Time Magazine Poll~merged~

Re: Time Magazine Poll

*shock* I can't believe so many people said no.
Me too. I am in shock. I would not have guessed that public opinion would be so against him.

I guess it makes sense in a way. It's not like the media covered the charitable things he did, so most Americans are probably clueless. I'm guessing there is also starting to be a bit of MJ backlash now with some people saying "I was on board for the news coverage and memorial, but this a congressional resolution is going too far. Let's move on."

Well, at least Time voters have no say in whether or not Michael gets this honour anyway...so I don't give a damn what the poll says. Congress, on the other hand, have all the facts - all that Michael has done and contributed to the world. I'll wait for them.
If the Time poll is indicative of public opinion, then I have no hope for Congress. Congress is a slave to public opinion.
Is it just me who doesn't see the poll on the link posted... :scratch:
It was a very one-sided affair so they closed it. Figures.

Final results:


Not many people from the USA voted but people the world over showed Michael support in large numbers.
The poll has been closed so no additional votes can be made. Michael won the poll by a landslide.
I know some may feel that Congress has better things to be concerned about. And there very well may be an argument for that. But the truth is if Sheila Jackson Lee continues to push for this thing, Congress will eventually have it on their desk and have to either say yea or ney. Sooner or later, they will have to deal with it and answer to the American people and the world. And all it takes is one stroke of a pen.
Hey all, they've moved the poll to this address.

If you are an MJ fan, that's the one thing you can do for Mj. Vote! Vote!!

MJ now has a much higher percentages of yes. Now I hope the congress could just pass the resolution based on the result of this poll. :p
^^You're welcomed. :)
We all know MJ is a global humanitarian but some ignorant ones like pete queen and the other old woman etc don't know. We've to show it to them through this poll.
This poll has not been closed. Someone on my facebook page posted the link, and you can still vote.
Yes it closed. Last time I checked it was something about the Bruno movie.