Tom Mesereau talks about how Jordan Chandler Lies


I don't know if this has been posted before but if it has just delete it. But even if it has, I think it's important to hear it again.
Also, please spread it guys. I'm all about spreading things in my naive thought that people will at least start questioning their belief that Michael was guilty if they get to see and read the real facts about these cases. I'm doing my best; I hope some of you will join me.

I will forever be grateful to Mr. Meserau for everything he's done for Michael.
Even though I know how the media works, I still can't get over the fact of how they treated Michael throughout this whole thing. How they choose to ignore the facts to make up own things..... it hurts.:no:
Justice acquitted Michael
But the media convicted him
And threw public opinion against him
It don't hurt posting this again and again and again!
This is where the media really makes me angry cause during the whole time of the trial i was thinking to myself ''Are these people looking at a completly different case than i am''

"Truth of Justice...Nothing IS Black or White"

(c) 1995

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
why did they not put this in the media when this man was breathing, it continues to frustrate me that he will never see his vindication he so hungered for. uh
Whoop T-Mez. I've seen this video so many times but I don't care, it's important. T-Mez rocks, we love you T-Mez!!!!
Seen this before, but I never tire of listening to the brilliant Thomas Mesereau,
or T-Mez, which sounds kind of cooler. :)
He is so well spoken, I could listen to him for hours !!!

Thanks for posting the link!!
I don't know if this has been posted before but if it has just delete it. But even if it has, I think it's important to hear it again.
Also, please spread it guys. I'm all about spreading things in my naive thought that people will at least start questioning their belief that Michael was guilty if they get to see and read the real facts about these cases. I'm doing my best; I hope some of you will join me.

I will forever be grateful to Mr. Meserau for everything he's done for Michael. Even though I know how the media works, I still can't get over the fact of how they treated Michael throughout this whole thing. How they choose to ignore the facts to make up own things..... it hurts.:no:

Thank you for posting this video. I had not seen it before.
God Bless Thomas Mesereau.:angel:
I wish there were more people like Mr. Mesereau left on the planet. :clapping::clapping:
Thank you for posting this video. I had not seen it before.
God Bless Thomas Mesereau.:angel:
I wish there were more people like Mr. Mesereau left on the planet. :clapping::clapping:

Your "signature picture", or whatever it's called, is amazing!!!

and you're welcome, you're all welcome =)

"Truth of Justice...Nothing IS Black or White"

(c) 1995

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~

:agree: I believe that as well..The wisdom of Gray is so important.
from which year is this?

Justice acquitted Michael
But the media convicted him
And threw public opinion against him

You know what? Even if the media made the first step, I blame the public for convicting Michael (as well as other innocent people) without him proven guilty.
A few weeks after his death, I talked to an American girl in a bar (here in Germany). I said: "So what do you think about Michael Jackson?" - she said: "Oh good, good." - "Why?" - "because he was a pedophile."
Also, the morning after he died I asked my brother what he thought about it and he said really mean things and that all his colleagues were happy about it.

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These people who flat out say he's a child molester, either haven't got a single clue about what really went on in the court room and the content of Michael's character or they're just simply ignorant. And ignorant people shouldn't open their mouths in the first place. But this isn't a perfect world, obviously.
These people who flat out say he's a child molester, either haven't got a single clue about what really went on in the court room and the content of Michael's character or they're just simply ignorant
Ignorant, jealous and/or unhappy with their own lives...
from which year is this?

You know what? Even if the media made the first step, I blame the public for convicting Michael (as well as other innocent people) without him proven guilty.
A few weeks after his death, I talked to an American girl in a bar (here in Germany). I said: "So what do you think about Michael Jackson?" - she said: "Oh good, good." - "Why?" - "because he was a pedophile."
Also, the morning after he died I asked my brother what he thought about it and he said really mean things and that all his colleagues were happy about it.

From 2005 if I am not mistaken. It's from his speech at Harvard Law School.
Interesting, thanks.

That's exactly it. And they usually have a dirty mind.

Yeah, but I wonder why are there so many people like that. "Everywhere I turn no matter where I look", I mean so many people I talk to have a negative opinion of MJ. And many are highly educated people, they should know better. But to them MJ is just this laughing stock who can't be taken seriously or a criminal who got wrongfully acquitted.
To me in their case it's obviously intentional ignorance, caused by jealousy or their own unhappiness.

It really hurt when my own brother, knowing the man had died who I like so much and brought so much joy to me since my childhood back in the 90ies (we watched "Moonwalker" countless times together in the early 90ies), told me on June 26th "cool, one child molester less".
Interesting, thanks.

Yeah, but I wonder why are there so many people like that. "Everywhere I turn no matter where I look", I mean so many people I talk to have a negative opinion of MJ. And many are highly educated people, they should know better. But to them MJ is just this laughing stock who can't be taken seriously or a criminal who got wrongfully acquitted.
To me in their case it's obviously intentional ignorance, caused by jealousy or their own unhappiness.

It really hurt when my own brother, knowing the man had died who I like so much and brought so much joy to me since my childhood back in the 90ies (we watched "Moonwalker" countless times together in the early 90ies), told me on June 26th "cool, one child molester less".

I know how you feel. My brother, who is usually a very kind hearted and intelligent person said to me: "He was probably a child molester." "Probably"? What does that tell you? Geeez...
My little brother said on June 26th, "he deserved". I was shocked. But don't worry. He doesn't think so anymore. My mom and I have worked at it. We gave him some facts. I'm pretty sure he has changed his opinion :)

Tom Mesereau was/is a true friend of Michael. God bless him.
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