TMZ: Delay in Jackson Case -- The Ghost of OJ

Knowing the media, I have a feeling that they will, this is their new trial of the century, they will paint the deceased as saintly (even though they trashed the heck out of him when he was alive) as possible and the person in court as the devil. It's what they do in the media, I have seen so many case like this. With what I will predict will be sensationalized case like this, they will make a u turn and support Michael Jackson, cause it will fit their ratings. It's just like that Nancy Grace so-called turnaround.

Sorry for the erratic typing I am so sleepy. :(

Actually, that is a good point. I remember watching Nancy Grace in the weeks after Michael's death and she actually took up for him. She even stated if he was an addict, it was the doctors' fault for given him drugs. When it came to if he was a pedo, Nancy said it was between him and God now and never brought up the case again.

Nancy wants Murray's head on a pike, true to form. I have little doubt that she will be one of Michael's biggest defenders if this case go to court. Because Nancy always take the prosecution's side, even when she hates the person.
ok ill wait for the riots if nothing happens to murray or if he gets off. just like some fans waited for the protests during the trial. except all you got was that loopy woman and her fake charity protesting along with the KKK a few times.the general public dont have the knowledge about such cases to care even if they wanted to.when nothing is done to public officals who leak sealed court documents why should anyone be bothered.its obviously the norm

Just seeing how fans gathered from all across Los Angeles in a matter of minutes when MJ was taken to the hospital should scare the LAPD.

They NEED to get this right or else there WILL be hell to pay in LA.
Actually, that is a good point. I remember watching Nancy Grace in the weeks after Michael's death and she actually took up for him. She even stated if he was an addict, it was the doctors' fault for given him drugs. When it came to if he was a pedo, Nancy said it was between him and God now and never brought up the case again.

Nancy wants Murray's head on a pike, true to form. I have little doubt that she will be one of Michael's biggest defenders if this case go to court. Because Nancy always take the prosecution's side, even when she hates the person.

I despise Nancy Grace, but the truth is the truth. Even she with her vitriolic venom, she can't hide the fact that Michael died at the hands of another person. Period.
Since when is TMZ the voice for everything related to Michael? Oh yeah since they first announced he was pronounced dead. Where does TMZ get all their information. Its disturbing how we only get news from them, yet, there is no news because nothing is happening. Ive stopped caring about the possible trial or arrest. I dont believe there will ever be one. When there is, I'll say I was wrong. But in the meantime nothing is happening. Period.

Couldn't agree more, he will get away with it, as doctors do. And hey it was only Michael.
They just take the time to give people time to calm down, before they officially close the case
Couldn't agree more, he will get away with it, as doctors do. And hey it was only Michael.
They just take the time to give people time to calm down, before they officially close the case

As it had been stated before, this is not an usual doctors case. This is not a case where a doctor prescribes or over prescribes a drug to a patient and they overdose themselves like Elvis or Anna. This doctor actually gave him the drug that killed him. He also delay calling 911 and corrupted a crime scene to hide his guilt. Murray cannot even said that Michael was taking drugs he didn't know about, which is a common defense in such a case, because only the drugs he gave him were found.

In a case like this, they cannot just 'close the case', given the overwhelming evident against Murray. So, using pass doctor cases is not a good example. This is more in tune with a hit and run when the driver actually get out of their car to hide the body and then drive off.

It is the aftermath of after Murray gave him the drug that got him in deep shit. If he was honest from the start, he might had just permanently lost his license.
Based on the information we have now, Ramona, your logic is impeccable. I am just concerned about the possiblity of the involvement of unseen powerful evil people.
God help us, and bless Michael Jackson. :angel:
Yeah , well TMZ is just TMZ , which means pretty much....nothing. They are just reaching..they don't know anything. Sad thing is that we are allowing TMZ shit on
the forum...god knows why. But in my book..TMZ will always stand for Tabloid Moronic Zombies.
Actually, that is a good point. I remember watching Nancy Grace in the weeks after Michael's death and she actually took up for him. She even stated if he was an addict, it was the doctors' fault for given him drugs. When it came to if he was a pedo, Nancy said it was between him and God now and never brought up the case again.

Nancy wants Murray's head on a pike, true to form. I have little doubt that she will be one of Michael's biggest defenders if this case go to court. Because Nancy always take the prosecution's side, even when she hates the person.

yeah in my opinion thats why I don't take HLN as a serious news channel,beacause to me it is Not. it's sister channel to me it's like a trend on the news channels,as a tabloid headline news station. in my humble opinion thats why Nancy Grace has a job. Tabloid News Headline. but I remember during the trail that Nacy Grace considered Michael guility before the verdict and she said she would eat 'crow pie' if proven wrong...and soo she had her mouth full of Crow Pie.

as far as the investigation goes.. take all the time needed as so they will have every stoned turned, every T crossed every I dotted. backwards and forwards. I want Justice for Michael and the Truth be known.
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I truly, truly hope and believe that Murray will be convicted for murder. I just think it's going to take a while for the prosecution to bomb-proof their case against the defense.
I would rather they took their time and got a guilty verdict than rushed their investigations and for them not secure any sort of conviction. I think we must be patient and pray. I think Michael will get his justice and vindication just not in the manner we imagined when he was alive. All we can do is wait and pray. I think a conviction would bring closure to his family and to us all, it is just the waiting for this closure which is the hard part but it will be worth it in the end.
I have no hope whatsoever when it comes to this case, I've lost it all.. I have the feeling that this will end up as a cold case and that's it.
The officials cannot be trusted and the ones who're in a position to fight for Michael don't seem to care much.
Just seeing how fans gathered from all across Los Angeles in a matter of minutes when MJ was taken to the hospital should scare the LAPD.

They NEED to get this right or else there WILL be hell to pay in LA.

I agree with this. I think this case is way bigger than OJ or any others. They know how many fans MJ has. I am glad they are taking their time on this. that is good. LA has to prove they are doing their jobs. Not like the last few big trials they had. Rather see them do it right this time.
Actually, that is a good point. I remember watching Nancy Grace in the weeks after Michael's death and she actually took up for him. She even stated if he was an addict, it was the doctors' fault for given him drugs. When it came to if he was a pedo, Nancy said it was between him and God now and never brought up the case again.

Nancy wants Murray's head on a pike, true to form. I have little doubt that she will be one of Michael's biggest defenders if this case go to court. Because Nancy always take the prosecution's side, even when she hates the person.

Nancy Grace will always back up the victims, regardless of if they're lying or not eg Arvizos, Duke etc. I can't stand the woman but now she is backing Michael as he is the victim here.
b/c he is the victim and after seeing that memorial, seeing the love, it made a lot of people question the allegations against him. A LOT OF PEOPLE.

i'd rather it be later if they don't mess up rather than sooner and it's a botched case and he walks
some "good" news about this topic

Today at TMZ Live they were discussing this topic and Harvey said the following

- He said that "sources" he talked with told him that the "time was at their side" and they would rather wait for 1-2 months before they charge Dr. Murray rather than charge him now and get a not quilty verdict at trial.

- He said he could not ask for specifics but his belief is that they are taking this extra time to prepare against any defense strategy.

- He also said that he forgot to mention in the news that while he was talking with the sources they always said "when we charge Murray" not "if we charge Murray". So Harvey says that this is a done deal and that they would indeed charge Murray.
some "good" news about this topic

Today at TMZ Live they were discussing this topic and Harvey said the following

- He said that "sources" he talked with told him that the "time was at their side" and they would rather wait for 1-2 months before they charge Dr. Murray rather than charge him now and get a not quilty verdict at trial.

- He said he could not ask for specifics but his belief is that they are taking this extra time to prepare against any defense strategy.

- He also said that he forgot to mention in the news that while he was talking with the sources they always said "when we charge Murray" not "if we charge Murray". So Harvey says that this is a done deal and that they would indeed charge Murray.

I'm praying that your right and of course that they're right, who said all this and I'm also praying that all of this will really happen in the end!
some "good" news about this topic

Today at TMZ Live they were discussing this topic and Harvey said the following

- He said that "sources" he talked with told him that the "time was at their side" and they would rather wait for 1-2 months before they charge Dr. Murray rather than charge him now and get a not quilty verdict at trial.

- He said he could not ask for specifics but his belief is that they are taking this extra time to prepare against any defense strategy.

- He also said that he forgot to mention in the news that while he was talking with the sources they always said "when we charge Murray" not "if we charge Murray". So Harvey says that this is a done deal and that they would indeed charge Murray.

at this time either you have a case or not, I don't get this "they would rather wait for 1-2 months before they charge murray rather than charge him now and get not guilty verdict at the trial"

it is not like a trial is going to start the next day murray is charged .

we prefer to wait because we need one or two months means we don;t believe we have enough evidence to convict him.

what exactly do they hope to discover during a month or two that would help convict murray ? this is sounds like BS to me
I think there is a long paper trail. He will be arrested. Let him squirm for awhile. little f*cker.
at this time either you have a case or not, I don't get this "they would rather wait for 1-2 months before they charge murray rather than charge him now and get not guilty verdict at the trial"

it is not like a trial is going to start the next day murray is charged .

we prefer to wait because we need one or two months means we don;t believe we have enough evidence to convict him.

what exactly do they hope to discover during a month or two that would help convict murray ? this is sounds like BS to me
agree. the statement doesnt make much sense
agree with twinklEE

Couldn't agree more, he will get away with it, as doctors do. And hey it was only Michael.
They just take the time to give people time to calm down, before they officially close the case

Have to quote myself since my post got misinterpreted by a user. I did not say Murray is an average doctor and I don't say I do compare MJ with anyone else (I have no reason to do so not at all) what I tried to say is, that they will close the case simply TREATING it as an usual doctor issue. And Murray knew it, that was why he gave a lethal dosis. And this was NO mistake. It was intention.

He will stay free as a bird. Be sure of it and trust. Firstly because it was Michael and secondly you know doctors (maybe you need to be reminded) are VERY powerful.
This thing is bad for their (doctors in general) reputation. If devil Murray gets arrested they really have to fear and they will never let it happen. Oh they DO KNOW how to defense themselves. Alone the fact that some of u believe in "a mistake" after all the actions the Murray speaks for them & how they always know how to come through.

I guess some MJ fans tend to be naive but let me tell u doctors are no Gods in white. They are like people in any other jobs, some are mean some are bad, some nice. Just because they are doctors doesn't mean they are especially good-hearted or responsible people. You must realize they do it for the money in the first place like most people go to work for money.

It doesn't really matter how many evidences there are, you easily can remove them. Also, if someone pays them they will generously drop the case without ever showing you the evidences. There have been other cases closed against justice and this will not be the last one. Life just works like that