TII - Michael at his peak

Vocally he was at his peak. There was a thread here debating whether he was at his peak vocally, and the movie kind of finished the debate. He wasn't just better than evver. He was way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way better than ever before!!!!!!!!!!

He was still an incredible dancer, but obviously not as good as he was 15 years ago.

Anybody who saw the movie and disagrees about him being at his peak with his voice is obviously deaf.

I'm not deaf, but I am a musician, so I suppose I have a bit of an advantage.

(You're wrong)
For him being 50 I was impressed but what I saw. I think he would have had a great show that people would have loved and been entertained by no matter how different or similar his dancing and singing were to past times.
I can't agree with you, Michael wasn't at his peak he was very weak and pushing his limits during the whole thing. They overworked him. The only songs I liked were Billie Jean and Human Nature, don't get me wrong I love Michael but he wasn't there and It could not be otherwise he was stressed out and I am very sad, his only audience yhere were the dancers they made him going, he was suffering from cold and many other things. I wished I could say something different but having seeing Michael in 2 Tours and in person years ago. He was at his limit.
I agree with you a 100%. Michael wasn't at his best he was suffering, he was cold and not dancing at all. Me too I 've seeing Michael in Tours before and dancing at full gas.
I can't agree with you, Michael wasn't at his peak he was very weak and pushing his limits during the whole thing. They overworked him. The only songs I liked were Billie Jean and Human Nature, don't get me wrong I love Michael but he wasn't there and It could not be otherwise he was stressed out and I am very sad, his only audience yhere were the dancers they made him going, he was suffering from cold and many other things. I wished I could say something different but having seeing Michael in 2 Tours and in person years ago. He was at his limit.

You do realise that this was just rehearsals and not an actual concert, he wasn't going 100% because he didn't need to at this point. They were just working out ideas and how things were going to be.
I dont agree at all..
I have seen almost every tour of his adult life...starting with the Triumph tour at Madison Square Garden 81!
And the Moving Violation/Destiny Tours before that !!
IMO His peak was the BaD tour ..
Everything after that "IMO" became more and more smoke and mirrors.
Sorry but that's how I see it.
vocally he wud of mirked the dangerous and history tours..and human nature is far better this go round than that of bad and dangerous
I think this is how it is.....

Better than History tour?: YES
Better than Dangerous tour?: ON PAR WITH EACH OTHER
Better than Bad tour?: NO
Better than Victory tour: ON PAR WITH EACH OTHER
The man was 50 and this was only a rehearsal.. imo Michael at his best.
I think he's had more than one peak. As performances go, I loved the MTV '95 best AFTER Motown 25.

I think TII would have been his peak CONCERT because of its magnitude and all the incredible stuff featured, but as far as MJ just on stage, without a lot of other elements, Motown 25 and MTV '95 are my peaks.
Dance wise, i'd say "Bad" or "Dangerous" was his peak in terms of solo tours, but he still definitely had "it" with this tour.

Why bother to compare anything post Bad tour to the Bad tour? There were very few full on dance numbers in the Bad tour. Bad tour had swagger by the shitload, but choreographed dancing, it didn't. It was more about the singing and improv than anything else. and the backup dancers were just plain annoying :mello: TII is most similar to the Dangerous tour in content and structure, how much is live and how much is not etc. Also there's no sense in comparing Bad tour rehearsals to any others since they were being filmed for MTV, so Michael obviously would have stepped his game up for the cameras.
Just watched it now, defo not at his peak. Whether or not that was the best he could do now? I don't know. His voice was amazing in places, but do you think he would maintain that for a whole show while dancing? I don't think so. Victory/Bad is still the peak for me. Especially as far as dancing goes, I know it was just a rehearsal, but hes defo more on point in the Dangerous rehearsals than these ones.