TII and the Golden Globes

I disagree.

The sets were built for the concerts, not the film. The footage was only shot for MJ's archive.

How can you say that editing is more important to filmmaking than shooting!?

It's a load of old home movie footage spliced together at the last minute to make some quick cash.

It's not even a documentary because it is misleading. A Sony rep admitted after the Sun's story that old audio had been edited into the film. So it barely even qualifies as a documentary, because a documentary is supposed to be truthful and realistic.
The docu-style of this film makes it in a completely different category to the films that are actually nominated for a globe. They're huge! I think it's a shame, but it was to be expected :(
We have different perspectives. I can accept that and focus on where to get the best DVD/Blu Ray package, which is a vexing problem so far.

I disagree.

The sets were built for the concerts, not the film. The footage was only shot for MJ's archive.

How can you say that editing is more important to filmmaking than shooting!?

It's a load of old home movie footage spliced together at the last minute to make some quick cash.

It's not even a documentary because it is misleading. A Sony rep admitted after the Sun's story that old audio had been edited into the film. So it barely even qualifies as a documentary, because a documentary is supposed to be truthful and realistic.