Time for a spokesperson for MJ?

all of these are amazing ideas I just hope everyone takes this topic seriously
and not just say that they agree it seems like we(fans) are the only ppl who are willing to do something about it
something like this needs to happen to stop these ppl making money off of MJ
whining and complaining about it is not enough

i actually want to applaud YOU! i've seen all your posts and the amount of defending you have been doing.

Fans i know you are consumed with the never ending injustice mj had to deal with in life and now in death.But have hope,mj will get redemption.Yes we want it yesterday and right now.But it is going to take time.Someone will definitely write the definitive mj biography snatching him from the tabloids.It may not happen in our life time,but it will happen.Stop searching for negative articles about mj because you are going to find them.When you need an mj fix listen to his music,watch a video.Please don't give the proffessional haters,and shameless profiteers power over you.

I here what you are saying, but I am sad right now. There are some site tearing him to shreds. I am so tired of it. He loved his fans. He always said that. I am not going to give up but I am sad.

These sites tearing him apart we should go an rep Mike. As long as we let them do it they well continue. We have the power and knowledge to tear these type of sites down.
The media may ignore the press releases but fan clubs will not.

Remember that all these people now seek to sell stuff to MJ fans. If MJ fan clubs team up, say 2 or 3 and are releaseing press releases, then people like Schmuley and the rest will know fans don't like their garbage. Who are they going to market it too if teh core fanbase is calling them out?

Will they sell the books to MJ haters?

The press releases can be ignored by the media, but they can be circulated through MJ clubs in all countries and languages, since brief statements are easy to translate.

Think of this, when an Elvis book is put out, how many of you go out to buy it? The book is mainly targeted to teh Elvis fans.

But if the core Elvis fan clubs are circulating press releases calling out the writers and giving helpful information? how many will buy it?
Also commentary e.g. in Amazon can reference such press releases.

Just because the media will ignore it doesn't mean we take a defeatist attitude. Those fans who care to find out who the writers are, will research and come across the press releases.

Since MJ's passing, fans have been in a defeatist mode, but this needs to change and fans need to be more proactive.

We would all know that when it comes to MJ, its fans who matter and we should circulate the truth among ourselves, even as a reminder.
Then these people seeking to profit off MJ with negativity will have a few less books to sell when fans are knowledgeable via press releases circulated through fan clubs.

Press releases among fan clubs are more effective than a forum thread simply discussing say Deiter or Schmuley again, the pros and cons and their opinion and slander.
A statement is just that, solid, informative and to the point, no beating around the bush.

Then after that, fans can open threads and discuss.
Infact, with a press statement, fans are saved having a lengthy discussion over some of these rats that walked into Michael's life each time they speak. Because the new fans are brought upto speed and existing fans are reminded of the truth and these people's profile in a short condenced statement.
You won't get anywhere with maintstream media...no doubt in my mind about that. Those who wanted to help clear his name and rep like Nimmer, Pearl Jr. didn't get any takers for their truth-telling docs on MJ...media wasn't interested. However, you could compile all the archives of info fans have to date to tell HIStory...responding at the same time to the money grubbing sh!theads like Schmuley. Sift through all of the info the fans have acquired and chronologically go through it...create a Youtube account/channel just for clearing his rep and name to get the truth out there among the general public...just a suggestion.
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The media may ignore the press releases but fan clubs will not.

Remember that all these people now seek to sell stuff to MJ fans. If MJ fan clubs team up, say 2 or 3 and are releaseing press releases, then people like Schmuley and the rest will know fans don't like their garbage. Who are they going to market it too if teh core fanbase is calling them out?

Will they sell the books to MJ haters?

The press releases can be ignored by the media, but they can be circulated through MJ clubs in all countries and languages, since brief statements are easy to translate.

Think of this, when an Elvis book is put out, how many of you go out to buy it? The book is mainly targeted to teh Elvis fans.

But if the core Elvis fan clubs are circulating press releases calling out the writers and giving helpful information? how many will buy it?
Also commentary e.g. in Amazon can reference such press releases.

Just because the media will ignore it doesn't mean we take a defeatist attitude. Those fans who care to find out who the writers are, will research and come across the press releases.

Since MJ's passing, fans have been in a defeatist mode, but this needs to change and fans need to be more proactive.

We would all know that when it comes to MJ, its fans who matter and we should circulate the truth among ourselves, even as a reminder.
Then these people seeking to profit off MJ with negativity will have a few less books to sell when fans are knowledgeable via press releases circulated through fan clubs.

Press releases among fan clubs are more effective than a forum thread simply discussing say Deiter or Schmuley again, the pros and cons and their opinion and slander.
A statement is just that, solid, informative and to the point, no beating around the bush.

Then after that, fans can open threads and discuss.
Infact, with a press statement, fans are saved having a lengthy discussion over some of these rats that walked into Michael's life each time they speak. Because the new fans are brought upto speed and existing fans are reminded of the truth and these people's profile in a short condenced statement.

This is a great idea. In politics, they say go to the base. Well the fans are MJ's base. We are more powerful than the public thinks, because there are so many of us. If we educate one another with facts and the truth we become even more powerful. MJ loved his fans. We cannot let him down. We have been there for him and he has always praised us. Let's do it. We just need to organize ourselves.
Michael's own music clears up many misconceptions and lies about things that the public assume are true does it not? Sure it does.

The smear campaign has been going on for years. Schmuley and many others are willing participants. They aren't strangers to him no...but that doesn't make what they say credible. The media know better than that. Yet they purposefully give them a forum for their slander. Like two peas in a pod.

Tabloid Junkie, Money??? Why weren't some of these songs released by Sony to clear up some of the misconceptions and lies being spread about Michael long ago? Why record them if they weren't meant for release to the masses? Did they not want their money? Why? His record company did not want them to be...name and rep destroyed...damage done! Why aren't they out now? Too late?...I thought his music was timeless at least that is what some say...much of it is certainly relevant especially now. imo

Does Mr. McClain give a damn? He's the one who has control over Michael's music and legacy. How deep is the deceit?...tell me I wanna know. No conscience where money is involved. His death should tell us that.

Sony did not want the truth about the misconceptions and allegations out there...catalogue? Michael was getting shit on from all sides. They thought they OWNED him.

Sneddon tried to take his freedom failed the first time and the second too. Where were media then? I'll tell you...they were williingly ignoring the truth that he was innocent. The raids by two separate police/sheriff depts knowing full well he was innocent...that's gov't invading his home for nothing people! Where were the media? Watching the whole mess go down. WTF?

The rednecks even passed pics of him around town to humiliate him into leaving Neverland...this is before the Arvizo case. Where were the media then? Can't live amongst rednecks who constantly harass you and your kids right? Neverland was sold. This was known by media before his trial.

Lawsuits abound still. Strangers who had minimal if any contact with him were getting in on the act with the help of some very well known lawyer/media whore types who wanted to see him brought down. I guess they got their wish. His last "spokesperson" Bain is suing him for 44 mil...so much for loyalty, integrity, self respect. Are she and Dileo still on ATV board? How sweet!

Perhaps his only "crime" is not reading people well and giving them the benefit of the doubt when they didn't deserve it. Call them what you will leeches, hangers-on, opportunists...look what it cost him. It's over for him now, but his children will eventually have to deal with some of these a-holes. I hate that thought.

They mocked him constantly...How much crap can one person take? I think he did try to move on from the bashing and get on with his life...the media among others wouldn't let him.

What to do now? I don't know...Where do you turn, who do you trust? I wish I knew the answer to that question...I guess the only thing that gives me solace is that I myself know the truth...even if the corrupt media and his morally bankrupt "friends" don't want to tell it.

You are AMAZING!
If anyone is going to be Michaels spokesman I think it should be Rev Al Shapton (sp?), he was amazing at the memorial.