TMZ: Delay in Jackson Case -- The Ghost of OJ


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
Delay in Jackson Case -- The Ghost of OJ
Posted Nov 14th 2009 12:50AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's homicide investigation is taking longer than expected, because -- as one law enforcement source connected with the case said -- "We've had bad luck with big cases like OJ in the past, and we don't want to repeat those mistakes."

The source also pointed to the Robert Blake case, which some experts believe was also botched. But the source added, "There is not a problem with the case. Time is on our side. We want to do this right." The L.A. County D.A.'s office and the LAPD are working as a unit to "anticipate defense strategies and prepare for them." The D.A.'s office is actively involved, requesting lots of info from the LAPD.

One of the issues: authorities have keyed in on Applied Pharmacy in Las Vegas -- they want to make sure there are no other pharmacies that sent the Propofol in question to Dr. Conrad Murray.

Another issue: authorities have gone back to their medical experts for more input, as "strategies have changed" in a case they call "very complicated."

As for when the investigation will wrap: now authorities are saying they'd like to end it "before the Christmas holidays".... but that could get pushed to January.

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Like everything from TMZ, we should that this with a grain of salt. These are the same people who said arrests would be made in mid October.

Although, I fail to really see what is so complicated about the case. Unless they plan to charge the pharmacy with something, but we will have to wait and see. Most likely, they are trying to find anyone who helped Murray cover up the crime.
Yes, time, whatever you need - just please don't mess anything up... [I'm already worried about the TOD...] :8-25-03pray:
Like everything from TMZ, we should that this with a grain of salt. These are the same people who said arrests would be made in mid October.

Although, I fail to really see what is so complicated about the case. Unless they plan to charge the pharmacy with something, but we will have to wait and see. Most likely, they are trying to find anyone who helped Murray cover up the crime.

in my personal opinion although who did what is quite certain, the outcome could range from an unexpected accident to homicide.

with the oj example included I think that it means that they are trying to ensure a guilty verdict rather than "it was an accident you go free" verdict.
this is no story actually , typical tmz , they post a story on mj which is no story , their employees comment on it and call mj freak , pedo , junkie and the fans get hysterical and start replying to Harvey's employees , Harvey and his friends start laughing their ass off on those "stupid" fans .... and raise the bashing to another level, and the fans are still replying, and harvey is still laughing , at the end of the day he goes to the bank collect the money and call it a day . KEEP FEEDING THE BEAST .
in my personal opinion although who did what is quite certain, the outcome could range from an unexpected accident to homicide.

with the oj example included I think that it means that they are trying to ensure a guilty verdict rather than "it was an accident you go free" verdict.

Yeah, I think that as well. Afterall, if the screw this up they will have one angry public to deal with. They want to cut the legs off of any defense that Murray can pull out of his ass.

They already kill the addict story. They disproving that Michael bought the drug themselves. They cleared up the whole doctor shopping story. They prove Michael had no serious condition that helped in his death. They know what Murray gave him and about him lying about it.

Quiet frankly, Murray does not have a leg to stand on.

Btw williamorange1, I have and never will go to TMZ. To me, their are just another tabloid making noise. If it wasn't for the Jackson family using TMZ as their personal toilet, I would have nothing to do with them. The only reason I know anything of them because it is posted on these forums.
At least they are starting to use flattering photos of MJ now which is a start. But I would rather have the investigation take a while to make sure that nothing can go wrong. How devastated will we all be if this goes to court, the prosecution screws up, and Murray walks scott free? This just frankly cannot happen.
this is no story actually , typical tmz , they post a story on mj which is no story , their employees comment on it and call mj freak , pedo , junkie and the fans get hysterical and start replying to Harvey's employees , Harvey and his friends start laughing their ass off on those "stupid" fans .... and raise the bashing to another level, and the fans are still replying, and harvey is still laughing , at the end of the day he goes to the bank collect the money and call it a day . KEEP FEEDING THE BEAST .
Who's harvey?
In any case, I want murray and arnold klein to go to jail and have a living hell there.
Who's harvey?
In any case, I want murray and arnold klein to go to jail and have a living hell there.

Harvey Levin, the owner of TMZ. He's a former lawyer so he's a sly one currently still riding on the 'hey our website broke the news of MJ's death first, aren't we awesome' schill. Urgh.
At leats they are taking thier time with this case. Better than rushing out and point fingers at suspects and then everything is a big mess and up in the air.

Im sure they are taking thier time and get everything right.
take your time...but get the right guys.

Exactly. I remember watching the OJ trial when it was going on and it was simple... yet complicated. I think it will be the same with Michael. In theory it's simple but there are probably many little factors involved they need to understand to properly prosecute the case.

I take the stance that we know very little of what has been investigated, who knows what they've all unearthed. I'm sure it's complicated as....

I look forward to the day the investigation is concluded and the DA gets to start their end of it.

Patience is a virtue.... :)
I don't care how long it takes as long as they GET IT RIGHT and there is JUSTICE FOR MIKE.
what about DR arnold klein i dont want him to walk a free man he is also responnsible for MJ death
what about DR arnold klein i dont want him to walk a free man he is also responnsible for MJ death

How is he responsible? As bad as he is, he wasn't the one who pump all those drugs into Michael's body. He also didn't prescribe any of the drugs.

Klien may be an jerk, but he really has nothing to do with Michael's death, unless new evidence proves otherwise.
Since when is TMZ the voice for everything related to Michael? Oh yeah since they first announced he was pronounced dead. Where does TMZ get all their information. Its disturbing how we only get news from them, yet, there is no news because nothing is happening. Ive stopped caring about the possible trial or arrest. I dont believe there will ever be one. When there is, I'll say I was wrong. But in the meantime nothing is happening. Period.
i don't mind waiting as long as they are doing their job.
i pray every single day for justice being served
just tell me when hes arrested. everything else is a case of whatever! and probably levin saying we better do a story on the case again to get some attention

if the screw this up they will have one angry public to deal with.
i doubt it. gen public couldnt careless oneway or the other.where was public when mj was being lynched for trying to make a family disapear in a hot air ballon.very credible that
just tell me when hes arrested. everything else is a case of whatever! and probably levin saying we better do a story on the case again to get some attention

i doubt it. gen public couldnt careless oneway or the other.where was public when mj was being lynched for trying to make a family disapear in a hot air ballon.very credible that

I already discuss this on another board and it is a dead subject. If that is how you feel, whatever. Even if it is not the truth.
ok ill wait for the riots if nothing happens to murray or if he gets off. just like some fans waited for the protests during the trial. except all you got was that loopy woman and her fake charity protesting along with the KKK a few times.the general public dont have the knowledge about such cases to care even if they wanted to.when nothing is done to public officals who leak sealed court documents why should anyone be bothered.its obviously the norm
ok ill wait for the riots if nothing happens to murray or if he gets off. just like some fans waited for the protests during the trial. except all you got was that loopy woman and her fake charity protesting along with the KKK a few times.the general public dont have the knowledge about such cases to care even if they wanted to.when nothing is done to public officals who leak sealed court documents why should anyone be bothered.its obviously the norm

One problem, for better or for worst this is a pro prosecution country. Even Mez admitted that in all his talk interviews. Although we say innocent until proven guilty, that is rarely the case. The same goes for Murray. For most here, he is already guilty and a case against him is just the formal proceeding, just like what happen to Michael.

If he does get off, there would be alot of bitching and mourning and Murray will most likely live like OJ. If you want proof, can you honestly name anyone who lived a happy life after a high-profile case.

Not to mention that his is a black doctor, so he will get little mercy from the media, sorry to say. That is just how the US works.

However, giving the evidence, he will be charge with something. Tampering with a crime scene will get you in jail alone.
Not to mention that his is a black doctor, so he will get little mercy from the media, sorry to say. That is just how the US works.
i think the media hate mj more than murray. if this goes to trial it will be intresting how the spinning works as for once mj is the victim. it will be a new concept for them but of course the likes of dimond.well im sure we all know how she will roll
i think the media hate mj more than murray. if this goes to trial it will be intresting how the spinning works as for once mj is the victim. it will be a new concept for them but of course the likes of dimond.well im sure we all know how she will roll

No, this would be consider a black on black crime here. So, the more racist people will not generally care. Any excuse to hang a black man, especially a doctor, would be welcome. I know this from experience. Do not under estimate the power of racism here.

Also, of course the usual Michael's haters are going to spin the case. That is the same for almost any celebrity. Look at the OJ and Marie Stewart cases for reference. People love to watch celebrities fall and Michael was the biggest target.

However, these rules do not apply when a celebrity is killed. If you look at any high-profile case when a celebrity is murder, you will see what I am talking about.

Besides, I have seen cases here when the person who was murder was not liked at all and they still took up for the prosecution and painted the decease as almost a saint. Yeah, I am certain the news media will stay true to form and hang Murray.
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martha stewart

Besides, I have seen cases here when the person who was murder was not liked at all and they still took up for the prosecution and painted the decease as almost a saint. Yeah, I am certain the news media will stay true to form and hang Murray.
lets hope we get a chance to see. but mj is a different ball game. never seen the hatred thatwas thrown at mj by the media so ill be shocked if the do a u turn. we have already seen how some blame mj supporting murray must stupid and illogical claims
Knowing the media, I have a feeling that they will, this is their new trial of the century, they will paint the deceased as saintly (even though they trashed the heck out of him when he was alive) as possible and the person in court as the devil. It's what they do in the media, I have seen so many case like this. With what I will predict will be sensationalized case like this, they will make a u turn and support Michael Jackson, cause it will fit their ratings. It's just like that Nancy Grace so-called turnaround.

Sorry for the erratic typing I am so sleepy. :(
martha stewart

lets hope we get a chance to see. but mj is a different ball game. never seen the hatred thatwas thrown at mj by the media so ill be shocked if the do a u turn. we have already seen how some blame mj supporting murray must stupid and illogical claims

I have seen people blame gays for getting themselves killed for their lifestyle. I have seen people blame for their own deaths because they were out late at night and got shot or rape. I have seen people blame the wife when the husband beat her to death. I have seen people blame someone's murder in their own house because they didn't have an alarm system.

Blaming someone for their own death is not new. It is called 'Just World Syndrome'. It is when it is the victim's fault because they did something stupid and it will not happen to you because you do not do those things. It is very common in humans.

People say the doctors for Anna Nicole Smith should get off because she took the drugs that killed her. Even though they are the ones who gave it to her.
ok they need to know for sure how he got the drug. which pharmacy gave it to him, and locate all sources and when they were ordered paid for and used. cuz u don't want the defense coming in w/ new info and say well we have proof that mj got this vial from this pharamcy or fromthis doctor.

all it takes is to impeach the credit of the state one time and the jury will be on the fence. so they need to have every avenue covered.