Tragic Michael Jackson tapes revealed


Proud Member
Aug 19, 2009
TRAGIC recordings of Michael Jackson in which he pleads for financial help and fears for his life have been revealed by The Sun.

They show the star sometimes rambling and at other times virtually incoherent.

Desperate to seek refuge from his Neverland ranch and besieged by money worries, the star left a series of messages on a friend's telephone answerphone.

The tapes were handed to US journalist Daphne Barak after she wrote a book on celebrity addiction.

Ms Barak told The Sun yesterday they had been passed to her by friends, who wished to remain anonymous, to illustrate how the star appeared to be suffering the effects of an addiction to prescription drugs more than six years before his death last June.

Throughout the recordings Jackson, who died aged 50, appears anxious and paranoid his life is under threat.

In the first message he is determined to move away:

"It is Michael calling. It is very important, I want that 150 in that account for me, because... I am very concerned about my life. I am hearing a lot of stories that (name withheld) is still trying to sabotage (inaudible) me and I want to be in a different environment and, um, I've found a place that I like and now (inaudible) I want to be away for a while where they can't find me. So please help me, help (inaudible) help me, and, um, more important than (inaudible). We are brothers."

In a second, his voice is slurred and slow, which Ms barak believes is due to medication. He expresses concern about a figure who he says could be involved with the Italian Mafia.

"It is Michael. Ahh, it is 4:30 in the morning here that's why I sound very sleepy (laughs) and I'm really worn out... but please check the message I left a day or so ago. I am very concerned. I don't trust that man. We think he's bad, we think he is Italian mafia. Please... we must be smarter than him. So please, help me with this. I need to get that, those funds so I can do that, I wanna be away. . . I don't want to be in Neverland right now."

In a separate message Jackson again seems to be seeking money urgently.

"If you get this message call me immediately at 805 *** ****. What I want to talk to you about is very top - top secret... I need a German or Swiss bank... "

Read more and listen to the Michael Jackson tapes.
Poor Michael. He wasnt wrong.

Who's being protected here by the media? Who's name is being omitted?
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if this is all true that michael was murdered, I hope those wicked people get caught and justice is served. The pain they have caused.
Aw, this makes me so sad to hear him afraid.
I don't know why they report it as if it has to do with a drugaddiction. All I can hear from the tapes is a man who's really afraid of his life being in danger and who wants to get away for a while and is trying to protect himself.
This story makes me think. It's so sad. :(
Isn't this pretty much what we heard in the tapes when Dieter

Weisner went to TV afte MJ passed?
He was apparently subjected to enormous pressure and psychological and physical stress. I can`t imagine how he could keep his smile. But his nights were probably chilling.
Poor, dear Michael! Why did they have put you on that? Why they kill you slowly? I want answers!
^'s the same crap Dieter sold to ET in part with other crap about the mob mixed in....whatever. Someone needs to get their story straight. Media seem to have nothing better to do with themselves.
this is the Sun. it's a tabloid. whatever Michael went through, the Sun isn't a reliable place to find it out.
I don't believe this until it's proven that it's Michael.

Although I don't think it is out of the question that after having dealt with insomnia for so long, he'd be exhausted and become paranoid and a little irrational. Wouldn't you? And I think adding sleep medicines to the mix would't have helped.

But like I said, it's the Sun and it's tabloid trash until it is proven, and if it is proven, it only goes to show how many people were NOT looking out for Michael's best interest.

In any case, what's that thing about money? Oh yeah, they'd do anything for money.
Is it just me or does his voice sound.......deliberately slowed down? If you sound like your talking slower, you sound like your slurring, like your drug, which is what they want you to think out of all of this.
I didn't realise at first the the actual recording is on their site and went to listen to. I could listen for only a few seconds and then I turned it off. To me it sounds like his voice was deliberately slowed down. I mean he neveк seems to be in a hurry when he's speaking, but here it's like the recording is being slowed down even more and his voice seems too low.
Poor Michael. He wasnt wrong.

Who's being protected here by the media? Who's name is being omitted?

Al Malnik

And that is why I am often on the fence about Grace...she loves the kids...yet she does this to humiliate their father in the press.

Poor Michael!
Come on, do you really believe this?

It definitely does not sound like Michael!

I am really shockingly surprised and stunned that people are able to believe such a bullsh!t
The tapes were given to US journalist Daphne Barak by anonymous sources who say they were friends of Michael Jackson.


Daphne told The Sun, "Some of Michael's closest confidents talked to me exclusively about his addictions - and provided audio tapes of Michael never heard before. These demonstrate different states of mind he was experiencing under the influence of pharmaceuticals."
Friends? With friends like that who needs enemies? I just have one question now...why the hell were these phone conversations recorded in the first place? What kind of a friend records calls? And it it wasn't the person he was actually speaking with it's just proof that MJ was right in thinking people were after him, spying on him.....his phone line was obviously tapped. The sun are a despicable rag. What the hell is the point of bringing this into the public awareness? I started to listen but stopped, i couldn't listen. My heart hurts so bad for Michael, it's excrutiating to listen to.
I didn't/don't want to listen to the tape. I only read the transcript here. I don't know if I should believe this or not being from a tabloid. But on the very slim chance that it's true, it's also scary as heck. Poor Michael.
I could only heard a few sec of the first recording. You're all right: His voice sound deeply slowed down, I even thought is not His voice. Then if... I am so scared, scared of what might have really happened... :(