Tribute Project for Nelson Mandela


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2012
ON, Canada

A tribute created entirely by Michael Jackson fans

To Michael's army of L.O.V.E

We all know that Michael believed in a better world. As the fans, it is up to us to show the world what Michael was all about! There are so many ways we can do this. This time, we are calling all who wish to participate to join in creating a tribute to Nelson Mandela.


Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before becoming the first black president of South Africa. He continued to fight against racial segregation, poverty, and inequality as president and is a world icon for peace.


Naturally, Michael Jackson and Nelson Mandela have a lot in common. They both believed in unity, love, and a better world for our children.


So what can we do as Michael's fans to honour this great man?

Record yourself telling us why you love Nelson Mandela, or how he inspires you and send us your video!


Simply send us a picture of yourself holding a picture of Mandela! We will include it in the tribute video. We encourage you to wear any "Michael gear" you might have. A T-shirt, glove, hat, arm band... anything that reminds you of Michael!

Some things to keep in mind...

1) Send us your video files unedited, and photos without any added text. Simply record/ snap your picture and send! We will put it together with other submissions to create the tribute.

2) If you can't or don't want to send a video of yourself, send us an audio recording. Try sending it along with a picture of yourself holding a picture of Nelson Mandela, or a message written on a piece of paper for us to see. We will include it in the video.

3) Send us your tweets! In your own words, what does Nelson Mandela mean to you?

3) You are welcome to send your message in any language. Please provide subtitles on videos spoken in any language other then English.

4) All photos and videos can be sent to

"He loves children because I went to see him and I had some kids with me and people were saying the kids have to stay but Michael Jackson can come. I said 'I'm sure Mr. Mandela wouldn't mind seeing children. I won't go in unless the children go too'. I remember his representatives looked at me [with a stern face] and they went back and then they said 'Everybody come'. The first thing Mandela did was run to the children and pick them up and hug them. I knew that he was that kind of man and he loved them. He was talking to them and then he shook my hand. I knew I was right."

- Michael Jackson

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Re: Tribute to Nelson Mandela

That's awesome Lark, is very nice to have a tribute for this great man!

Keep it up Army of L.OV.E.!
Thank You Lark. :clapping: I tweeted this via our MJJC Legacy Team Twitter
Yep, I mailed my submission :cheeky:

Thanks for inspiring me to make this vid :blush:

:wub: Daz.
:clapping: Thank you to each and everyone of you that have shown all the love you have from your hearts for Nelson Mandela :clap:

He was inspired to go on after all his trials all because of MICHAEL JACKSON

Nelson Mandela will truly appreciate the time you have taken to tell him how much he meant to you, the nations the world and Michael :heart:

:clap: HUGE Thank's again to you, Lark for doing this amazing job of keeping every LOVE message so cared for !! :heart::clapping: :bow:
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Statement From The Estate Of Michael Jackson About The Passing Of Nelson Mandela

Michael Jackson was proud to call Nelson Mandela his friend. Like millions of admirers around the world Michael drew inspiration from President Mandela’s courage, his fight for human dignity and his commitment to peace. During his visits to South Africa Michael met often with President Mandela, who described Michael as “a close member of our family.” Our hearts go out to President Mandela’s family and to his beloved South Africans as they mourn their incalculable loss.

- John Branca and John McClain, Co-Executors The Estate of Michael Jackson

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™
Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela


"They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time." Nelson Mandela will never die. His legendary legacy and influence will be looked upon for countless generations to come.

Rest In Peace | 1918-2013
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Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela

very touching by the Estate. God bless you Nelson Mandela and may your soul rest in peace.
Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God - Matthew 5:9
My heartfelt prayers and condolences go out to Mr Mandela's family and all those around the world who were deeply inspired and moved by his courage and generosity. The world has lost another great man of love and peace. I'm deeply saddened - RIP Nelson Mandela


Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela

Rest in peace mr mandela
Tata Madiba gave so much hope, inspiration to millions around the world that made us believe if there were more people like him, the world would be a better and happier place. My heart goes out for his family. I'll be missing him, we won't be able to tell him how much he meant for all the people who love him and admire him... :cry:

“When you are behind bars with no hope of release, you need to find strength wherever you can, personally, I found strength in Michael Jackson.” ~Nelson Mandela (2005)

About Nelson Mandela from Michael's own words:

"He [Hitler] built that anger, so strong, while [Nelson] Mandela did the opposite. He became a lamb in prison. He had no bitterness, to this day saying even though he is eighty and his youth is gone—because he was in prison so long—he doesn't regret any of it."

"He [Nelson Mandela] is sweet, very childlike."

Q: Does he like to giggle?
"He [Nelson Mandela] loves children because when I went to see him I had some kids with me and people were saying the kids have to stay, but Michael Jackson can come. I said. "I'm sure Mr. Mandela wouldn't mind seeing children. I won't go in unless the children go too." I remember his representatives looked at me like this [makes stern and suspicious facial expression] and they went back and then they said, "Everybody come." The first thing Mandela did is run to the children and pick them up and hug them. I knew he was that kind of man and he loved them. He was talking to them and then he shook my hand. I knew I was right."

~ Michael Jackson

President Mandela said he found strength from Michael Jackson in a 2005 interview:

“When you are behind bars with no hope of release, you need to find strength wherever you can, Personally, I found strength in Michael Jackson.

It took great courage to leave the Jackson Five and go solo. I thought to myself, if he had the courage to do that, I, too, must have the will to go on.”

[h=1]Message from The Nelson Mandela Foundation, The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation[/h]5th December 2013
It is with the deepest regret that we have learned of the passing of our founder, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – Madiba. The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa will shortly make further official announcements.
We want to express our sadness at this time. No words can adequately describe this enormous loss to our nation and to the world.
We give thanks for his life, his leadership, his devotion to humanity and humanitarian causes. We salute our friend, colleague and comrade and thank him for his sacrifices for our freedom. The three charitable organisations that he created dedicate ourselves to continue promoting his extraordinary legacy.
Hamba Kahle Madiba
[h=2]Arrangements[/h]We will update this information when the Presidency makes further announcements about funeral and memorial arrangements.
To support the government and the Mandela family we will endeavour where possible to assist with access to information.
[h=2]Keeping the legacy alive[/h]For a background document on the history and work of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation, as well as details of how to support their work, please click here.

Nelson Mandela’s retirement video:[h=2]Send a message of condolence:[/h]Messages can be entered by submitting the form below following the directions. We undertake to collect all messages received and hand them to Madiba’s family.
Message from The Nelson Mandela Foundation,
The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation

5th December 2013

It is with the deepest regret that we have learned of the passing of our founder, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – Madiba. The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa will shortly make further official announcements.

We want to express our sadness at this time. No words can adequately describe this enormous loss to our nation and to the world.

We give thanks for his life, his leadership, his devotion to humanity and humanitarian causes. We salute our friend, colleague and comrade and thank him for his sacrifices for our freedom. The three charitable organisations that he created dedicate ourselves to continue promoting his extraordinary legacy.

Hamba Kahle Madiba


We will update this information when the Presidency makes further announcements about funeral and memorial arrangements.

To support the government and the Mandela family we will endeavour where possible to assist with access to information.

Keeping the legacy alive

For a background document on the history and work of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation, as well as details of how to support their work, please click here.

Nelson Mandela’s retirement video:

Send a message of condolence:

Messages can be entered by submitting the form below following the directions. We undertake to collect all messages received and hand them to Madiba’s family.
Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela

I feel that this song is very appropriate for right now:

Re: MJ Estate mourns Nelson Mandela

:cry: Such a sad, sad, day and my heart is heavy again. Another hero of mine (and many worldwide) has passed on today. It's been cloudy, raining and quiet all day here, as if the atmosphere is mourning Mr. Mandela's passing.

Rest in Paradise, Madiba...