Top 5 MJ songs of all time

Oops, that's a hard one, but I'm gonna try......

1. Is it scary (without a doubt!! :))
2. P.Y.T
3. Man in the mirror
4. Off the wall
5. Music and me

And also songs to be mentioned.......

Earth song (made me his fan) and Give in to me!
Ah, this is almost impossible for me. My mind changes all the time. I wont even include the songs MJ did with his brothers 'cause that will just make it harder for me, but if I had to pick my top fave 5 songs, I guess they'd be:

1)Billie Jean
2)Stranger In Moscow
3)Lady In My Life
4)Human Nature
5)Man In The Mirror

-But as I said, it changes all the time. Ask me this a month later and you'll probably get different answers.
This is definetly a hard oneee, but if I had to choose it'd be..

5. Smooth Criminal
4. Remeber The Time
3. You Rock My World
2. You Are Not Alone
1. One More Chance

Honrable Mention:
I Just Can't Stop Lovin you
Way You Love Me
Give in To Me
Liberian Girl
Lady in My Life
Stranger in Moscrow
Billie Jean
In The Closet
Hmm, I'd rather not do that. I'm going to break the rules and do this instead: pick my favorite song from each album. :p So in that case

Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
Human Nature
Smooth Criminal
They Don't Care About Us
Blood on the Dance Floor
Hard,but here it goes:

They don't care about us
Who is it
Stranger in Moscow
Whatever happens

Honorable Mentions:
All the other ones. :lol:
1. Smooth Criminal
2. Wana Be Starting Something
3. Billie Jean
4. Bad
5. Break of Dawn