To ALL long time members here. plz read from my heart

When I read the first post, I was wondering why this thread was created. I see from later posts it's because a lot of people have stopped visiting or don't visit as much as they used to. It's to be expected though. I just hope they are all right.

Yes me too hope that in time any who have maybe 'gone quiet' so to speak
will indeed return......?

I love this site so much as to me it isnt just simply 'a fan site' it is a place to come and learn, and make new friends, and share our mutual love and respect for Michael :yes:

We all need eachother. :)
*Hugs* Thank you so much for that inspirational thread! : ) You and other new members here will always be family : ) We weclome you with open arms. :D
Thanks Dorothy Marie and Flyaway.:)

You know its funny but with a site as huge as this with many members and posts etc, you just somehow 'know' when someone whos posts you have seen about go quiet?
I have someone in particular in mind who helped me do my siggy! :yes:

I wont say a name but if u read this thread u know who u are!!

BW is all I will say!

Thanks again.
