TMZ article about Karen Faye's testimony

Of course Jerm is gonna take Karen Fake side, she is in support of the lawsuit against AEG! Anyway they can get support in getting $$ is more important then any thing else anyone says even if they once insulted him, his own mother and his dead brother!
isn't it funny how both Jermaine and Randy BOTH believe in the same woman...AGAIN...:ninja: after all....they do both like to share...
Why would Jermaine have a problem ignoring some tweets from Karen,

if it is convenient for him to do so, when he didn't have a problem ignoring

the request of the citizens

of The Gambia regarding his King of Pop impersonator appearance for the president?

I'm not surprised at all.
isn't it funny how both Jermaine and Randy BOTH believe in the same woman...AGAIN...:ninja: after all....they do both like to share...

OUCH^^^. Bad girl, but you are right; they believe in sharing when it comes to sex and getting money from other people's efforts!!!
The movies is a 2 hour edit of over hundres of hours of footage, you select the best to give the fans a gist of what was to come.

According to chris grant, the best wasn't even selected. "Those bits and pieces you see in TII, that's not his best still. There were times when he was really, really doing it, like full out. I don't know why those bits were left out."
According to chris grant, the best wasn't even selected. "Those bits and pieces you see in TII, that's not his best still. There were times when he was really, really doing it, like full out. I don't know why those bits were left out."

Maybe they are left out for continuation of sequel of "This is It" doc. rehearsal like TII 2, TII 3, etc. Who knows maybe estate can released them in a future, I hope they will, it would have been a shame if not. :cry:
Maybe they are left out for continuation of sequel of "This is It" doc. rehearsal like TII 2, TII 3, etc. Who knows maybe estate can released them in a future, I hope they will, it would have been a shame if not. :cry:

I am not sure about that...I want to see Michael's last days yes....but..I dont want anyone making anymore money off of him either.
I am not sure about that...I want to see Michael's last days yes....but..I dont want anyone making anymore money off of him either.

I really dont agree with this argument many fans state that if someone is making money then
Michael work should'nt be publicised. the conseqeinses of that really happening means

Nothing about Michael can be put out any longer. Not even his past music CDs, His Own books
his videos becuase the publishers and sponsers will make $$

No more Thriller Album, Bad, Dangerous , History Invincible. No more concert videos. No more
positive books about MJ. Michaels legacy would dispaear if no one is able to see his work and
Art and the TII was indeed Michael's work and ART. The world and children deserves to be able
to aquire it and see it. Michael deserves his work and art be publisiced and continued. He put his
soul into it to make his Art Immortal _ Forever .....

Money isnt Evil .. the love of money and greed is but the fact of life is .. it takes money to bring
Michael's art music and visions to the world. Plus Michael own estate and children profit from any
thing of Michaels being produced. be it old or new. The royalties stream in to the Michael's estate

I dont think putting out Michael work is exploitation. And its not up to me to judge why they are
putting it out. It is my obligation to just enjoy and be inspired by Michael Work and praise God
it is getting out to the masses. :)

Heck even the Bible and other inspiring books being produced to the masses cost and makes money.
Those who publish it make money. Some of them may even be greedy. should we not buy or read it
for that fact? As a Christian I believe God uses who he will ... good or evil to fufill his will and I believe
he would also do that for Michael's work or anyone he desires to use to inspire the world to love.

Regardless of our religious beliefs. It is a fact of life that Tangable valuable things cost money to make
and to aquire them. Michael was never againts others making Money by promoting and publicising
his work as long as his work and art got out to the masses and his fans to enjoy. He also profited by
them doing that, And so his estate which he set up for his children also profits from his work continuing
to be promoted and publicised to the world for ages and ages I hope :)

Now This Just my own humble opinion and another perspective
Im certainly not knocking yours. Just questioning the reality of that
coming to light.
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I think what was meant was products NOT related to the estate, i.e. by other people ABOUT Michael. The estate will continue to put out products, and those will benefit Michael's children. But, "tell-all" books DO make money off of Michael, and are not generating money for the estate -- only personal money for individuals.
Now This Just my own humble opinion and another perspective
Im certainly not knocking yours. Just questioning the reality of that
coming to light.
I was speaking about AEG or anyone else that had rights to all of that footage...
I think what was meant was products NOT related to the estate, i.e. by other people ABOUT Michael. The estate will continue to put out products, and those will benefit Michael's children. But, "tell-all" books DO make money off of Michael, and are not generating money for the estate -- only personal money for individuals.
yes. you are correct.....why should AEG have the benefit of making 1 more dollar off of the name Michael Jackson.
From the TII film, estate did make money. And I am sure that, if they are going to release more footage, estate will make money. Michael Jackson name still generates profit, and interest around the globe, regardless is estate is making profit of it, or not. It is sad. Estate so far they are doing good job, I hope they do continue in same pace when probate is over.

It is concern when people are using Michael's name with solely purpose to profit of him by printing lies about Michael (I will like estate to be more aggressive there, suing them in millions for defamation and liability, what is enough is enough).

But there will always be a leech who is going to suck of Michael's name and legacy for money. (After all MJJ didn't make a song "Money" for nothing. Michael said himself: people in entertainment business are charlatans, thieves, crooks, everybody nothing new...:cry:)
I was speaking about AEG or anyone else that had rights to all of that footage...

yes. you are correct.....why should AEG have the benefit of making 1 more dollar off of the name Michael Jackson.

I dont think AEG owns the TI footage any longer. _ Just saying

From the TII film, estate did make money. And I am sure that, if they are going to release more footage, estate will make money. Michael Jackson name still generates profit, and interest around the globe, regardless is estate is making profit of it, or not. It is sad. Estate so far they are doing good job, I hope they do continue in same pace when probate is over.

It is concern when people are using Michael's name with solely purpose to profit of him by printing lies about Michael (I will like estate to be more aggressive there, suing them in millions for defamation and liability, what is enough is enough).

But there will always be a leech who is going to suck of Michael's name and legacy for money. (After all MJJ didn't make a song "Money" for nothing. Michael said himself: people in entertainment business are charlatans, thieves, crooks, everybody nothing new...:cry:)

I agree there are some whoe are charlatant theives and crooks
some are down right Evil ..

all Im saying is everything is not a conspiracy or sinister

Some people write books for the right reasons. :)
Michael wasnt ever against books being written about him
He loved many of them. What he was against was Dishonest
negative stories being written about him.
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Karen statement is in favor of the defense in Michael's manslaughter trial, but also is in favor of the KJ suing AEG. It is not about justice for Michael. It is all about $$$ and showing-off. No one had/has best interest of Michael Jackson. It is all about money and fame. It sickens me!

This ^^^^
Actually I got side tracked as I was going to add this awhile back Where karen was blaming the DA
and prosecution for the leaks on TMZ supporting Murray _ I blasted her for that and told her any idiot
would know its Murrays defense leaking that info _but she also has me blocked

I just cant understand her agenda. Its clear the prosecution is wanting
to nail Murray but she wants to keep spreading ridiculas conspiracy ..

I think whe also wanted to try and take the heat off herself for the statements
she made that TMZ posted that in no way helps the prosecution of Murray.

Then she has the nerve to say well put me on the stand_ Why so she can further help Murray.
NO way prosecution will use her testimony as it doesnt help thier case against Dr Murray.

Karens Rant blaiming prosecution as trying to defend Murray
On Monday 21st February 2011, @wingheart said:
Someone within the prosecution team is obviously working very hard for Murray's defense strategy that MJ killed himself. Releasing testimony to the tabloids and allowing it to be twisted should give everyone a clue to how this trial will go. Please open your eyes everyone.
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Actually I got side tracked as I was going to add this awhile back Where karen was blaming the DA
and prosecution for the leaks on TMZ supporting Murray _ I blasted her for that and told her any idiot
would know its Murrays defense leaking that info _but she also has me blocked

I just cant understand her agenda. Its clear the prosecution is wanting
to nail Murray but she wants to keep spreading ridiculas conspiracy ..

I think whe also wanted to try and take the heat off herself for the statements
she made that TMZ posted that in no way helps the prosecution of Murray.

Then she has the nerve to say well put me on the stand_ Why so she can further help Murray.
NO way prosecution will use her testimony as it doesnt help thier case against Dr Murray.

Karens Rant blaiming prosecution as trying to defend Murray

Karen is nuts.. if anyone is working for the defense it's her
karen is in with randy. everything she says supports the claims of the AEG lawsuit. she is prepared and willing to scarifice mj and getting justice for him inreturn to getting a win/settlement out of AEG for her best buddy randy. this is what it amounts to.
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karen is in with randy. everything she says suports the claims of the AEG lawsuit. she is prepared and willing to scarifice mj and getting justice for him inreturn to getting a win/settlement out of AEG for her best buddy randy. this is what it amounts to.

so true... and I still don't understand why Randy isn't upset with Karen.. She was around MJ and she claims to have seen MJ fading and getting worse yet she didn't call Randy? Randy is upset with Kenny Ortega but isn't upset with Karen?
and I still don't understand

lol u understand the resonn very well seeing as u agreed with what i said so why even make such a comment
so true... and I still don't understand why Randy isn't upset with Karen.. She was around MJ and she claims to have seen MJ fading and getting worse yet she didn't call Randy? Randy is upset with Kenny Ortega but isn't upset with Karen?
He ain't mad at Karen, because he KNOWS nothing was wrong with Michael from jumpstreet.

When the family was BEGGING Michael to take the stage with them, they apparently weren't concerned about Michael's "health."

If I recall correctly, it was Janet who said that she had been conducting telephone conferences with ALL of her brothers and that only ONE of those brothers was on the fence, but that she was still working on that particular brother.

So if Randy Jackson ever says, he was concerned about Michael's health, then he's "FULL OF IT," in my opinion.

You can't be concerned about somebody's health at the same time you are BEGGING that person to be part of a FAMILY REUNION CONCERT!
He ain't mad at Karen, because he KNOWS nothing was wrong with Michael from jumpstreet.

When the family was BEGGING Michael to take the stage with them, they apparently weren't concerned about Michael's "health."

If I recall correctly, it was Janet who said that she had been conducting telephone conferences with ALL of her brothers and that only ONE of those brothers was on the fence, but that she was still working on that particular brother.

So if Randy Jackson ever says, he was concerned about Michael's health, then he's "FULL OF IT," in my opinion.

You can't be concerned about somebody's health at the same time you are BEGGING that person to be part of a FAMILY REUNION CONCERT!

It's also funny how now they are trying to get what they want. Jackie for example, released a single and it says it's by "Jackie Jackson ft. Michael Jackson".

Ft? He used a sound clip of his brother's voice from when he read a speech. They didn't work on the song together, because Michael never wanted to do a song together. So now that he's dead, Jackie's just using his voice on the song to make sure it sells.
It's also funny how now they are trying to get what they want. Jackie for example, released a single and it says it's by "Jackie Jackson ft. Michael Jackson".

Ft? He used a sound clip of his brother's voice from when he read a speech. They didn't work on the song together, because Michael never wanted to do a song together. So now that he's dead, Jackie's just using his voice on the song to make sure it sells.
This is off topic, but I'm gonna say it anyway:

If they had any sense, they would have REGROUPED as a 4-man team and went out there and did their OWN thing a long time ago, instead of wasting all of that time waiting for Michael to join them on stage again.

Sure they wouldn't have been as big, without Michael, but so what, they still could have had a DECENT following, in my opinion. Which would have lead them into having something to fall back on today, instead of all of these little money grabs, leading to nowhere.

(Case in point, Lionel Richie ain't breaking no records nowadays, but he's STILL out there doing his own thing on a smaller platform.)

I believe we wouldn't be seeing all of these frivolous lawsuits, if the Jackson's hadn't wasted so much time waiting for Michael. They would have been earning their own money and wouldn't have to depend on there mother financially, which, in my opinion, leads directly to this AEG lawsuit.