Take Two" documentary what a SCUMBAG and LIAR Bashir is. I don't know what ABC was thinking when they hired him!! You'd think they would want a GOOD journalist and reporter in their team, not some fool with no integrity. But then again...doesn't ABC have Barbara "But you are some what eccentric" Walters and Diane "MICHAEL JACKSON???!!! How could you marry MICHAEL JACKSON??!!" Sawyer too...? :doh: I think that says it all...:rolleyes:
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n. act of accusing, placing of blame; charge of an offense

n. charge; statement; declaration; unfounded accusation
comes from words accuse(d)/allege(d), hence the difference in meaning. People really loose semantics of their own language sometimes.

Grand Master S said:
To see some underhanded intentions in the way the writer worded it is just paranoia. And if it's just your understanding of English phrasing that's the problem, maybe you should make sure of this stuff before you suggest for somebody to burn in hell

1) there is no place where I ever wrote anything about author's "underhanded intentions", since his phrasing could be also result of subconscious, and/or cliche-driven approach. Either way it is unprofessional;

2) thus "paranoia" (if to accept terminology you prefer) is seeing/imagining something that does not exist in other's writing, please see item #1;

3) since you do not know (may not remember) how and why in the world there are two words with roots accuse/allege, it is not my problem with understanding;

4) I suggested "burning in hell" only in as humorous, exaggerated alternative to "punishment" to the author, hence there was "laugh" sign. Thus it turned out that it is not me who has "paranoia" and digs too deep where unnecessary.
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DenisRS, chances are that not even the Daily Mail author would be as aware and intricately attentive to semantics as you seem to be. and even then, it would be lost on the fact that the niche audience would hardly make the distinction, that's if they read past the headline.
If large part of the public lost track where "allege" and "accuse" differ, then, yes. That is why I did not make serious issue of it, ending my remark with ":lol:" sign.

Some fans may take too serious approach to whatever they read, that is my guess. ;)

(For other public, if author took time to phrase "of what he perceived as" referring to Bashir's tactics, then he also could take equal care of more accurate/strict choice of words when writing on allegation about one of the worst crimes imaginable.)
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(For other public, if author took time to phrase "of what he perceived as" referring to Bashir's tactics, then he also could take equal care of more accurate/strict choice of words when writing on allegation about one of the worst crimes imaginable.)

You mean other than already specifying that he was accused of the crime and not convicted or guilty of it?

Yeah, you're reaching pretty far there. You have yet to explain to anyone what is inaccurate about saying that Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation. Was he not accused of doing that? Or were even the accusers saying "he's allegedly a child molester"? He was not ACCUSED of being an alleged child molester. He WAS an alleged child molester, and thankfully has since been cleared, but by your own insanely detailed dwelling, your grievance makes no sense.

Then again, it must be a conspiracy and/or the writer's vendetta against Michael Jackson and/or crazy ass fans.

comes from words accuse(d)/allege(d), hence the difference in meaning. People really loose semantics of their own language sometimes.

Probably because they understand what's being said in more normal, less book-ish terms. To state that the writer should go out of his way to say, "accused of allegedly..." is freaking ridiculous to almost anyone who isn't overthinking things to an asinine degree.

n. act of accusing, placing of blame; charge of an offense

n. charge; statement; declaration; unfounded accusation

No one cares.
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Bashir is such a fu*king moron. What a classless pig he is. Oh well. The fact that he can't keep his dirty thoughts to himself in such a public, no doubt black tie setting shows what a loser he is. I'm glad he's been humiliated over the whole thing. It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.

And man, some of you guys need to cool down. The nit picking around here is getting over the top, from both ends.
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look y'alls, abc had two choices after take II...either run w/ bashir's version of lwmj and defend the fact that he didn't do anything wrong and that they in turn hired a man of veracity to work for their network after that smashing documentary

OR admit it was a farce, that their ratingswinner was nothing but carefully edited bootychatter and that they made an error..... they chose the latter.

bashir's days are numbered working in the us. he should take time off and focus on his health anyway
What Bashir said was totally unacceptable. And the part about the podium covering him from the waist down makes me want to throw up. He's not even attractive from the waist up, so what makes him think anyone other than his woman would be interested in what he's got from the waist down. That was SO bootsy.

See, that's how Martin started all that mess for MJ. Martin has a dirty mind. His mind is ALWAYS in the gutter. I am so thankful that God turned that mess around for MJ.

Martin is going to keep going until he finally takes himself out. And he is going to be on ABC's payroll when he does it. The clock is ticking for all of them. ABC is going to hate that they hired him when they see what else he has hidden up his sleeve.
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Martin said in so many words
Look at all the asian babes _ I have a hard on
looking at you all and glad i have the podium to
cover it _ If that is not innaproriate _ I dont
what is ... I dont know where he though he was
but he has shown his true (smut) character with
that statement at a prestigious meeting ..
^^:puke: ewwww Martin Bashir said that???that is innaproriate. Makes me sick just thinking about what he said..gross!!
Martin's mouth is moving fast and his brain is moving slow.

Keep going, Martin. Run that mouth. Keep going until you take yourself out. Pick up the pace so you can hurry up and get this done. We ain't got time to waste. This is far overdue.
people, alleged and accuse ARE two completely different words with distinct meanings and yes, the regular Daily Mail reader would probably not be able to discern that difference -- so I now pronounce the whole lot of you as winners of this debate because you are all correct..now where the diagreement lies, I couldn't fathom :p ;) :lol:
Don't know where to put this.. but I thought it was a nice lil' bit talking about Mike. :lol: I know it's like August 6th already though.. :hysterical: I pasted the Michael part. :lol:

Michael Jackson Recording With Akon and RedOne: Album ETA Unknown
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
Aug 6, 2008

Michael Jackson continues to spend time in Las Vegas, where he's been recording with producers Akon and RedOne off and on since spring -- but it's anyone's guess as to when the long-embattled music icon will be coming out with another album. "It's not like it's a secret, it's just that nobody knows," says the super hot RedOne (nee Nadir Khayat).

"When it comes to Michael, I'm not allowed to talk about the recording," he adds. But I can say he's unbelievable, honestly the best that music has ever known, the ultimate star, artist, musician. Every other star I work with, I tell them I'm working with Michael Jackson, and they're like 'Oh, my God!' And when I tell him, he's so humble and polite, he's like, 'Oh, thank you.'"


Aww, Mike.
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Don't know where to put this.. but I thought it was a nice lil' bit talking about Mike. :lol: I know it's like August 6th already though.. :hysterical: I pasted the Michael part. :lol:

Michael Jackson Recording With Akon and RedOne: Album ETA Unknown
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
Aug 6, 2008

Michael Jackson continues to spend time in Las Vegas, where he's been recording with producers Akon and RedOne off and on since spring -- but it's anyone's guess as to when the long-embattled music icon will be coming out with another album. "It's not like it's a secret, it's just that nobody knows," says the super hot RedOne (nee Nadir Khayat).

"When it comes to Michael, I'm not allowed to talk about the recording," he adds. But I can say he's unbelievable, honestly the best that music has ever known, the ultimate star, artist, musician. Every other star I work with, I tell them I'm working with Michael Jackson, and they're like 'Oh, my God!' And when I tell him, he's so humble and polite, he's like, 'Oh, thank you.'"


Aww, Mike.
I LOVE this!! This is the livest recording session goin'! LOL

Keep it on lock down, Mike!! :lol:
Michael's a sweet heart. You can't fake that. Everyone observes the same thing about him, and they always use the same words to describe him. That shows you he's the real deal.
even if mj would not go i d still love being in beverly hills to see the rest of the jacksons but when there are so many old icons showing up he just might consider going too wish i lived near there (and well as far as bas.its about time he made a public misstake so the pple who still thought he was a normal (yes right)reporter see him for what he is_)
.... well as far as bas.its about time he made a public misstake so the pple who still thought he was a normal (yes right)reporter see him for what he is_)
One more strike and he's out.
For the reason U.K. yanked him.
But then again the sharks in the Pacific Ocean beg to differ :lol:
It just continues to amuse me at how all the vultures from the past just systematically keep contributing to their own demise.....karma is such a bitch!....and Bashir is'nt sorry for what he said, what all those present in that room heard from him was his true character, he's only sorry he got called out on it!
Surveying the guests at the annual banquet in Chicago, Bashir declared: "I'm happy to be in the midst of so many Asian babes. In fact, I'm happy that the podium covers me from the waist down."

He didn't stop there. The London-born presenter, who moved to the US four years ago to add a fortune to his fame, even managed to upset his network copresenter Juju Chang, who was sharing the stage. Bashir noted that a speech should be "like a dress on a beautiful woman - long enough to cover the important parts and short enough to keep your interest - like my colleague Juju's."




Complete Idiot.
Bashir is not sorry for anything...
He may not be sorry...but I bet his wife is.
He is so lucky he had editorial control over specials he did with BBC back in the day...

The way he did Mike.. HELL NO!! He even made Princess Diana look terrible.. that was his goal.. To simply dig the dirties dirt he could by sneaking his way into trust with celebs, and twisted everything..

That little piece of :bugeyed
ha ha !that's exactly what Bashir gets for messing wit mj. maybe now the public will see what disgusting man he really is
sorry but what he said doesn't make him a disgusting man, it just makes him incredibly un-pc. he made a bad joke, people didn' tlike it, he'll move on from it.

if ANYTHING was to show how bad he was w/ refrence to mike it was take II and that didn't make any impact except in court.
What it does show is what a classless pig Bashir is. The way he treats other people, that shows what a rotten person he is.
"... from the waist down" Pfft. Like he got something good from the waist down. :rolleyes:
Maybe Bashir should pick up climbing trees for a habit... in hopes he would fall off.

J/K... Not really.
Maybe Bashir should pick up climbing trees for a habit... in hopes he would fall off.

J/K... Not really.

ROTFLMAO :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:LOLOLO...I can soo imagine..

"so...what do you do for fun Martin?"

'climb trees!'

"what?! Don't you prefer making love?"

'no...but I DO like making pig bastard jokes about asian women at asian conferences!'
