Time Magazine Poll~merged~

Re: Time Magazine Poll

Voted but wth? THE margin of NO is HUGE in all but ONE US State including mine and wow.. but what is with IOWA??? I could see Indiana, but IOWA with a HUGE YES on this poll? How cool of Iowa! but why? Anyone know?
Re: Time Magazine Poll

people are cruel and don't want to give Michael what he deserves even after his death. They simply can't accept that he was much better than they are.
Re: Time Magazine Poll

*shock* I can't believe so many people said no.
Re: Time Magazine Poll

I dont like this poll
im disappointed in humanity and America
Re: Time Magazine Poll

Those people are just being mean and stupid. No one has the right to judge anyone. Like my sister says, "Mean people suck!"
Re: Time Magazine Poll

people are cruel and don't want to give Michael what he deserves even after his death. They simply can't accept that he was much better than they are.
People simply see him as "just an entertainer". No matter how much good Michael did during his life, people will always see him as a guy who sang and dance, unfortunately.
Re: Time Magazine Poll

The "rest of the world" is more even...
But man... it's not even a matter of opinion... he donated all that money. It's fact.
I feel sad -_-
Re: Time Magazine Poll

Well, at least Time voters have no say in whether or not Michael gets this honour anyway...so I don't give a damn what the poll says. Congress, on the other hand, have all the facts - all that Michael has done and contributed to the world. I'll wait for them.
Should Congress pass a resolution honoring Michael Jackson as a "global humanitarian"?

To All MJ Fans,

Should Congress pass a resolution honoring Michael Jackson as a "global humanitarian"?

Please click YES!!!

We are going far behind.... only 35% voters for YES

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Re: Time Magazine Poll

Michael should get much more than this for all he has done, he should get A LOT more.
Re: Time Magazine Poll

Stupid voters! He gave so much and they are too blind to see!
well, as many fans as possible should vote. If you are looking at the percentages per state it is VERY deceptive. Examples:

Montana - 91% voted no - but that was a grand total of 11 votes.
Vermont - 100% voted no - and that was 13 votes - so yeah - 13 people voted no and the whole state shows up as 100% no.

altogether its like 66% no and 34% yes - but again, if you count the number of votes, well, not a lot of people voted.
well, as many fans as possible should vote. If you are looking at the percentages per state it is VERY deceptive. Examples:

Montana - 91% voted no - but that was a grand total of 11 votes.
Vermont - 100% voted no - and that was 13 votes - so yeah - 13 people voted no and the whole state shows up as 100% no.

altogether its like 66% no and 34% yes - but again, if you count the number of votes, well, not a lot of people voted.

Ur rite!
Now NO takes a big percentage....
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voted. I hate that people are voting no. Whatever you think of Michael Jackson, at least give him the credit for the things he did do. The man has saved lives for crying out loud!
People are always more likely to complain about something than to praise it. Sad.

I voted, can't help your US states but at least the rest of the worls are now in favour (just!)

Michael will handily win this poll. Still, I don't think the poll takes IP addresses into account, so you can do this if you want to boost Michael's numbers:

1. Turn off Cookies in web browser
2. Vote ∞ Times For the CORRECT answer