Tom Mesereau talks about how Jordan Chandler Lies

Tom Mesereau was/is a true friend of Michael. God bless him.

True, yet people never question why. They just assume that, since he was his defence lawyer, he had to say "nice" things about him. This is not the case, however. Lawyers will often have to defend guilty people, for it is part of the profession. Once the case goes to court, the facts [or in this case, lack thereof] are revealed and the lawyer gets the whole picture, not just the defendant/prosecution's side. Even though they are fighting for prosecution/acquittal, they're not ignorant and can tell if a person was indeed guilty through putting two and two together.

Once the case is over and they acquit their client or lose the case, a lawyer who is unsure of his client's integrity or flat-out convinced that he was guilty despite his acquittal will no doubt want nothing further to do with such an undesirable person. Rightly, they have no such duties to that person once the trial has come to an end.

Thomas, however, ALWAYS spoke highly of Michael and even attended his memorial service. This is a highly educated person who has seen everything there is to see about the Michael Jackson case and his demeanour towards his past client is a very important indicator here. He has no reason to speak highly of Michael after the trial's end and, given the approval that the media-dispensed attitude about Michael gets, has nothing to gain from doing so. Therefore, one can safely say that Thomas' good opinion about Michael is an important indicator of his innocence.

Yes, he was a true friend of Michael's because Michael was a beautiful person, not a monster, like the media tried to sell him as.

If only people would care to look deeper into the case. The prosecution's case is filled with contradictions/inconsistencies/blatant lies. People are too stupid to realize that they too have minds of their own and can investigate things for themselves. They don't have to rely on the media and sham reporters to get their opinions about current events.
True, yet people never question why. They just assume that, since he was his defence lawyer, he had to say "nice" things about him. This is not the case, however. Lawyers will often have to defend guilty people, for it is part of the profession. Once the case goes to court, the facts [or in this case, lack thereof] are revealed and the lawyer gets the whole picture, not just the defendant/prosecution's side. Even though they are fighting for prosecution/acquittal, they're not ignorant and can tell if a person was indeed guilty through putting two and two together.

Once the case is over and they acquit their client or lose the case, a lawyer who is unsure of his client's integrity or flat-out convinced that he was guilty despite his acquittal will no doubt want nothing further to do with such an undesirable person. Rightly, they have no such duties to that person once the trial has come to an end.

Thomas, however, ALWAYS spoke highly of Michael and even attended his memorial service. This is a highly educated person who has seen everything there is to see about the Michael Jackson case and his demeanour towards his past client is a very important indicator here. He has no reason to speak highly of Michael after the trial's end and, given the approval that the media-dispensed attitude about Michael gets, has nothing to gain from doing so. Therefore, one can safely say that Thomas' good opinion about Michael is an important indicator of his innocence.

Yes, he was a true friend of Michael's because Michael was a beautiful person, not a monster, like the media tried to sell him as.

If only people would care to look deeper into the case. The prosecution's case is filled with contradictions/inconsistencies/blatant lies. People are too stupid to realize that they too have minds of their own and can investigate things for themselves. They don't have to rely on the media and sham reporters to get their opinions about current events.

Yea, what a man... well both of them.
That's what happens when you're defending an innocent man :D

This thing just makes me more and more mad the more I think about it.... oh I want justice!!
Interesting, thanks.

Yeah, but I wonder why are there so many people like that. "Everywhere I turn no matter where I look", I mean so many people I talk to have a negative opinion of MJ. And many are highly educated people, they should know better. But to them MJ is just this laughing stock who can't be taken seriously or a criminal who got wrongfully acquitted.
To me in their case it's obviously intentional ignorance, caused by jealousy or their own unhappiness.

It really hurt when my own brother, knowing the man had died who I like so much and brought so much joy to me since my childhood back in the 90ies (we watched "Moonwalker" countless times together in the early 90ies), told me on June 26th "cool, one child molester less".

brainwashed by the media
I have seen this video before, of course i always knew Michael was/is innocent, he was a man but also was a boy in a bubble, who didnt got to understand that NOT EVERYBODY IS GOOD; MICHAEL GOT TO A POINT IN WHICH HE WAS SO ALONE AND SO FAMOUS HE THOUGHT KIDS WERE THE MOST INNOCENT THINGS IN THE WORLD; WHICH THEY ARE (sometimes) BUT KIDS CAN LIE IF THEY ARE ASKED TO, THEY CAN; anyway he was in denial, he really thought that kids were just not able to lie, he just put that on his head.... i hate the Chandlers, they are the real killers here... he started depending on those things (pills) cause of them
True, yet people never question why. They just assume that, since he was his defence lawyer, he had to say "nice" things about him. This is not the case, however. Lawyers will often have to defend guilty people, for it is part of the profession. Once the case goes to court, the facts [or in this case, lack thereof] are revealed and the lawyer gets the whole picture, not just the defendant/prosecution's side. Even though they are fighting for prosecution/acquittal, they're not ignorant and can tell if a person was indeed guilty through putting two and two together.

Once the case is over and they acquit their client or lose the case, a lawyer who is unsure of his client's integrity or flat-out convinced that he was guilty despite his acquittal will no doubt want nothing further to do with such an undesirable person. Rightly, they have no such duties to that person once the trial has come to an end.

Thomas, however, ALWAYS spoke highly of Michael and even attended his memorial service. This is a highly educated person who has seen everything there is to see about the Michael Jackson case and his demeanour towards his past client is a very important indicator here. He has no reason to speak highly of Michael after the trial's end and, given the approval that the media-dispensed attitude about Michael gets, has nothing to gain from doing so. Therefore, one can safely say that Thomas' good opinion about Michael is an important indicator of his innocence.

Yes, he was a true friend of Michael's because Michael was a beautiful person, not a monster, like the media tried to sell him as.

If only people would care to look deeper into the case. The prosecution's case is filled with contradictions/inconsistencies/blatant lies. People are too stupid to realize that they too have minds of their own and can investigate things for themselves. They don't have to rely on the media and sham reporters to get their opinions about current events.

Awesome post. And I friggin' LOVE your avvy. :punk:
tmez is special. but those who feel MJ is guilty always knew he was innocent. that's why new laws were made to try to get him. so...keep trying your campaign to convince the 'unconvinced'. but, i assure you, they'll look for more loopholes.
I know how you feel. My brother, who is usually a very kind hearted and intelligent person said to me: "He was probably a child molester." "Probably"? What does that tell you? Geeez...
Yeah, that's horrible...

My little brother said on June 26th, "he deserved". I was shocked. But don't worry. He doesn't think so anymore. My mom and I have worked at it. We gave him some facts. I'm pretty sure he has changed his opinion :)
Good! :) I think I couldn't convince most people I know, they don't WANT to get convinced of the opposite.

brainwashed by the media

True, but I think many people even enjoyed they could call Michael whatever they wanted...
If only people would care to look deeper into the case. The prosecution's case is filled with contradictions/inconsistencies/blatant lies. People are too stupid to realize that they too have minds of their own and can investigate things for themselves. They don't have to rely on the media and sham reporters to get their opinions about current events.

Unfortunately people who aren't interested in somebody just don't care to look up someone who they don't really care about. Hence why we are not seeing a turnaround in those opinions because, If they don't care about Mike, they are not gonna google info about him or his case. I just wish the media would shape the hell up and report the truth since many people still consider mass media to get thier info. Only the open minded would accept it and would more resurch of Mike's cases.

I do hate the fact that the accusers have supporters. And Janet Aviso(sp?) story was messed up as heck and people still believe her dumb ass.
Unfortunately people who aren't interested in somebody just don't care to look up someone who they don't really care about. Hence why we are not seeing a turnaround in those opinions because, If they don't care about Mike, they are not gonna google info about him or his case. I just wish the media would shape the hell up and report the truth since many people still consider mass media to get thier info. Only the open minded would accept it and would more resurch of Mike's cases.

I do hate the fact that the accusers have supporters. And Janet Aviso(sp?) story was messed up as heck and people still believe her dumb ass.
The only people who believe these people are people who hate Michael wand want to believe MJ was guilty. If God came down and told these people MJ was innocent, these kind of people who call God a lier; however I think MOST people think with their brains and want to know the truth. For haters, this is a way they can feel good in disliking Michael for their own reasons by believing lies. I think MOST people did not believe this crap however the media wanted to put people on tv who claim they did believe the charges. Look, MJ cd's still sold out; he still was played an an requested on the radio; schools still played him music, kids still dressed up like him; he sold out the 02 shows; Thriller 25 did great everywhere; etc; and all of this was BEFORE he died.
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why did they not put this in the media when this man was breathing, it continues to frustrate me that he will never see his vindication he so hungered for. uh

Sadly because the truth simply wouldn't sell. It's sad to think that they would rather see dollar signs instead of what really had transpired. Now I know there this world truly is corrupt. Only after a person passed do some realize what they've lost, only not to have appreciated it when it was here. Bless Mez for trying so hard to try and get things straight.
hy did they not put this in the media when this man was breathing, it continues to frustrate me that he will never see his vindication he so hungered for. uh
the media have an agenda thats why. its never been in the mainstream media
The media weren't going to write anything that vindicated Michael. It sells more newspapers to ridicule him and call him all the names under the sun. What a sad world we live in.