To Catlovers

In many countries black cats are not the first to be adopted.
They can be allright if they have long hair,people like to have a cat who doesn´t look like many others.
In Sweden are white and red cats much more popular.
But we are some who think it doesn´t matter if they are black or white, or black and white, grey,whatever.
Michael had exotic animals but when he wanted the best pianoplayer he chose a black cat
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Re: to catlovers

^^ I never knew that black cats are adopted less often than other cats. It's very sad because they are beautiful creatures and just as lovely as any other cat. I personally have always liked black cats, there is something mysterious and unique about them.
In some places black cats are not popular in other places it can be red cats , grey cats,grey striped..

The companion Animal Protection act..........................
Shelters shall ...not ban or otherwise obstruct the adoption of any animal based on arbitrary criteria,such as breed,age, color or other criteria except as to the individual animal´s medical condition and aggression, or the adopter´s fitness to adopt

It also says shelters shall provide every animal in their custody with individual consideration and care, regardless of how many animals they take in or whether such animals are healthy unweaned,elderly,sick,injured ,traumatized,feral,aggressive or of an partticular breed
"Pet Sterilization Is Saving Millions Of Lives

Thanks to spay and neuter programs and public education campaigns the hard work of animal rescue groups across the country is paying off by saving millions of lives. Experts reported that fewer animals will die this year because sterilization is becoming part of responsible pet ownership.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Humane Society International less than 4 million cats and dogs will be euthanized in the U.S. this year. The number sounds large, but it is down from the 12-20 million animals that lost their lives in the 1970s.

&#8220;The decline in the number of animals being euthanized each year comes as the pet population has boomed. In 1970, there were about 62 million pets, and today there are about 170 million,&#8221; Stephen Zawistowski science adviser for the ASPCA said an Associated Press interview.

Zawistowski said it took years of campaigning to change the thinking of pet owners about sterilization. And although animal rescue groups knew they could never &#8220;adopt their way out&#8221; of the pet overpopulation problem and find homes for every homeless animal, most owners did not think of sterilization as an automatic component of being a responsible guardian.

Even veterinarians weren&#8217;t all proficient in spay and neuter surgeries. Mr. Zawistowski described how his first dog came home with a foot long incision after she was spayed 50 years ago.

Thankfully things have changed. Better medical procedures have made the surgeries easier on the animals and leave only a small incision. And mandatory spay and neuter laws in many cities have led more low-cost clinics that are easily accessed by the public."

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It´s a good thing the number of euthanized cats decreases but still millions of cats suffer and dies because there are not enough homes for them

Every dead cat and dog in the dustbins were once living creatures with feelings.
They wanted food, a safe warm place or cold in warmer places.
They wanted to love and be loved.

Some says a dead cat don´t suffer.
I say NO don´t kill it.
Trap-Neuter-Return works.
FELIX = Feral Education and Love Instead of X-termination

&#8220;In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.&#8221;
Heal the world for cats
The Animals' Savior:
I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter - the cast-offs of human society. I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. And I was angry. "God," I said, "This is terrible! Why don't You do something?" God was silent a moment, and then He spoke softly. "I have done something," He replied. "I created you."
~ Jim Willis Copyright © 1999
Re: to catlovers

I think my cats would love the catwalk
Re: to catlovers

A beautiful picture that I found today:


Re: to catlovers

^^ I never knew that black cats are adopted less often than other cats. It's very sad because they are beautiful creatures and just as lovely as any other cat. I personally have always liked black cats, there is something mysterious and unique about them.

Unfortunately, black cats are associated with witchcraft, evil and Satanic worship. The worst time for cats (in the US, for instance) is around Halloween, especially black ones and I usually keep my cat in the house all day during that time. Some sick and twisted people like to torture cats, which breaks my heart. My Vladimir's a bit large (he's a Maine Coon mix) and has already been targeted by some sicko. I wish people weren't so hateful towards cats. They really are gentle and loving creatures.
Re: to catlovers

More beautiful pictures:







There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates

Perfect! :wub:

Unfortunately, black cats are associated with witchcraft, evil and Satanic worship. The worst time for cats (in the US, for instance) is around Halloween, especially black ones and I usually keep my cat in the house all day during that time. Some sick and twisted people like to torture cats, which breaks my heart.

Really? :eek: I'm so stupid, I did not know that! :doh: So sad and sick to do this kind of thing with innocent e beautiful animals. And I have a black cat. :wub:
Re: to catlovers

I love cats so much. Animals in general. I have 5 cats of my own and adore each one. They are such misunderstood animals and incredibly sweet, once you get to know them. I find it bizarre how many people dislike them and don't even know anything about them. I adopted a new kitty just last weekend. He's currently adjusting to his new home. I really hate going through that period, because they are shy and will hide and have to get used to the other cats (kitties don't easily trust one another) and it's just taxing on me emotionally. I stress until they finally get used to their new home and settle in, but it's well worth the worry. Cats are so low maintenance and truly the perfect house pets. I give the best in care and love. I make sure my animals eat grain free, all natural foods. It can be costly, but it's so well worth it. With more expensive and truly natural foods, you get more satisfied pets that eat less and their waste is also less in quantity and odor. Later, once my new kitty has become accustomed, I will try to get some nice pics and share them with everyone here.
Re: to catlovers

This is such a wonderful thread..... I lost my ten month old, Samantha, in an apartment building fire in August, and seeing these pictures makes me happy, yet sad at the same time. There are still days I wake up, wondering why Samsam isn't laying across my chest sleeping :( It's gotten a little easier, but it is still hard.
Re: to catlovers


This is such a wonderful thread..... I lost my ten month old, Samantha, in an apartment building fire in August, and seeing these pictures makes me happy, yet sad at the same time. There are still days I wake up, wondering why Samsam isn't laying across my chest sleeping :( It's gotten a little easier, but it is still hard.


Hey > :better: and :hug:
Reghead121;3497753 said:
This is such a wonderful thread..... I lost my ten month old, Samantha, in an apartment building fire in August, and seeing these pictures makes me happy, yet sad at the same time. There are still days I wake up, wondering why Samsam isn't laying across my chest sleeping :( It's gotten a little easier, but it is still hard.
I´m so sorry for your loss.

"Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "

Author unknown...
MIST;3499235 said:
I´m so sorry for your loss.

"Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "

Author unknown...

Beautiful! :heart:
"National Feral Cat Day Event Inspiration
This year, we&#8217;re asking you&#8212;and everyone who is part of our grassroots movement&#8212;to hold an event to help the cats in your community. No matter where your neighbors or elected officials currently stand in terms of feral cat awareness or care, National Feral Cat Day is an opportunity to come together to draw attention to the cause and make a difference in the lives of cats.

Ready to Host an Event? Read our inspiring ideas by category:

&#8226;Hands on Help

&#8226;Educate and Inform

&#8226;Boost Your Organization

&#8226;Do Something on Your Own "

Just now there are 319 events
There are spay/neuter events

I think people are really creative.
Here are some of them

"Cats and cupcakes
Brodie's Kitchen is selling cupcakes decorated as cat faces by order to benefit Friends of Feral Felines' efforts on Oct. 14-16 to upgrade two buildings dedicated to feral cats. The special cupcakes will be sold from September 19th through October 14th, with 50% of all profits donated to FoFF. The buildings are operated by FoFF volunteers and serve as recovery and evaluation centers for TNR cats, and to house feral cats awaiting relocation to barns."

East Austin Community Involvement Project
" We would like to solicit help from a local Austin artist to design and paint a mural that illustrates the importance of spaying or neutering stray cats in our community. AHS will invite members of the East Austin community to join forces with the artist and help paint the mural in order to engage community members and spread awareness in a more tangible way. AHS will approach local businesses in East Austin and find a partner that will allow us to paint the mural on their property. Not only will the act of painting the mural with community-members spread awareness about the importance of preventing cat overpopulation, but the mural itself will act as a lasting reminder and educational tool for the East Austin community."

"Spay Patrol Walk
Join us for a Spay Patrol Walk on October, 16, 2011 as we go door-to-door in Toledo's 43609 zip code to distribute door hangers and talk to residents about our FREE spay/neuter program for owned and free-roaming cats in this zip code and the importance of spay/neuter (will also tell residents that we provide low-cost spay/neuter for dogs)! Have fun, exercise and connect with other animal lovers while working to reduce pet overpopulation!"

We don´t have feral cats day in Sweden but I can do something on my own.
I can order some catcalendar, buy some toys for my cats from a catshelter here, donate to spay a cat.
I wish good luck for all those who are going to trap cats for TNR and no-kill shelters wherever they are in the world.
I hope the weather is good and that the cats are not to stubborn
405 Cats Saved At National Feral Cat Day event
October 16 was National Feral Cat Day. To honor the event, the Heaven Can Wait Animal Society in Las Vegas, NV &#8220;fixed&#8221; 405 feral cats and kittens during a weekend spay-a-thon.

The event, which also commemorated the 10th anniversary of the animal welfare group&#8217;s Trap-Neuter-Return program was a cooperative effort between C5 (Community Cat Coalition of Clark County), the Las Vegas Valley Humane Society and Heaven Can Wait. The goal was to spay and neuter 400 feral cats and kittens in a 48 hour period.

The spay-a-thon took an army of volunteers, veterinarians, vet-techs and trappers to coordinate and carry out the massive project and safely return the cats to their colonies all over the city. The group began at 6a.m. and worked through midnight each day.

&#8220;Alley Cat Allies launched National Feral Cat Day in 2001 to raise awareness about feral cats, promote Trap-Neuter-Return, and recognize the millions of compassionate citizens who care about cats. On National Feral Cat Day and all year round, people all across the country work to draw attention to the cause and press their local leaders for humane policies for feral cats,&#8221; said Becky Robinson president of Alley Cat Allies.

Feral cats are the wild offspring of domestic housecats that were abandoned or lost. They can become wild in just one generation.

&#8220;Eleven years ago TNR was not a household term and people didn&#8217;t understand that feral cats were the offspring of stray cats. So we decided to create a special day that would make the public aware that feral cats live and thrive in every landscape,&#8221; said Robinson.

Heaven Can Wait Animal Society holds a feral cat spay and neuter clinic once a month. They have fixed more than 65,000 animals in the past 10 years.
Read more:

Here is another event.
We can see the work in a spay/neuter clinic
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Trap-Neuter-Return , and then?
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Re: to catlovers

Gone to soon.Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
A tale of wonderful irony, of how animals who normally share a predator/prey relationship, ended up saving each other.

Miss Kitty
The story starts with feral cats. As with many small towns, Mineral Wells, TX, the location of Bat World Sanctuary headquarters, has its fair share of stray cats. Several years ago two cats began hanging around the trash bin outside the back of the Bat World facility. Both cats were very thin and both were pregnant. Taking pity, we started feeding the cats, created a shelter, and a relationship began.
One of the cats (later named Dumb Bell) had 3 kittens and promptly abandoned them. We watched in amazement as the other cat (dubbed Miss Kitty for the lack of anything more original) moved the abandoned kittens to the spot she had chosen for her 3 newborns, and proceeded to nurse and care for all 6 of them. Within two years, however, the situation had grown well out of hand when 14 cats and kittens of various sizes had taken over the back parking lot.

Upon looking for a humane solution over the internet, we came across the Trap, Neuter, Return plan (TNR), a rapidly growing program promoted in the US by Alley Cat Allies. The TNR program is the most humane and effective way to reduce feral cat populations. It is designed for homeless cats living outdoors in cities, towns and rural areas.

Kittens and tame adult cats are caught and adopted into homes if they are available. Feral adult cats are humanely trapped, then spayed/neutered and vaccinated. After recovery they are returned to their familiar habitat where they remain under the lifelong care of volunteers. Some people feel that the TNR program is destructive to wildlife. However, the destruction to wildlife is greatly lessened when wild cat populations are controlled and care is provided. One wild, unspayed cat is capable of exponentially producing a whopping 59,049 offspring in just 5 years, and cats that are regularly fed by caretakers hunt less wildlife as a source of food. Lethal methods to control wild cat populations do not work as they don&#8217;t get to the root of the problem. New cats take over the territory of the previous cats, and they will continue to breed.

We were able to find homes for a few kittens. Others were captured and taken to a no-kill shelter in a larger city. The two original cats remained. Miss Kitty was the first stray cat to enter our local TNR program. After her return from the vet she tamed a bit and allowed us to slip a collar and ID tag around her neck. Although still wild for the most part, she began hanging around a few hours each evening, allowing us to pet her at times. Not long after she began bringing us presents.

As any cat owner will tell you, cats have long been known to bring their owners little gifts of live bugs, mice and the like. Miss Kitty, however, brings bats. Not bats she has hunted and caught, but grounded bats that are in need of rescue. To date she has brought three grounded bats to Bat World. One bat was emaciated and dehydrated, with no injuries from being carried in her mouth. Another bat had a wing tear and was unable to fly (again, no injuries from being carried in her mouth) and a third had an open fracture, the exposed bone long-dry, indicating the break was at least a few days old.

The first two bats arrived during the fall of 2005. Each bat was deposited on the sidewalk while Miss Kitty sat close by, waiting for us to emerge from the back door, seemingly holding her stance to make certain it stayed in place until helping hands retrieved it.

These two bats only needed a short stay in rehab and were eventually returned to the wild (with, we imagine, harrowing tales to tell their roostmates when they returned!). Amanda Lollar, President of Bat World, had the opportunity to witness the third bat being brought to us in May of 2006. She was outside at dusk and noticed Miss Kitty scurrying across the parking lot toward the back of Bat World, carrying something gently in her mouth. Amanda cringed at the thought while hoping for the best. Miss Kitty gently laid the injured form at Amanda&#8217;s feet, then looked up into her face and proudly meowed while arching her back to be petted. Amanda bent to scoop the bat up with one hand while petting Miss Kitty with the other.

The dried bone in the little bat&#8217;s wing could not be repaired well enough to allow flight, so he is not releasable. However, he healed very quickly and has adapted well to captivity. To honor his rescuer he has been named Mr. Kitty. Mr. Kitty is now a permanent member of the indoor cave at Bat World Sanctuary. Oddly enough, like his rescuer, Mr. Kitty himself has a &#8216;take charge&#8217; attitude and spends his time in multiple roosting rocks, seemingly checking on the activities of the other bats. Mr. Kitty learned to self-feed on mealworms and has grown quite plump. He does not, thankfully, bring us presents.
Re: to catlovers

Why Are There So Many Feral Cats?
Feral cats exist because of irresponsible pet ownership.
People allow their unaltered cats to roam the streets, reproduce, and take no responsibility for the resulting offspring. Companion animal abandonment is the other major reason.
People assume their cats will survive on their own when they move away or can't afford to care for them any longer.
Such assumptions kill millions of homeless cats, which die on the streets or at animal control facilities each year.
The cats that do survive on the streets become the base stock for feral populations.
This is not a "cat" problem, but rather a people problem.
It's an individuals' lack of respect not only for their companion cats but also for their neighbours and community at large.