TII - Michael at his peak


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just want to see how many people agree with me. Every friend I have seen the film with has said this same thing along with me.

I've seen the film 6 times now (and counting) and I've also seen concerts from every tour.

I have to say that Michael is at his absolute peak in This Is It. I think it was going to be the greatest tour of all time.

Vocally - he is light years ahead of where he has been, and he's only putting 5% into his vocals. The end of IJCSLY and the start also are incredible.

Phsyically - his moves are sharp and incredible. Billie Jean blew my mind every time. And again, this is only 5% effort. Look at the Dangerous Tour rehearsals, and the difference between them and the concerts. Dangerous Tour concerts were 1000x better than rehearsals in terms of energy. Can you IMAGINE how good TII would have been? No doubt that TII rehearsals are 100x better than Dangerous Tour ones!

Mentally - the new concepts, the way he comes out in thriller, the costumes, the effects, the changes to the songs, the short films...they all go to show that Michael was absolutely at his creative best. He just kept on enhancing everything until the day he went. He was ALWAYS pushing the limits with everything. Earth Song and TWYMMF are incredible too, and Jam and J5 medley are the best versions I have EVER heard bar none.

All in all, I think TII is Michael's ABSOLUTE peak and I cant get over how amazing and sad it is at the same time.

Can I get everyones thoughts on this?
I agree with you 100%. And it was only rehearsal footage too.
he was great,i loved billie jean, wanna be startin' sth and beat it especially.The man was in charge.Throughout the years he's been extraordinary in his performances,but this time i felt Michael was some kind of Lord,i felt it.
I just want to see how many people agree with me. Every friend I have seen the film with has said this same thing along with me.

I've seen the film 6 times now (and counting) and I've also seen concerts from every tour.

I have to say that Michael is at his absolute peak in This Is It. I think it was going to be the greatest tour of all time.

Vocally - he is light years ahead of where he has been, and he's only putting 5% into his vocals. The end of IJCSLY and the start also are incredible.

Phsyically - his moves are sharp and incredible. Billie Jean blew my mind every time. And again, this is only 5% effort. Look at the Dangerous Tour rehearsals, and the difference between them and the concerts. Dangerous Tour concerts were 1000x better than rehearsals in terms of energy. Can you IMAGINE how good TII would have been? No doubt that TII rehearsals are 100x better than Dangerous Tour ones!

Mentally - the new concepts, the way he comes out in thriller, the costumes, the effects, the changes to the songs, the short films...they all go to show that Michael was absolutely at his creative best. He just kept on enhancing everything until the day he went. He was ALWAYS pushing the limits with everything. Earth Song and TWYMMF are incredible too, and Jam and J5 medley are the best versions I have EVER heard bar none.

All in all, I think TII is Michael's ABSOLUTE peak and I cant get over how amazing and sad it is at the same time.

Can I get everyones thoughts on this?
thats me i haven't gotten over it yet , i saw it tuesday and im still driving my family crazy talking about it.. (j5) i know did you see how he brought that original set out for j5 that was so hot. and that guitarist in beat it amazing omg
I don't know if he was at his peak or not because I can't really tell from the film because it was just rehearsals and he wasn't really going 100%. However his voice was definitely still incredible and his vocal performance of Human Nature on This Is It is my favourite one that he has ever done of that song. Plus the end of I Just Can't Stop Loving You was perfecto. Creatively it seems like he was at his peak because the whole new takes on Earth Song, Smooth Criminal and Thriller were phenomenal.
My friend is not the mj fan, after the movie, she told me this concert would have been the best of all time, but we never get the chance to see it.
Are you serious? You can't compare TII with Bad, Dangerous, Victory and Triumph tour... Well, maybe you can compare it with Dangerous tour. TII is great, amazing, but definitely not the peek.
cant compair a rehearsal with a full blown concert show. u can only do that if we had footage of the actual show which we will never get
Yeah. Sorry, it's not Michael at his peak. He's just rehearsing, and btw the reason you think these rehearsals were "100x" better than Dangerous rehearsals is because you've never seen the Dangerous rehearsals painstakingly edited on a big screen in the cinema in excellent quality, with perfect audio. Michael in 1992 looked and sounded better than he did in This Is It.

This Is It was incredible and Michael was great. But his peak it certainly was not.
^^well aren't you nice? lol

Well, for me- Michael's voice has always been amazing. That's why I never get involved in silly convos about when his voice was the best, etc... Especially considering that on tour, it isn't easy to sing taking into account all the things that could happen (ie sickness, loss of voice, sore throat, tired voice, etc..)

But I think Michael sounded amazing. That was my favorite Human Nature performance ever- and I love that song live. IJCSLY was amaaaazing, and,well, everything he sang was amazing.

I can't call one particular area his peak, because his voice has always been the most beautiful voice to me, personally
Dance wise, i'd say "Bad" or "Dangerous" was his peak in terms of solo tours, but he still definitely had "it" with this tour. Now as far as singing, I think MJ could always sing! And "This Is It" was no exception.

Visually, I think "This Is It" would have been Michael's best tour by far however and his most creative too. It looked phenomenal. I think it might have been possibly his best and most entertaining tour ever. He totally updated his songs and the visuals for the performances looked incredible. I really wish Michael could have gotten a chance to perform this live in concert in front of an audience.
His voice honestly sounded better than EVER, and he said he was saving his voice. I wish we could hear his full power.

As far as dancing goes, he was amazing. He was smooth, and the new moves he was doing were great, I'm so glad he didn't just rehash old moves, he used an incorporated new/current dance styles and moves. Use of current dance styles is well seen in Threatened.

MJ is continually funny, no peak there :3
this is great!

i see what people mean about not having seen a full concert. its true, so i agree that maybe we cannot judge. but yeah, compared to the bad and dangerous rehearsals that i have seen i think its better. (btw bad and victory are my favourite eras, but i still think this would have been more explosive)

the point about the dangerous tour rehearals not being on big screen, that is very true, and im sure that there is more footage than just what we have done, but i have to say - edited or not - billie jean is better, much better. (in my own opinion anyway) and jam is phenomonal.

i guess we will never really know, but its a fun discussion!

(also about the issue of being skinny - michael reportedly only weighed 109 pounds on the victory tour, so i think he was actually in better shape here then he was there! if you look at some victory tour performances or photos you can see that mike was SO skinny)
he would have simply killed it. did you see there faces at times, did you see kenny ortega's face when they were testing those firework things, that summed up how i felt about the film and michael in it
Are you serious? You can't compare TII with Bad, Dangerous, Victory and Triumph tour... Well, maybe you can compare it with Dangerous tour. TII is great, amazing, but definitely not the peek.

You dont know becuase we never got to see the concert
where Michael would be giving his ALL and feeding off the
energy of his fans _ This was just a reheasal _Not a full
blown performance _ Fans need to know the difference

I have no doubt this would have been the
I know there were rehearsals but he sounded amazing. He wasn't giving it his 150% because he knew the moves and wanted to save his voice but there were times he would just let it go and it was great. He sang Human Nature beautifully and the I just Can't stop loving you he didn't want to see full out but he couldn't help himself. There is no doubt in my mind he still had it. Once the music hit it was like something came over him.

This was going to be an amazing concert series.
Vocally he was at his peak. There was a thread here debating whether he was at his peak vocally, and the movie kind of finished the debate. He wasn't just better than evver. He was way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way better than ever before!!!!!!!!!!

He was still an incredible dancer, but obviously not as good as he was 15 years ago.

Anybody who saw the movie and disagrees about him being at his peak with his voice is obviously deaf.
Are you serious? You can't compare TII with Bad, Dangerous, Victory and Triumph tour... Well, maybe you can compare it with Dangerous tour. TII is great, amazing, but definitely not the peek.

I actually do not care for The "Victory" tour all that much and there's no doubt in my mind that "This Is It" would have been superior. In fact, I would place it last when it comes to all of MJ's tours. Michael was hardly into it, looked tired and extremely thin (which yeah he looked really thin during "This Is It" rehearsals but at least he looked happy about performing). Michael only did the "Victory" tour as a favor to his family. Apart from a few performances like "Billie Jean", "Heartbreak Hotel", "Human Nature" and a few others, I don't think that tour was all that great tbh. Michael didn't want to do the tour and it showed. Triumph, Destiny, Bad and Dangerous were all much better than Victory. Only "History" was a decline a bit due to MJ's not singing live for the majority of the show.

From the rehearsal footage of "This Is It" though I could tell this was going to be MJ's best tour since "Bad" probably. I was so impressed with the visuals and MJ's live singing, as well as some new dance routines. I know dance wise, he had already reached his peak. Michael was never going to be able to dance the same way he did as when he was in his 20's or 30's, but he still danced well and like I said I liked how he was incorporating new routines instead of just the same ole', same ole'. He was really enthusiastic about performing on this tour and it showed. It was going to be a great show.

It had the makings of everything to make a fantastic show; A great live band, awesome dancers and back up singers, incredible visuals and technology, wonderful singing by MJ, re-working of his classics, new dance routines, etc. It looked soooo good and creative.

Just from watching rehearsal footage, I could tell he was gonna blow us away. "This Is It" would have been awesome.
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I don't think its that fair to comment on whether his dancing was at his peak or not because all Michael was doing in the rehearsals was marking and doing the minimum and only what he needed to do for timing. The only time where he did let loose a bit was at the end of Billie Jean with the new moves. However I bet you if Michael had done the concert and you saw his dancing at full capacity, we all would have been very very impressed.
I was impressed with his singing but his dancing too and these were just rehearsals. It didn't look like he was having a problem keeping up with the younger dancers. I can't judge his dancing because he wasn't giving it his all during rehearsals. I really think when it was the actual show he was going to let loose and it would have been great.
I don't think its that fair to comment on whether his dancing was at his peak or not because all Michael was doing in the rehearsals was marking and doing the minimum and only what he needed to do for timing. The only time where he did let loose a bit was at the end of Billie Jean with the new moves. However I bet you if Michael had done the concert and you saw his dancing at full capacity, we all would have been very very impressed.

not every minute of every rehearsal is going to be just going through the motions. towards the end you have to do it exactly like you would during the concert to make sure it's going to work. that is why they do dress rehearsals with lighting and everything because it's hard to predict what will go wrong. Plus he's going to want to see it first on camera and test how it looks when contrasted against the back up dancers, stage, costumes ect..

Yes his dancing would have been better though in the actual concerts becaues the rehearsals would have been completely finished. As of now they weren't as far along as they would have been two weeks later. Plus MJ would have been well rested for the concerts because instead of doing six hour rehearsals every day, he'd have been doing like a one hour show every couple of days.

So yes his dancing would have been better but we still saw enough to know that he wasn't as good at dancing as he used to be, which is completely understandable. He was 50 years old with horrible arthritis in his back and a life plagued by inuries. Even with steroids his dancing wouldn't have matched his earlier years, and if it had people would have accused him of being an alien or a terminator or a gentically altered super human or something.

His dancing was still incredible though. Just not as incredible as it was before. But it was still incredible.
^^ I respectfully disagree with you about seeing enough to know his dancing wasn't as good as it used to be because all the footage in the film was just him marking the moves. Had that been the concert footage or him going all out then I would agree but like I said it was just him marking and dancers who worked with Michael before said that was exactly what he was doing. He did exactly the same thing in the Dangerous rehearsals yet when you saw him on stage he was explosive. Plus in the film we didn't see any full dress rehearsal footage at all, I know AEG were trying to say that there was but there wasn't since we didn't see any performance where all the elements were together and everyone was wearing the costumes etc. Course I wasn't expecting him to move as fast as say BAD or Dangerous tours but I reckon the moves he were going to do were going to be more complex.
Vocally, I agree. Physically, it's hard to say because he wasn't going all out. I wonder how much of an effect it would have had on his vocals if he simultaneously went full throttle on the dance moves, but I like to think he would've been at least as good as in the BAD tour, which I consider his best tour.

When you add all the astounding production into the mix, I have no doubt that This Is It overall was gonna be his best concert.
I just think it's hard to judge the dancing when he wasn't giving it his all. But he could still move and I was happy to see him up there singing and dancing and working. At times he looked pleased with what was going on. Didn't Kenny say that the 20 something year old dancers had trouble keeping up with Michael than the other way around? The actual show was going to be a different story.
^^ I respectfully disagree with you about seeing enough to know his dancing wasn't as good as it used to be because all the footage in the film was just him marking the moves. Had that been the concert footage or him going all out then I would agree but like I said it was just him marking and dancers who worked with Michael before said that was exactly what he was doing. He did exactly the same thing in the Dangerous rehearsals yet when you saw him on stage he was explosive. Plus in the film we didn't see any full dress rehearsal footage at all, I know AEG were trying to say that there was but there wasn't since we didn't see any performance where all the elements were together and everyone was wearing the costumes etc. Course I wasn't expecting him to move as fast as say BAD or Dangerous tours but I reckon the moves he were going to do were going to be more complex.

when we saw the dangerous rehearsals they weren't like this with the best clips edited together. the dangerous rehearsals that have leaked look like they are all from one day. how do we know that two days later he wasn't dancing all out?

And there were times in the this is it rehearsals where it did look like he was going all out.

but realistically it literally would have physically impossible for him to be as good at 50. No athlete is going to be better at age 50 than in their 30's unless they hadn't practiced much at that age which we all know isn't the case with MJ.

Just look at the other MJ, MIchael Jordan. Compare 40 year old Jordan to his younger self. Then take into consideration that Jackson was 10 years older than that.
i just want to see how many people agree with me. Every friend i have seen the film with has said this same thing along with me.

I've seen the film 6 times now (and counting) and i've also seen concerts from every tour.

I have to say that michael is at his absolute peak in this is it. I think it was going to be the greatest tour of all time.

Vocally - he is light years ahead of where he has been, and he's only putting 5% into his vocals. The end of ijcsly and the start also are incredible.

Phsyically - his moves are sharp and incredible. Billie jean blew my mind every time. And again, this is only 5% effort. Look at the dangerous tour rehearsals, and the difference between them and the concerts. Dangerous tour concerts were 1000x better than rehearsals in terms of energy. Can you imagine how good tii would have been? No doubt that tii rehearsals are 100x better than dangerous tour ones!

Mentally - the new concepts, the way he comes out in thriller, the costumes, the effects, the changes to the songs, the short films...they all go to show that michael was absolutely at his creative best. He just kept on enhancing everything until the day he went. He was always pushing the limits with everything. Earth song and twymmf are incredible too, and jam and j5 medley are the best versions i have ever heard bar none.

All in all, i think tii is michael's absolute peak and i cant get over how amazing and sad it is at the same time.

Can i get everyones thoughts on this?

agree 1000%
when we saw the dangerous rehearsals they weren't like this with the best clips edited together. the dangerous rehearsals that have leaked look like they are all from one day. how do we know that two days later he wasn't dancing all out?

And there were times in the this is it rehearsals where it did look like he was going all out.

but realistically it literally would have physically impossible for him to be as good at 50. No athlete is going to be better at age 50 than in their 30's unless they hadn't practiced much at that age which we all know isn't the case with MJ.

Just look at the other MJ, MIchael Jordan. Compare 40 year old Jordan to his younger self. Then take into consideration that Jackson was 10 years older than that.

I do understand where you are coming from. It's just I can't personally say either way for sure because I didn't see the final product and him going 100%. I agree it's likely that the dancing may not be the same as when he was younger because age naturally takes its toll on your body but I can't say that for sure and plus with Michael people tend to underestimate. I know some people were believing for a while that Michael could not sing very well anymore etc and were not expecting him to sound great and then they've seen this footage and can see that Michael still definitely had it vocally and was arguably at his peak he surprised everyone in a big way.