Tom Sneddon's pension

Michael used to work hard for being able spend his own money to help people and to bring the life, care, love and happyness. Sneddon used to work for spending huge money of american taxpayers and after retiral he still does. What a bitterness of the fate!
This is digusting. Ordinary workers go to work every day and hand over taxes and when you add up what they paid in taxes it way way more than what they get in a pension. Sneddon should not be entitled to that kind of money
Another Sneddon lackey with a crazy high pension - and she's only 49!

Chief of Police Deborah Linden Deborah – Total RIPOFF! She is retiring and getting $160,000.00 a year for life ripping off San Luis Obispo taxpayers to pay her only 9 year term!
Deborah Linden, the San Luis Obispo police chief will retire in December after nine years on the job. Linden, 49,
She earns $160,394 in salary and an additional $73,821 in benefits, such as retirement and health care. Wow that is amazing to make that kind of money on a town that is broke.

She is leaving just in the middle of meassure A & B to repeal on mandatory binding arbitration and pension reform. Yet $160,000.00 a year for life and she is only 49 years old. That’s nothing, how many people are making minimum wage that are over 70 years old with no pension that can’t even think about retiring at all? Take a guess Doborah.
Mandatory binding arbitration is unfair and wrecking the city’s budget and chief Deborah Linden leaving and wanting her pension as if she was not already making $233,883.00 a year, didn’t she save her money and to walk away with $160,000.00 a year. Her she drove around all the trailer parks in San Luis Obispo and seen how many people are living on low fix incomes? Probably not but so, do you think she cares if an older couple making $15,000.00 a year pension on an old trailer without a single dollar more in their 70′s? The recession crisis is bad from these people stealing Cities and the State of California with their greedy pensions and it is terrible as many leave the State or leave the Cities paying their pension contributing nothing back. Se didn’t even liv ein San Luis Obispo anyway, so what good it is to pay her pension?
An outside arbitrator — someone who doesn’t live here, doesn’t know us and is not accountable to SLO voters — has arbitrarily decided SLO police officers should be given a 30% pay raise. It’s costing $2.5 million annually that the city doesn’t have, forcing the City Council to cut vital services.
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