to all MJ fans... [Support Thread]

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
i shortly wanted to say, another year, another month withOUT the one we all so love. this is the most painful month of the year for all of us.
:( :cry:

so i simply wish you allllllllllllllllllll peace and comfort in these painful hurtful days.


lots of l.o.v.e. and hugs from me
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Re: to all MJ fans...

Hard times for us all. Very sad time of year. :cry:

I will leave this thread here as a support thread for you all. Please lean on each other through these difficult times.
2 years on every time I hear one of his songs or watch one of his videos theres a part of me that still can't accept he's gone
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thank you so much!! I feel sad this month... especially on june 25 knowing ill be home, to sick to travel, so i only can come here and hope to feel less alone..
I give my prayers to you and to michael and his fam, knowing its a hard time for them as well..
Big huges from me to you all! I love ya
Hard to believe the 2 year mark is already approaching. It will be a short matter of time before it marks the 5th year or 10th year. I can't believe it was two years ago. Still feels so fresh.
2 years on every time I hear one of his songs or watch one of his videos theres a part of me that still can't accept he's gone

I agree. Even though I am finally able to listen to Michael's music without crying, being that hearing his music makes me feel like he is still alive, I know in my heart that he is gone. And there is a part of me also that still can't stand that or accept it.
thank you for this thread! this month is so hard for us all. i cant believe its about to mark 2 years since we all lost our dear Michael. im pretty much all alone in mourning him on june 25th. i hope you all will be able to get through this difficult time. my prayers go out to you all and to michael's family and 3 children who we know will have the hardest time. still soo hard to accept that he's gone. i still cant accept it and everytime i hear his music or see him on tv i feel like he is still alive even though he's not. i hate this month. :'(
i hope this year will give more closure *trail and all* so then we can finally grieve.. huges to you all
I too will pray that we all can find some peace. What joy Michael gave to all of us! And still does...

The only thing that gives me some comfort is my angel is finally safe and isn't suffering anymore.
But how I wish he was still here and watching his babies grow up and reminding us again how important love is.:cry:
I wrote this last year I deticated it to you fans as this is another board I found when I heard the news of our MJ. Please read this...Youll understand why I am here now and wasn't around when MJ was alive and I have to say I am kinda glad I was not here when MJ was on here. anyway enough rambling here it is...

Dear MJ Fans

You all are great friends I have known only a year and a bit. I know I am not here all the time but you still are my MJ fam, There is something I need you to know, When MJ was alive I wasn't much of a fan. I did grow up listening to his music. I thought he was good and all but I had this kinda love/dislike interest going on. I'd like MJ for a bit and then not like him the next it went on for awhile. Don't worry I was not like any of those haters out there that take it too far. I Def was NOT A hater at All! I only had a like/dislikeness in MJ. It was more like a friendship kind of thing Nothing bad at all. I kinda grew out of it by the end of 2008 and started liking MJ a bit more. Then on March 5th of 09 I was home and I heard MJ had announced his come back tour, I was excited for him and his fans. I was thinking about getting his albums while he was on tour and plus I was going to watch his shows on youtube and even get the DVD , but saddly that never happen :-(.

June 25th 2009 (It was 24th in the US) I wondered how MJ was doing and when his concerts started. Also I was havin a great day that day (Remember I said it was Still he 24th of June 2009 in the US and not knowin what was bound to happen the next day), I got 2 posters signed from my favourite country singer Adam Brand and plus I was going to Visit a friend, when I was at my friends house we watching DVD's and what not. Then my friends mum wanted to check the computer she said to us that Farrah hasn't got long she may die any time now. We knew Farrah had cancer and that she was dying so that was expected to happen. I thought I would check the news later. We went to our fun first program, we got good news that our Carer was coming back we were so happy to hear the news. Went out for tea. When I got home I jumped on the net to check any on Farrah. No news . So I went to bed that night. Friday Morning June 26th 2009 (you know what the date was in the US) I was about to get up as I wanted to check the news on Farrah. My Mobile phone rings, it was my best mate we were chatting about something then the next thing she said "Did you hear about Michael Jackson?" I said "Ah no I didn't hear anything, why whats happen?" My friend said :Michael Jackson passed away" I said "Michael Jackson What!?" My friend said "Michael Jacksn passed away." I was like Oh no what happen. she told me what happened. After I got off the Mobile phone I was thinking I Sure as Hell don't believe that for a second, hasn't he got his comeback soon??? I jumped on my computer to see what was going on (I compeletly forgot about Farrah) I also turned on the TV to check on the news and there it was in Bold letters. I couldn't believe what I was hearing I couldn't and I still can't believe The King of Pop gone. After hearing the news not only did I think about MJ's family and his kids but there was something else or another thing that was on my Mind. It was YOU GUYS That I thought of Straight away, everyday you all were on My mind. I had to find someway to let you guys know How sorry I was to hear of MJ's passing and that you were in my thoughts. I came to MJJC and I was going to send my condolance and leave. But something told me to stay (Even though I am not here much). As much as I wish MJ was still here with us, Thanks to MJ (That's only way I can put it) For sending his Blessing from heaven to let me be friends with you guys. I couldn't have it any othere way. Now you know the reason I didn't come here in the Early days.

Thank you Michael Jackson for bringing these people into my life I am glad to call them my MJ Family, without you I would not have met these wonderful people, as much as I wish you were still here with us, I still thank you MJ. We all miss you so much. We LOVE YOU MJ! Forever in our hearts! til we meet again xx



Thank you for reading
You may look down honey
and smile at us
at our never-ending tears
at our broken hearts
whispering "I miss You"
it's all for we are loving You
so deeply, unconditionally forever more
and You are a loss that can't be replaced.
so we'll be forever mourning
crying, and missing...
but it's all for love - M.I.C.H.A.E.L.

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i shortly wanted to say, another year, another month withOUT the one we all so love. this is the most painful month of the year for all of us.
:( :cry:

I hate June, if only he would come back that's all I want!

2 years on every time I hear one of his songs or watch one of his videos theres a part of me that still can't accept he's gone

thank you so much!! I feel sad this month... especially on june 25 knowing ill be home, to sick to travel, so i only can come here and hope to feel less alone..

I agree. Even though I am finally able to listen to Michael's music without crying, being that hearing his music makes me feel like he is still alive, I know in my heart that he is gone. And there is a part of me also that still can't stand that or accept it.

im pretty much all alone in mourning him on june 25th. i still cant accept it and everytime i hear his music or see him on tv i feel like he is still alive even though he's not. i hate this month. :'(

That's exactly how I feel. It's almost as if you "forget" he's gone because he's so alive in his music. Then once the music stops, the reality comes back.

:hug: x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...
I had almost forgotten what month this is and then I remembered. doesn't get easier. The pain only becomes a dull ache.
This weekend a came across this video and made me realise again how much he's missed and I think I'll have this feeling every year june starts.

I'll post this on my facebook on june 25th.

The only thing that gives me some comfort is my angel is finally safe and isn't suffering anymore.
But how I wish he was still here and watching his babies grow up and reminding us again how important love is.:cry:


Hey > :hug: and :better:

I miss him so much :cry: :(

Me too... every day. :cry:

This weekend a came across this video and made me realise again how much he's missed and I think I'll have this feeling every year june starts.

I'll post this on my facebook on june 25th.

This performance of "Music and Me" is wonderful. :heart: