Tom Sneddon's pension


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
County Releases Pension Data

152 Former Employees Receive More Than $100,000 Per Year

The average pensioner getting money from the Santa Barbara County Employee Retirement System (SBCERS) receives $2,881.85 a month, or $34,582.21 a year, according to data provided by SBCERS last week.

Of the 2,904 people who receive a pension through SBCERS, 152 get more than $100,000 per year and 25 people — including ten who worked in the Sheriff’s Department — receive more than $150,000. Of the top 25, eight served as the heads of their respective departments at one time of another. Six retired prosecutors from the DA’s office are also in the top 25. The highest name on the list is longtime District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who rakes in a whopping $224,672.64 every year.

The information was made available after a public records request from multiple newspapers. Recent court decisions require retirement systems to identify members receiving retirement allowances.

On the other end of the spectrum, 167 people receive less than $500 a month. There are 28 people who receive less than $100 a month.

Former County CEO Mike Brown collects $10,151.48 a month, or $121,817.76 annually. Attached at the bottom is a PDF of all SBCERS retirees, their monthly benefit, and their last employer.

Here is a list of the top 15 names on the list:

1. Tom Sneddon, $224,672.64

2. Ken Shemwell, $206,803

3. Jim Anderson, $206,448.12

4. Jim Thomas, $190,045.32

5. Norman Horsley, $189,666.24

6. Patrick McKinley, $189,497.76

7. Kenneth Pettit, $186,071.52

8. Thomas Martinez, $185,062.32

9. Jim Laponis, $184,982.88

10. R. Scott DeuPree, $183,598.32

11. Tom Franklin, $178,773

12. Joseph Smith, $171,805.80

13. Malvin Parr, $167,856

14. Frederick Olguin, $167,335.44

15. Russell Birchim, $164,575.08

The guys I highlighted all took part in taking down Michael.
This makes me sick. Honestly, I'm always disgusted to find out about public servants that are being paid six figure salaries for not working. But to find out that Sneddon gets a pension like that is infuriating. I'm glad that I don't live Santa Barbara, and I hope those people are happy with payng a retired prosecuter that knd of money.
He didn't earn it. He was lazy and took payoffs. I wonder where this scum is living these days?
Damn Tom Sneddon to f:censored::perrin ing HELL!!




Exactly when is Karma gonna catch up with him????

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Exactly when is Karma gonna catch up with him????


I believe in Karma, and it will. If not in this life, in some other life.

Anyways, if I was a US citizen I'd be outraged that my taxpayer money is going towards funding the luxury life of a jealous, evil asshat like Sneddon.
What a waste of taxpayer money, especially considering it's all going into paying a corrupt son of a c--- floating. I say, they ought to let him sink. He deserves nothing.

Additionally, there is no such thing as karma. The world is an unfair place, and there have been plenty of god awful people who have lived happy, prosperous, and fulfilling lives--and plenty of heroes who have been fated to die in martyrdom and even infamy.
What a waste of taxpayer money, especially considering it's all going into paying a corrupt son of a c--- floating. I say, they ought to let him sink. He deserves nothing.

Additionally, there is no such thing as karma. The world is an unfair place, and there have been plenty of god awful people who have lived happy, prosperous, and fulfilling lives--and plenty of heroes who have been fated to die in martyrdom and even infamy.

Not if you believe in rebirth.
^But belief and evident truth are two different things, aren't they? At the end of the day, despite your belief, you have no proof that this happens, and even if it did, you have no proof that their circumstances worsen in rebirth. Therefore, judging by the evidence which we are currently aware of, there is no such thing in objective reality, although the concepts of karma and reincarnation do appeal to the emotional and non-rational part of me. However, I am overall a man of reason, and as such I cannot condone such things.

I only truly and deeply do hope you are right and Sneddon gets his someday. I consider him primarily responsible for many of the misfortunes which happened to Michael. To hurt an innocent in that way, is unforgivable...and to know such a pig continues to inhale air while Michael is dead, it turns my stomach.
I hope he won't enjoy that money :angry:

He should pay for what he has done...
Im outraged for the people of america that their taxpay is going to TS , is disgusting
They didnt take mj down.mj beat them and that is all they are known for .
They didnt take mj down.mj beat them and that is all they are known for .

This is very important to remember. Yes, we can all be angry that he pulled every trick he could put Michael away, but ultimately, he failed, in front of the entire world.
^But belief and evident truth are two different things, aren't they? At the end of the day, despite your belief, you have no proof that this happens, and even if it did, you have no proof that their circumstances worsen in rebirth. Therefore, judging by the evidence which we are currently aware of, there is no such thing in objective reality, although the concepts of karma and reincarnation do appeal to the emotional and non-rational part of me. However, I am overall a man of reason, and as such I cannot condone such things.

I only truly and deeply do hope you are right and Sneddon gets his someday. I consider him primarily responsible for many of the misfortunes which happened to Michael. To hurt an innocent in that way, is unforgivable...and to know such a pig continues to inhale air while Michael is dead, it turns my stomach.

What prove do you have that it doesn't exist? Since in your own words your a man of reason you need to have some strong solid proof to undermime your statements.
You know what, I don't believe in Karma, but you seriously need to get off your high horse, and stop dismissing and ridiculing people's opinions everytime you post. I know that you're not even aware of you behavior, but take a minute and think about it, because you do dismiss anything and everything that does not fit your perception, most of the times you do so by using by hiding behind science and 'rationality'. And no opinions are not irrational because they're based on belief instead of science or because they differ from yours. I don't know if Karma and rebirth exist or not, but there is a possibility that they do, same way as there is a possibility that there is a God. I do not go all over town (or post all over the board) forcing my opinion/belief as the sole right one. You need to learn how to back up your own views and opinions by using 'facts', 'proof', and 'science' without completely downplaying others. Let a small door open for other opinions and beliefs than your own.
They didnt take mj down.mj beat them and that is all they are known for .
Amen, they tried in vain.
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What prove do you have that it doesn't exist? Since in your own words your a man of reason you need to have some strong solid proof to undermime your statements.
You know what, I don't believe in Karma, but you seriously need to get off your high horse, and stop dismissing and ridiculing people's opinions everytime you post. I know that you're not even aware of you behavior, but take a minute and think about it, because you do dismiss anything and everything that does not fit your perception, most of the times you do so by using by hiding behind science and 'rationality'. And no opinions are not irrational because they're based on belief instead of science or because they differ from yours. I don't know if Karma and rebirth exist or not, but there is a possibility that it does, same way as there is a possibility that there is a God. I do not go all over town (or post all over the board) forcing my opinion/belief as the sole right one. You need to learn how to back up your own views and opinions by using 'facts', 'proof', and 'science' without completely downplaying others. Let a small door open for other opinions and beliefs than your own.

Amen, they tried in vain.

What proof do I have it doesn't exist? The injustice of the world, lol, that's what. To quote this exact thread:

Tom Sneddon's Pension said:
1. Tom Sneddon, $224,672.64

Does that look like karmic justice to you? I don't think so. There are thousands of other examples, both among the rich and famous and among non-celebrities like ourselves. Is this thread not present to express our outrage at this most unreasonable and utterly unfair fact? How could a man who spent so much time and energy trying to take an innocent like Michael down be prospering like this, when honest and hard-working people all over the world are on the verge of economic ruin and working their asses off to simply make the most basic ends meet. How is that karmic justice in any sense of the concept? The simple unfairness of the world, which has spanned since its very beginning, absolutely counters any notion of justice, karmic or otherwise. There is a very true saying which we would be well-advised to live by, as it is one of the few which proves itself true time and time again: "life isn't fair...get over it." Harsh words, but the truth often is harsher and less pleasant than a fanciful and comforting lie.

For those who are so sure that "karma" will get him (all I said is that it seems really quite unlikely--they're the ones who are stating it as though it were sure fact), how do you intend to gauge that? Suppose we take karmic justice along with something like reincarnation and the old bugger keels over and dies tomorrow. According to some beliefs, he'd be destined to utter ruin the next time over, but how do we know this to be true? The answer is, we don't, and we never will--the same as all other beliefs, which exist despite their logical fallacies. The fact that we'll never know for sure, instead of providing the doubt which should dispel them, actually serves as fuel for the believers to hold on to that hope a little longer.

To think I'm looking down from a "high horse" for pointing out the unlikelihood of these beliefs holding any truth, as you claim, is absolutely erroneous. Belief is a basic human defence mechanism against the uncertainties, unknowns and injustices of the world, all things which inspire fear in change-resistant humans (all of us). Thus, we seek something "eternally unchanging" through belief, something to hope for--I'm not even talking exclusively about religious or spiritual beliefs, but the entire enchilada altogether. Even something like believing you will make it through a situation, say, a terrible illness--you have no proof whatsoever that you will make it, but you keep telling yourself it is so to keep yourself going. You appeal to your emotions and hope for survival, shunning whatever logic out of your system which would tell you things in a more objective fashion, to tell yourself the subjective tale of your survival. So, the same happens with all other beliefs--they are built to guard against a changing world, and are a natural part of human psychology. However, as it has often been found, a dream, even the most pleasant and wonderful of them, is at the very end a dream. In regards to spiritual concepts, they are basically humanity's way of making order (i.e. things like karma, where the good are rewarded and the bad suffer) out of disorder (the world is not a moral place and obviously does not function under these human-invented principles). I only intend to guard against the (most probably--happy?) inevitable disappointment, but I am well aware people will do as they will in the end, as they always do--and how can I "look down" at them when I know their belief is a defence against an unpleasant truth, and when so many of us do the same? It is entirely human to believe despite all evidence to the contrary--it is survival, and I can't look down on that. I only implore for an appeal to reason, too.

In this case, I've chosen to speak out against this concept only because it inspires non-action. If "karma" will get him, then we don't have to even move a finger--only sit and wait until it does (if ever--and judging by the way things are going at present, it's not likely to happen). We have a duty to Michael to tell the world about this horrible monster's actions (and I'm not talking about what he did to Michael in general, but what he did [or rather, failed to do] to others as well). The world needs to know what a biased, unpleasant, and pathetic creature he truly is, and it would be of interest to point out that, despite the piss poor job he's done as DA, he's at the top of this pension list. Letting a spiritual concept get him, in the words of some here, is equivalent to letting him get away with all the crimes he has committed. Although Elusive Moonwalker is right in saying that Sneddon failed in his main endeavour, I would like to remind everyone that he ultimately won. Look who is and who isn't with us, and then tell me there are such things as your karma. If he were struggling to feed himself a morsel of bread, I'd be inclined to give you all some credit--however, the cockroach is at present a fat and, in all objective regards, a prospering one.

Additionally, all opinions are irrational because they are subjective, mine among them (say, opinions regarding musical taste). Your statement about opinions somehow being rational is a complete fallacy simply because of the definition of the concept of human opinion. Opinion needs not appeal to reason. If I say I prefer vanilla as opposed to chocolate ice cream, that would be a personal opinion (vanilla is better than chocolate), however, the reasons behind it would be only personally applicable to me with no objective/hard evidence that vanilla is better than chocolate, and therefore, my opinion (as ALL opinions, as you can see from the example, MINE among them) would not be based on logic/reason, thus, it would be irrational.

However, objective and observable evidence is not a matter of opinion, as it is universally observable. Finally, by your logic, things like unicorns could exist. No one has any definitive proof they don't, do they? However, probability points towards (very) highly unlikely, and the same goes with all the other concepts and things you've named. If the fact that observable evidence is not in favour of things of that sort offends you, I don't know what to say, because that is 1)most certainly not my opinion, and 2)most certainly not under my control. It is the way the world is.

Moreover, on the other threads, I wasn't the one who was pushing things on others--if anything, it was the other way around. People called me all sorts of names for not adhering to their view of things. It works both ways, darling. You hide behind calling others closed-minded, when you are all the same way. Otherwise, the others would have let my comment on love go, without pushing their beliefs on me, nay? Finally, I don't force anything on anyone--the very nature of a forum implies debate, and that is exactly what I am doing. I'm not saying I'm most definitely right--however, judging by the evidence for/against things, I'm most likely closer to the truth than someone whose beliefs hold no weight in the eyes of the world, to put it simply. Believers are the ones who talk about their beliefs as though they're certainty (in this thread alone: "karma WILL get him", not could/should/may, but WILL (definitive, forceful language--in the other threads, people claimed to "know" things).
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thread fail................

I mention one word..........and then everybody goes nuts!!!!!!

This is when 'freedom of speech' seems like a bad idea!!!!!

Why can't people keep their beliefs to themselves instead of contradicting others!!!!

If I should say, "I believe in God", then why can't people accept that and not say, "There is no God"??????
In this case, I've chosen to speak out against this concept only because it inspires non-action.
According to whom? And- always? Maybe one or two people who don't dismiss karma actually might have done something- as in 'action'?

We have a duty to Michael to tell the world about this horrible monster's actions (and I'm not talking about what he did to Michael in general, but what he did [or rather, failed to do] to others as well).

Totally agree. Especially the parts about others since karma doesn't just know Sneddon and Michael in this case.


Sneddon didn't just cause some 'amazing' karma for himself- or Michael, maybe it's easier to look at karma as thing of interconnectivity- what did Sneddon and cronies do? Would be neat if Karma was the 'immediate punishment (or next life) of a wrongdoing.'

A 'belief' or 'knowledge' (or at least acknowledging that maybe the question is as old as mankind...:cheeky:) of karma doesn't collide or contradict bringing this stuff to daylight- quite the opposite.

Every single time you bring stuff to light, every single time you 'harp' on it- so that hopefully no innocent person is being prosecuted while the actual criminals can happily commit their disgusting crimes- because the resources are being tied up- you accomplish something long term.

"Karma" is not some short term revenge of eye for an eye.

Michael Jackson was called all sorts of things, think about that karma: They said he wanted to be a white woman, that he is gay (not that he is- but think about the implications of furthering homophobia just to 'show someone'). When 'gay' didn't work, they tried the pedoph. word. Think about that karma for a second.

Every time people bring this stuff to daylight- to correct it, to correct misconception, to clear Michael's name, to show large spread corruption- they also cause karma. Sneddon might still be taking in his paycheck- but you already did the first step by pointing it out.

And none of this is in vain, even if Sneddon isn't struck by sudden lightning.

These are huge deeds so that others won't have to suffer- the way Michael suffered, the way other children suffered because the true crimes didn't get investigated. By exposing this you also cause karma. Individual karma, group karma (or does anyone thing such racist loaded behavior to show the one black guy in town 'his place' was a thing of no meaning??). Or think of the karma Sneddon and his cronies caused to undermine the law in a whole county- by bringing stuff to light you actively do your part to partially right a wrong- longterm. You're causing karma by doing the right thing.

Sneddon is done, stick the proverbial fork into him. He can't be 'donner'. But those that still strive to do the right thing (no matter how 'unsuccessful' that seems) also play a part in all this- never underestimate.

If we pollute our lakes and rivers, one day the fish is gone. Just because you don't die from the first cigarette, doesn't mean it's a healthy thing to do. But luckily we can do some things.

And secondly: The idea that karma is a religious superstitious 'belief' is quite arrogant, unless of course we want to dump cause, effect and causality and thousands of years all across mankind into the convenient dump of 'superstition'.

We're here and we are not an island.

So, thank you to those never tiring, you do the right thing.
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^Well, at least we agree about the importance of spreading awareness about Sneddon's general (and more importantly--incredibly deliberate) wrongdoing. Whether karma is valid or not, I suppose, is beside the point here, although I'll say the examples you've provided are not karma, but basic cause and effect (yes, the two are different). Karma implies spirituality/"morality" (by the way, I never claimed it was superstitious, unlike a lot of other religious beliefs--however, it is still humanity's way of making illusory order out of real chaos). Cause and effect, on the other hand, knows no right or wrong--it merely exists on its own accord (i.e. you expose yourself to a dangerous substance for a long period of time, you eventually get dead, regardless of whether you're righteous or not, the result is the same). I'm not sure how we could explain unjust yet "culpritless" deaths (i.e. the death of those during a natural disaster) while believing in the notion of karma--did they deserve that? Was it unjust? Other discrepancies along those lines exist, but like I said, that's beside the point in this specific thread.

I've made my stance clear, but I hope you're right, only to see him get struck by lightning or eaten by hungry piranhas or anything bad, really.
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But you have remember that Karma works both ways.............

......If you haven't done anything wrong but have suffered a lot..........

......Then your next life will be a good one!!!!!

Always remember that Karma is a Hindu belief.......and Hindus always believe in rebirth..........

So Hindus look at the bigger scale of all things............

And to talk about "culpritless deaths"...............well just imagine if wars and natural disasters never happened..........what would the human population look like???.....would there be any wildlife left????
But you have remember that Karma works both ways.............

......If you haven't done anything wrong but have suffered a lot..........

......Then your next life will be a good one!!!!!

I hope you're right. My point is--it's all belief, though. You haven't any proof that anyone's life, regardless of suffering, goes on--much less whether it is any better or worse than their previous one. However, screw logic. I really hope you guys are right, then my next life will be amazing! :D

...and Sneddon will be reborn as a piece of poo. :3
thread fail................

I mention one word..........and then everybody goes nuts!!!!!!

This is when 'freedom of speech' seems like a bad idea!!!!!

Why can't people keep their beliefs to themselves instead of contradicting others!!!!

If I should say, "I believe in God", then why can't people accept that and not say, "There is no God"??????
