TII Program Photos

I feel as if I've died & went to heaven. God he's beautiful. :cry:

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
I scanned two pictures from official TII program that shows MJ smiling.
btw if you are in US and want to get this just go to walmart - the label shows the price as $15 but it rings as $10.


and of course

I scanned two pictures from official TII program that shows MJ smiling.
btw if you are in US and want to get this just go to walmart - the label shows the price as $15 but it rings as $10.


and of course


Lovely! Thanks!
He lost the sparkles in his eyes!
and he looked gaunt
fuck the arvizo family who made his life a living hell and
broke his heart and soul
question please......hope someone can answer me......

Why in TII MJ's headset mike was on his left side? In any other previous concerts he had....it's always on the right side. Did anyone notice this too?
Can someone please scan the whole programme please? Thanks in advance.
Oh my God I miss him. These photos are making me keep coming back to this thread.

these 2 are very HIStory like
and let's finish it with some smooth criminal pictures.. enjoy



Thank you so much. He did look tired at times. Such a beautiful man.
Thanks for the warm welcomes and thank yous, I'm touched. :)
I'll upload more tonight, I promise!
And yes, Michael truly looks beautiful in them. An angel.

Ps (edit)
The 4th photo didn't get scanned in very good quality, which was a shame cause I love it;
Here's a better version (zoom in for best results):
Oooo,Yes! He so fine. :sleep:
And you're right, it is much better. Thank you so much.
I can't believe I'm just seeing these.
You can order it at the official store:
And also at Ebay; There are lots of them there and they don't charge as much for shipping as the official store does.
Yeah, but I'd def go the Official route.
Thank you for sharing some of those beatuiful pictures, I'm thinking about ordering mine today.
Still tossing up whether or not I trust the internet enough to put my
credit card details on it though :unsure:
That's my whole thing too.
Which makes me very hesitant about donating to the forum,
and a lot of other things too.

I seen the program in walmart for 10.00..usd....
*Check* Thanks!
I wonder if it's still that price. That was 10 days ago.
Can someone please scan the whole programme please? Thanks in advance.
You the main one who should already have their OFFICIAL program.Lol!

Great post Lara!
Speaking of hands,.... Mike's mike.

Sorry for spamming Mods. I'm excited.
It wont happen again. :blush:
But I got one more to talk about. Lol!

Lara, again thanks for your generosity in sharing these photos.
They're great and I loved TII, the Documovie as well.
This one.........

Now this may not make sense, but on the left side of MJ's shirt tail,
it looks like and image of him from "Rock With You" combined with
the gold pants from HIStory. :unsure: Or is this some kind of reflection?
I dont recall seeing this image on other pics where he's wearing this shirt.