Time for a spokesperson for MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is it not time to have a spokesperson for MJ?

It seems that with the endless chain of "former" all appearing on TV to make their cash off Michael and to some extent slander him, no one is speaking in his defence on a daily basis, or giving any different side.

A lot of misinformation is generated, which unfortunately many fans will believe because no one says otherwise.

To have fans knowledgeable that these people are fraudsters and conartists who have manipulated Michael, and just discussing this info internally, does not help. It reminds me of a story about some townspeople, knowing that one of them was spreading misinformation to the public contrary to what had been discussed, but failing to talk to the public and only grumbling among themselves.

The Jackson family will not bother to issue statements in defence of Michael over such people, in any case, they know very little about them.

The same applies to teh executors

Former spokespeople like Ramone would only do that if they were getting paid to do the PR job.

For MJ, that leaves one group, his fans who know the truth.

If Elvis had passed away in the internet age, i bet his fans would have been proactive with the information they knew when others came out to spread all kinds of misinformation

Before we let former associates and the media totally re-write who Michael was for future generation of fans, ttwo or three responsible large fans clubs can team together and form an agreement to work only on a specific issue and draw up guidelines.

They can agree to work as an umbrella to speak on behalf of MJ fans, which will give them a say and a clout.

A separate press release website can be set up and statements issued, and also on some occassions, sensible fans, cleared by this umbrella group, can request a say on some of these programs. They should opearate under guidelines to avoid media exploiting or twisting their words, and if it happens, the press release site is there to highlight what was said and what was twisted or edited out. They can insist to do their interview segements with a camcorder or audio tape recording what they say to assist this.
And they will just volunteer their time.

That way, when fans get upset at the likes of Deiter and Schmuley, teh fan community can have a say.

Schmuley going about parading how close he was to MJ, ininuating all stuff and that he cut off friendship in 2003 would bring a whole new meaning if a fan community umbreall group released a press statement highlighting something like thi


Rabbi Schmuley is no different to the several self-serving con-artists that wiggled their way into Michael Jackson's life over the years under the veil of being something which they were not.

Rabbi Schmuley sought to misuse Michael Jackson's trust and his title as "Rabbi" to get Michael to discuss issues with him on audio tape. At no point did Michael ever give Rabbi SChmuley any written authorisation to disclose private conversations.

Rabbi Schmuley met Michael in 2000 and by 2001, Michael had severed ties with him after learning of Rabbi Schmuley's corrupt past, including being dismissed from a London synagogue for his book "Kosher sex" and also misappropriating money donated by individuals to a charity Michael had set up.

Rabbi Schmuley did not severe ties with Michael in 2003 as he falsely presents but Michael severed ties with him in 2001, yet for this short period, he seeks to parade himself as an expert on Michael's 50 year life.

Michael never appointed him as a spiritual advisor, a "moniker" many people try to use to get media airtime, and only discussed with him issues at the time on what Michael believed was a friend to friend basis, as one would hold discussions about topics with someone of a given profession or faith. Michael would discuss films with film actors, Music with musicians, and it follows that he would discuss life and religious issues with a rabbi. That does not qualify Schmuley as a spiritual advisor, in the same way discussing music with a musician does not qualify them as Micheal's music producer or director.

Rabbi Schmuley was introduced to Michael Jackson by Uri Geller, the same man who introduced Michael to Martin Bashir, and by February 2003, these are all the profit-motivated publicity-seeking people with negativity that Michael had cut out of his life.

Rabbi Schmuley has not had contact with Michael for 9 years and all his opinions and commentary should be held within the context of the above as he now seeks to profit from writing a book off tapes that Michael never authorised to be released.

Any claims that proceeds would go to charity should be looked at with the same critical eye as funds that were meant for Michael's charity got diverted elsewhere by Schmuley as this is another attempt to profit off Michael's fans with claims of charity, just as Bashir misled Michael that what he was doing would be for charity.

It should also be noted that NBC has paraded themselves as the champion of negative or unflattering Michael Jackson documentaries.
In 2003, after Bashir's documentary, they enagaged in this by producing a documentary of their own
In 2003, they sought to derail Michael's rebuttal documentary to Bashir's slander.
In 2004, they produced a slanderous documentary that prompted Thomas Mesereau to issue a statement concerning Michael's right to a fair trial
After 2005, they had a photo of Oprah and MJ with a caption asking readers who they would prefer dead
And in 2009. they dedicate an hour to Rabbi Schmuley's tapes and his injected opinions and insinuations when they could not dedicate a few minutes to positive Jackson material or books.

Such are the executives and producer's attitudes at NBC who have nothing positive to produce about Michael without injecting some form of slander.
The fan club umbrella group can agree what information to include in a press release, how to present it and then include that information in a one page press statement.

This will greatly help fans and the general public who know very little about some of these things.
It doesn't matter how many read it, what matters is that these truthfull information will be out there for future generations, the press release site can also be indexed by google news so that when such people's stories make the rounds, the fans version is also included.

And responsible journalists, book writers and so on seeking teh truth in the future will have a reference point, because belive me, no journalist has teh time to dig up every issue in Michael's life for an article or feature story, unless they can easily reference such material through press releases and interviews that were given.
hmm I have to say I am definately intrigued by the idea but how would we go about it may I ask?
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Yes it is time. The highest time.
I am surprised for a long time that nobody undertakes something against this whole defamation of the family or team Branca.
Everybody may say and write what he wants.
Nobody defends Michael.
Sounds like a really good plan. I have done a lot of research to get to the truth and not be misled by all the sensationalist newspaper reports and interviews with twisted information, and in doing so I found out that the truth was in accordance with my own ( strong) intuition.

How will we go about setting this up ?

I love to write, anything I can do to help get the truth out there, count me in!
I support this concept. It seems like a very good idea.
I agree something needs to be done. No one is speaking up for Michael. There are lots of Michael Jackson Fan clubs we should join together in this aspect.

It's amazing how his death is labeled a homicide and instead of getting investigative journalism we are getting this tabloid rubbish every day.

I thought the British press was bad but it seems the American media is even worse.
Maybe first we should set up a Youtube channel and a website,then try to find a group of people who have great knowledge about Michael and stuffs
That sounds great! I would love to help with this. Particularly like the google news idea, we need to do something for Michael's legacy! This has gone on way too long!
u can release press statements all u like but the media are the ppl who will have to report on it inorder for anyone to know about it.and thats a slight conflict of intrest for them. its difficult to counter act things when his own family are selling him out to the tabloids
Michael's own music clears up many misconceptions and lies about things that the public assume are true does it not? Sure it does.

The smear campaign has been going on for years. Schmuley and many others are willing participants. They aren't strangers to him no...but that doesn't make what they say credible. The media know better than that. Yet they purposefully give them a forum for their slander. Like two peas in a pod.

Tabloid Junkie, Money??? Why weren't some of these songs released by Sony to clear up some of the misconceptions and lies being spread about Michael long ago? Why record them if they weren't meant for release to the masses? Did they not want their money? Why? His record company did not want them to be...name and rep destroyed...damage done! Why aren't they out now? Too late?...I thought his music was timeless at least that is what some say...much of it is certainly relevant especially now. imo

Does Mr. McClain give a damn? He's the one who has control over Michael's music and legacy. How deep is the deceit?...tell me I wanna know. No conscience where money is involved. His death should tell us that.

Sony did not want the truth about the misconceptions and allegations out there...catalogue? Michael was getting shit on from all sides. They thought they OWNED him.

Sneddon tried to take his freedom failed the first time and the second too. Where were media then? I'll tell you...they were williingly ignoring the truth that he was innocent. The raids by two separate police/sheriff depts knowing full well he was innocent...that's gov't invading his home for nothing people! Where were the media? Watching the whole mess go down. WTF?

The rednecks even passed pics of him around town to humiliate him into leaving Neverland...this is before the Arvizo case. Where were the media then? Can't live amongst rednecks who constantly harass you and your kids right? Neverland was sold. This was known by media before his trial.

Lawsuits abound still. Strangers who had minimal if any contact with him were getting in on the act with the help of some very well known lawyer/media whore types who wanted to see him brought down. I guess they got their wish. His last "spokesperson" Bain is suing him for 44 mil...so much for loyalty, integrity, self respect. Are she and Dileo still on ATV board? How sweet!

Perhaps his only "crime" is not reading people well and giving them the benefit of the doubt when they didn't deserve it. Call them what you will leeches, hangers-on, opportunists...look what it cost him. It's over for him now, but his children will eventually have to deal with some of these a-holes. I hate that thought.

They mocked him constantly...How much crap can one person take? I think he did try to move on from the bashing and get on with his life...the media among others wouldn't let him.

What to do now? I don't know...Where do you turn, who do you trust? I wish I knew the answer to that question...I guess the only thing that gives me solace is that I myself know the truth...even if the corrupt media and his morally bankrupt "friends" don't want to tell it.
yes, this is the gread idea. we have to do something for michael. we need someone to organize and bond us together.
This is a great idea. I fully support it because I'm tired of all the people who claim to "know" Michael and be "friends" with him, esp. when they haven't even been in contact with him for YEARS. The media pretends not to know that, and then they inform people with all their misinformation. It's ridiculous. I hope something will help.
I watch a dvd yesterday the trial and triunph of the king of pop very good, thay tell you in this dvd that Martin Bashir did not get permission form michael to release that show Living with Michael Jackson. to must bad information is out there I think this is a very good idea I am for it
This is a great idea. I am in full support. I'm true believer in our power as fans and we have a lot of it. So count me in.
Fans i know you are consumed with the never ending injustice mj had to deal with in life and now in death.But have hope,mj will get redemption.Yes we want it yesterday and right now.But it is going to take time.Someone will definitely write the definitive mj biography snatching him from the tabloids.It may not happen in our life time,but it will happen.Stop searching for negative articles about mj because you are going to find them.When you need an mj fix listen to his music,watch a video.Please don't give the proffessional haters,and shameless profiteers power over you.
What kills my soul is his family like I know they all have lives but some body from that camp needs to start popping off on these people. But yes us fans can take a stand
the jacksons are old skewl....from the mentality of if u address it, it makes everyonehear about it and also, shows ur upset enough about it that it may be true.
i concur. ithink this needs to be down as soon as possible. Remember, this is only the first book from the rabbi. There is going to be a second book from the rabbi on MJ. if nothing is done about the rabbi now, i predict that the second book is even going to be WORST. This rabbi wants to write michael's entire histtory just based on a 30 hours tape.
I approve this!!!

I wanted this all along with the murder investigation - we need to unite & join forces.

I just hope the site owners could come to some agreement.

MJ's fan base is massive and global but we are too dispersed and not unified.
We have various social network groups, YT, Twitter, Facebook, etc. yet there isn't a single/ main source that we can get regular updates and announcements.

I think forming a consortium of all things Michael Jackson would be a great idea to defend and protect MJs legacy.

What if KOP, MJEOL, MJJC, and various other MJ sites unite together to form a "universal list of members"... so that we can "boycott" on such a large scale that NBC and others will have to think twice.
Or next time there is a show to discuss MJ or certain project we can have the MJ community representative there or be present or give a press release to inform the facts.

I don't know. but we have to do something.
brainstorming here:

so we get this umbrella/consortium group....
1. we have a list of members/email addys.
2. a book is released, a show is being aired.....
--the MJ group- send out an email to members.... a.) links so we can complain b.) use our own social sites (facebook, YT, twitter, etc) to post to our friends and family BOYCOTT.
3. If it is a show being aired we should....
-- we say to the network we will boycott the show
-- we will also boycott the companies of advertisers for a week, a month, forever.... whatever.
-- we should also request like the dateline show the other night .... give our representative a couple of minutes to say " here is the truth about the relationship between the rabbi and MJ.... the viewers can decide for themselves.
-- MJ group press release is a great idea. especially when these people go on talk shows... i am afraid the rabbi will be popping up at every talk show next week to promote his book with no network questioning his past acts "heal the world".

JUST BRAIN STORMING........ please excuse me. we need to do something!!!!
brainstorming here:

so we get this umbrella/consortium group....
1. we have a list of members/email addys.
2. a book is released, a show is being aired.....
--the MJ group- send out an email to members.... a.) links so we can complain b.) use our own social sites (facebook, YT, twitter, etc) to post to our friends and family BOYCOTT.
3. If it is a show being aired we should....
-- we say to the network we will boycott the show
-- we will also boycott the companies of advertisers for a week, a month, forever.... whatever.
-- we should also request like the dateline show the other night .... give our representative a couple of minutes to say " here is the truth about the relationship between the rabbi and MJ.... the viewers can decide for themselves.
-- MJ group press release is a great idea. especially when these people go on talk shows... i am afraid the rabbi will be popping up at every talk show next week to promote his book with no network questioning his past acts "heal the world".

JUST BRAIN STORMING........ please excuse me. we need to do something!!!!
all of these are amazing ideas I just hope everyone takes this topic seriously
and not just say that they agree it seems like we(fans) are the only ppl who are willing to do something about it
something like this needs to happen to stop these ppl making money off of MJ
whining and complaining about it is not enough