Times and dates to VMAs for international members :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Since alot of epople outside of U.S are confused on what time,date and wher to watch the VMAs,lets post them in here.
I anyone knows of any live streaming sites that are reliable aswell.

4:00pm 14th september,monday on foxtel,MTV for any Aus fans :)


Originally Posted by DJ Spins the sounds
I'll be watching the MTV VMA's live via online stream, see link below:

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what time is it on in the US? i can work out when it should on in the UK then lol
4:00pm 14th september,monday on foxtel,MTV for any Aus fans :)

That sux! So no free to air channel will air it? All they air is the Academy Awards once a year! I hate living in Australia, I'm so bored of it! Really thinking about living overseas!
In the UK its going to be on Monday at 9pm on MTV :)
In Brazil it will be LIVE on Sunday at 10pm on MTV Brasil.
:( wish i had MTV.. I have TMF and they show MTV stuff on there.. maybe it'll be on there, but a few days later?
damn I have to get Mtv programme really quick,I didn't watch it few years now ..
GERMANY - on German MTV it airs at 3:00 in the morning (middle of the night):

'MTV Video Music Awards 2009' am 14. September live auf MTV:
02.00 - 03.00 Uhr: 'MTV Video Music Awards' Pre-Show
03.00 - 05.00 Uhr: 'MTV Video Music Awards'

If I remember correctly, this live airing will be just in English, maybe with some subtitles, then it will be repeated about 50 times (lol) over the next couple of months dubbed over or subtitled with German. I hope someone records and uploads the show (please,please - at least Janet's part) because there's something wrong with the cable in our building and some channels (including MTV) come in horribly, like on an antenna in 1975, lol. I suppose there are other poor souls out there who can't see it as well.
This is a great thread! Unfortunately I don't have MTV at the moment so can't watch but thanks for making the info available for everybody ;)
Oh Lordie, better buy another box of tissues. MTV and Oprah tribute in the same week.
:) :-( :-( :) This emotional roller-coaster is never ending.
I will NOT watch it - at least not on tv!!! People forget so easily...
I will probably watch it on youtube or somewhere else, but in NO WAY will I contribute to high ratings for f***ing MTV.

What MTV did to Michael Jackson, the alive, the breathing, hurting, beautiful human being was not only DEGRADING it was PURE MALICE!!! PURE MALICE!!!

I cannot believe that any sincere Michael Jackson fan, who not only loved him as an artist but also as the most beautiful person on earth, could now be so foolish to think that all of a sudden MTV (ppl responsible for it) is this kind, respectful channel, bla bla bla!!!

THEY HUMILIATED Michael Jackson in front of MILLIONS!!! I have NEVER seen anything like that before and after!!!

The ONLY reason they do this tribute is because they NOW SEE that so many people LOVED MICHAEL JACKSON and they EXPECT high ratings with all the fans sitting in front of their tv sets crying!!! They play with and simply use the fans' emotions because of $ $ $ $ $ $

In sweden its 03:00 Live..

Im guessing many aren't gonna be able to watch it though.. Cause well it's monday than and ppl gotta go to work and school a few hours later..

Reruns these dates:
Wednesday 16/9 13:30
Thursday 17/9 13:30
Thursday 17/9 19.30
Friday 18/9 00:00
Saturday 19/9 kl 09:00 + 23:05
Sunday 20/9 kl 09:00+ 21:45

Hopefully there will be something available on the net too..
I will NOT watch it - at least not on tv!!! People forget so easily...
I will probably watch it on youtube or somewhere else, but in NO WAY will I contribute to high ratings for f***ing MTV.

What MTV did to Michael Jackson, the alive, the breathing, hurting, beautiful human being was not only DEGRADING it was PURE MALICE!!! PURE MALICE!!!

I cannot believe that any sincere Michael Jackson fan, who not only loved him as an artist but also as the most beautiful person on earth, could now be so foolish to think that all of a sudden MTV (ppl responsible for it) is this kind, respectful channel, bla bla bla!!!

THEY HUMILIATED Michael Jackson in front of MILLIONS!!! I have NEVER seen anything like that before and after!!!

The ONLY reason they do this tribute is because they NOW SEE that so many people LOVED MICHAEL JACKSON and they EXPECT high ratings with all the fans sitting in front of their tv sets crying!!! They play with and simply use the fans' emotions because of $ $ $ $ $ $


You honestly think anyone other than MJ fans even cares about that? They probably don't even remember - even if they did, they'd be like "Yeah I remember he once accepted an award which wasn't an award or something. I don't know. Play Thriller for me...".
I will NOT watch it - at least not on tv!!! People forget so easily...
I will probably watch it on youtube or somewhere else, but in NO WAY will I contribute to high ratings for f***ing MTV.

What MTV did to Michael Jackson, the alive, the breathing, hurting, beautiful human being was not only DEGRADING it was PURE MALICE!!! PURE MALICE!!!

I cannot believe that any sincere Michael Jackson fan, who not only loved him as an artist but also as the most beautiful person on earth, could now be so foolish to think that all of a sudden MTV (ppl responsible for it) is this kind, respectful channel, bla bla bla!!!

THEY HUMILIATED Michael Jackson in front of MILLIONS!!! I have NEVER seen anything like that before and after!!!

The ONLY reason they do this tribute is because they NOW SEE that so many people LOVED MICHAEL JACKSON and they EXPECT high ratings with all the fans sitting in front of their tv sets crying!!! They play with and simply use the fans' emotions because of $ $ $ $ $ $


You got a point there
You honestly think anyone other than MJ fans even cares about that? They probably don't even remember - even if they did, they'd be like "Yeah I remember he once accepted an award which wasn't an award or something. I don't know. Play Thriller for me...".

lol ur right. he still owned MTV. But look his own sister is doing a massive tribute for him on their channel, are u saying she's disrespecting his memory too?