To me Michael Jackson looks 37 to me!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Michael Jackson still looks hott!! he will never age....i look back and look...and he still looks 37 OMG...His Skin is so youthful and young looking.. i love u Michael Jackson...I wish i could meet u my family will see your a young guy at heart.
Thirty seven is sort of a random age lol. Why not 35 or something?

But yes, he looks way younger than he is.
hahah.. well I agree, I think 37 is just right. (Older than me, but still youthful)
I agree! Looking at the pictures from Christian Audigier's party, you would never guess that he will be turning 50 this year. To me, he looks 35-40ish. He looks great and I think he still radiates a kind of youthful energy. I guess it's true that you never grow old until you feel old.
hmm I suppose so.. but then I have known some 36 year olds who look about the same age as MJ. It is really not easy to tell ages these days. I have only just started noticing starting to look older myself but can't tell how old I look nor anyone else.
One thing to think about MJ's appearance:

Everyone has an opinion on it, but if you look at it from a marketing perspective, it undoubtedly has added a huge amount of popularity to his career. He may be ridiculed by some people, but I bet you the good outweighs the bad. He's one of the most instantly identifiable and well-known celebrities in the entire world.
Michael looks in his mid 30's, like 35. He doesn't look in his 40's and certainly doesn't look anyway near 50. I'm not saying that as a fan, but look at someone like Barak Obama he's 46 and looks great for his age but older than Michael.

Michael Jackson and Prince look amazingly young for 49, which is something to aspire to.
^ yes they do.They should be happy they are...whoa, I was guessing Barak was Older than Michael?? haha i guess not..MJ looks younger than him. Keep it up MJ!!:)
he looks in his mid 40's to me.. 45 ish

he always looked much younger than he is, but in the past 5 years it caught up to him a bit..

(just my opinion)

I personally think it's the tole the trial had on him..
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Mike looks late thirties early fourties to me...and yeah I think the trial has aged him a bit. You can start to see his age around his eyes (but that is kinda HOT it gives MJ character) Though his bod is magnificent!

...mmm just like wine, gets better with age :wub:
PLUS it's not bad to look your age...

Mike still looks cool.. it's just the features, AND what he does with them.. Like when he's on stage, the little gestures and stuff.. SO COOL lookin'...
Michael is in incredible shape. Most people his age are NOT anywhere near that kind of shape. Heck, most 20 somethings I see aren't in that good a shape. I don't know how he stays in such good shape at 49, but there's never been anything really normal about Michael, lol. And he's young at heart, so that show's too.
he looks in his mid 40's to me.. 45 ish

he always looked much younger than he is, but in the past 5 years it caught up to him a bit..

(just my opinion)

I personally think it's the tole the trial had on him..

Exactly what I was just about to say. I say bring the curls back and he'd look a lot younger!
I know, I have been thinking about this and , I posted it before:
-When he was a kid, he was called a 87 - year- old midget
-when he was around 30, he was called a child trapped in a grown-up's body
-Now, he's almost 50 yers old and he's 'trapped' in a 35-year-old body!

something to think about!
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