to all MJ fans... [Support Thread]

i tried to deny, but have to face the month .
that makes me sad from this month beging.

this pain never be smaller~~
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I come here and see all your so many beutiful avatars, signatures, pics, gifs.... and it's so hard to believe the man who inspire so many of us is here no more :cry:
I'm having a really difficult time at the moment. Days like this I find it hard to imagine I'll ever make peace with the fact he's no longer here, and the cruelty in how he was taken from us. There is no comfort, it's just a year long dull ache that becomes pretty much unbearable throughout June. I'm so grateful for this place, and all the MJ fans I know online and in real life. At least we have each other?
I can't bare to look at pictures of his children. I hate it that they are growing up and he can't see it. Share all the wonderful things that are yet to come. I am sorry for the times they will cry out "If only my Dad was here"
Just when I think I can't cry anymore a Michael "moment " hits me.

I have been going down memory lane a lot lately. I like it there!

I hope he knows how much we love him...
Thanks for this thread. It never ever crossed my mind that Michael would go before me, I'm now left with a void so deep it could never be filled. I find it so comforting to be here with people who share the same love and same pain for Michael as I do. My thoughts are with you all throughout this painful month. Thanks MJJC for being here when we need you.
I'm having a really difficult time at the moment. Days like this I find it hard to imagine I'll ever make peace with the fact he's no longer here, and the cruelty in how he was taken from us. There is no comfort, it's just a year long dull ache that becomes pretty much unbearable throughout June. I'm so grateful for this place, and all the MJ fans I know online and in real life. At least we have each other?

me either, i dont think i can ever make peace with His loss.
Thank you for this thread.

I am still very much suffering from depression from over what happen. And I am still wearing all black on most days. To make it worst for me my Elvis Presley loving aunt. Who is a huge MJ hater was rubbing it in how her Elvis is still alive and my Michael isn't. It was Thursday of last week my aunt said this as I went out shopping with her and my mother. I was trying very hard not to start crying again. While my aunt kept going on and on how Elvis is still alive and he goes by another name now. And my aunt has been a huge Elvis Presley fan for over 50 years. So if anyone should know his voice it will be her. And it was this past very early Thursday morning I had woken up from a really horrible sad MJ dream. And I thought I stopped having them. I was up the rest of the night just really crying over and sadly thinking about Michael. Even 2 days later I still can't seem to get that song that was playing in that dream out of my head. I still haven't had a single good night's sleep since June 24th 2009. I also haven't felt a single ounce of happiness since before it happen. Sadness, misery, tiredness, and anger is still all that I ever feel anymore. It doesn't take much for me anymore to start crying over Michael. The slightest MJ related thing and it is usually enough to make me start crying over him again. And it has been over a month now since I last listen to him. And I haven't watch him for over an year now. Only because I just can't handle it. And I just so truly miss being able to watch and listen to him like I used to.:sad: :boohoo: