Today's Top 10: Top 10 Earth Songs

That list is... well, weird. We are the World is overrated song. It's cheesy and the quality is mediocre.
Earth Song is, however, a masterpiece. It should be number 1. No doubt.
Its weird to think that Earth Song isn't as well known in the US as over here as it was just so huge in the UK. I love it, its such a masterpiece.
Its weird to think that Earth Song isn't as well known in the US as over here as it was just so huge in the UK. I love it, its such a masterpiece.
Rap is the main "pop" music in the US, so songs like Earth Song doesn't really fit on the top 40 format.
Its weird to think that Earth Song isn't as well known in the US as over here as it was just so huge in the UK. I love it, its such a masterpiece.
I remember when Earth Song was released, I was hoping that there would be a perfomance of it on US television. MJ performed it so many times on different shows in Europe, but never in the US. The World Music Awards performance was shown in the US, but I don't think the WMAs have a large audience here.
I loved earth song the minute I heard it and I couldn't understand why it didn't get recognition. Ofcourse after he died it sure did. But yes I agree it's an amazing song . Love him so much.